Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. I would like to present my recent work - TFC Progressive Pack ver. 1.53 - extension of technology, transportation and weaponry beyond TerraFirmaCraft lifespan. Mod pack contents are /mods, /config and /scripts directories, which must to be unpacked into .minecraft directory (I recommend to purge these directories prior to unpacking) The main modpack assumptions are: no ore duplicates, TFC ores and items are a core of the modpack, other mods uses TFC resources extensively. additional tech. mods are fully unlocked on advance of TFC tech. chain (crucial items and blocks of post-TFC mods need end-game TFC materials) most of receipts are altered by Minetweaker scripts, NEI use is strongly recommended some vanilla items are unlocked, but need advance into TFC tech tree (for example vanilla furnace need iron) diverse mob strength and spawn conditions, valuable drops from rare strong mobs ingame manual/diary List of all mods included in modpack (underlined bold are mandatory mods involved in modpack crafting receipts, italics are client side mod): Wiki is hosted here Some images: Known issues: Important notes: Please do not hesitate to point me any bugs or problems. Modpack contain readme file with all mods author credits listed, hope that I met all license stuff correctly. Please note, since ver.0.4, modpack hosted by github. Download link is here:
  2. Greetings again. I have decided to bring back the Waterhollow server and mod pack I made about a year ago. The server will be public until we have issues with trolls then I will add a whitelist to it if needed. Server Rules Ages 17+ and must have a mic No Killing on sight or Random Death Match. This is a role play server PVP is enabled but you must have a reason to attack/kill someone. Yelling "I'm going to kill you" before you attack someone is acceptable. As long as you give some type of warning before you attack you should be fine. No revenge killing or spam killing. Meaning do not go after someone who just killed you or do no keep killing the same person over and over. No Griefing/Raiding. Griefing will never be allowed. You are not to kill animals. How ever you cankill someone and steal their inventory,but you must still initiatecombat. If the stuff is not on claim it is considered abandon and you may destroy/ steal from these buildings only. If your character dies your character forgets what happen for the pass 10 minutes. No breaking/stealing train tracks. Do not break the twitch ToS. This is to protect the server's streamers including myself. Basic stuff no hate speech racismetc. Do not install any extra mods that are not in the mod pack. You may install journey map and fastcraft to your client side if needed. In game chat is to be use as a out of character talk try not to use it much. Use the in game voice chat to RP withpeople around you. Voice chat has a 64 block range. Server Mods Animal crate bibliocraft crayfish furniture dynamic lights emotes ftb utilities(land claims) Glibys voice chat Hardcore Darkness Peaceful Surface (monsters mostly will only spawn in caves) secret rooms ships streams Traincraft (custom recipes/not all trains are craftable) Leather water Sac Terrafirmacraft Automated Bellows Cellars Now using Twitch launcher. Info is in the discord. Install the newest version of the pack server will auto be listed Server Discord: Dynmap: Known bugs: Do not use a secret room block on a ship it messes up textures on the ship. How to apply. What is your minecraft name? Your Age? Have you read the rules? How long have you been using TFC mod?(new players are welcome just wondering mostly) What do you plan on doing mostly on the server?(farming/mining/blacksmith/etc)
  3. TFC with Traincraft ore trouble.

    Hi guys. First of all, im new so sorry if im wrinting this in the wrong section of the forum. My problem is the following, i want to play TFC with traincraft, it is work beutiful in creative mode but i want to play it in survival. Thats right but the problem is that the ores which is provided by the traincraft dont spawn naturally. Is there a way to make them spawn in survival? P.S.: Sorry about my bad english. Adam.