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ATTENTION Forum Database Breach 03/04/2019
There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again. -
This forum is now READ ONLY! 01/20/2020
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Search the Community: Showing results for tags 'whitelist'.
Found 27 results
FORESTS OF TERRA About us: Forests of Terra is a new whitelisted server that I'm hoping to be around 30 members big with a large thriving community that lasts for monhts. This server is not like any other TFC server as we try and focus on the beauty of the game to maximise the enjoyment and increase the longevity of which you will want to play for. We achieve this by adding a lot of graphical mods and new sounds which includes a new soundtrack and for the first time in years I'm playing minecraft with the music ON becuase it makes the game feel less like a game but nature in it's purest from, hence the name Forests of Terra Mods: We use a lot of additional mods to try and improve tfc not only with game mechanics but content, graphical enhancements and new and amazing audio. You do not have to download the mods separately as we have complied them all into one file which can be found in our discord. How to join: Join our discord with the link below and submit an application form, if everything goes well you will be accepted. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, and Ihope that you all apply and I'll see you there
Hello, I'm posting this topic with some hope there are some hidden private/whitelisted servers that are still active. I am not interested in public servers because of the kids who start and give up, and then a server is filled with half-assed "houses". I am 19 year old student, with two years of TFC experience and playing on other whitelisted and private servers, and I'm mostlyexcelling in farming and brewing alcohol. After grinding some materials like wood and stone I build my own Tavern and run it, supplyinglocal villagewith alcohol, grain and trade with other villages. I believe in diplomacy, brain over brawn.
Seems I'm not the only person wishing for a server closer to home, so I've set one up. The server is hosted in Japan, and I'm getting good ping and low lag from Australia. Fairly basic TFC, but with Leather Water Sac, Cellars, Aroma Backup, and Waila added for something a little extra. Address: ATLauncher Share Code: KpTbTYwe For some reason the share code doesn't include Aroma Backup, you'll need to manually install it. I'll look into getting a new share code. Full Mod List: Forge, TFC, OpenEye, Waila, FastCraft, Leather Water Sac, TFC Sellers, AromaBackup Optional: Sound FIlters, ItemPhysic Lite, JourneryMap FairPlay The server's only been up a couple of weeks with a fresh map, there's about half a dozen regulars gradually creeping toward the iron age. Whitelisted mostly just to stop fly-by griefers, so post here with your mc username to get added. Basic Rules: No griefing No stealing PvP by agreement only No excessive profanity in chat Or to sum it up: be nice, have fun, don't ruin other's fun.
- 36 replies
- leather water sac
- cellars
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After a long, successful and very fun run with the TNFC Server, the time has come to move on. After 4 different maps and 300 odd players over them, we've had some great times, great builds and tons of laughs. Hope to see you all for whatever our next TechNode project might be. Anode This is the official server for the TechNodefirmacraft (TNFC) pack on the AT Launcher. TNFC integrated a number of tech mods (Railcraft, Immersive Engineering, Mekanism to name a few) into a smooth and complete experience that takes off where the TFC progression comes to an end. The official TNFC server just launched a new huge map on Friday and we're always happy to have more join in as we explore the new world and build away. This pack does run a slightly customized version of TFC to allow some better integration with some of the mods in the pack. No plugins are run. No cheaty /back /home /tpa commands. If you want to get around quickly, then it's up to the players to build it. The only admin tools we use are Forge Worldborder to keep folks on the pregenned chunks and FTB utilities which allows players to claim chunks for themselves and prevent others from doing anything in those chunks unless designated. The server is whitelisted, we're looking for mature, self starters with a good sense of fair play and a keen sense of humour. If you'd like to join the server, submit an application on our forums. There is no hard age limit. As long as you don't have a history of server bans, and can exhibit mature behaviour, all are welcome. The server is a dedicated i5 4670k with 16GB of RAM running CentOS 6. A RAID 10 array supports the world providing both security and performance. Daily backups and 4 daily restarts as well as a completely pre-genned map ensure a smooth playing experience. The admins have a long history of moderating and running servers and have the tools and knowledge to keep the tick rate up, keep the griefers away and ensure everyone has a good time. Details on the TNFC Modpack are available here If you have any questions about the pack or the server, feel free to come ask away on IRC: #technode@espernet. Hope to see y'all soon! AnodeCathode
- 10 replies
- unofficial
- whitelist
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ProspectCavin' Server IP: Mod Files: ProspectCavin' is a new TerraFirmaCraft Server, looking to attract a mature community, With high hopes to conquerthe infested lands of TerraFirmaCraft & Have a good time! Rules 1.) Be Respectful 2.) Be Trustworthy 3.) Don't Steal or Grief 4.) Have Fun 5.) PvP is okay if other player agrees If you read rules, please include "Jute" in app. Application IGN: Timezone: Age: Date of birth: Info: Server hosted with BisectHosting (2.5Gb RAM, Dual Xeon Cpu) Server Mod Files includes: TerraFirmaCraft 79.28.909 (Obviously haha) Rei's Mini Map Optifine FastCraft Not Enough Item's TerraFirmaCraft NEI Plugin Code Chicken Core
Ilhas is a new south american vanilla Terrafirmacraft server that is hosted in Sao Paulo - Brazil in order to improve the gameplay experience for south american players! It is whitelisted and has a discord server to coordinate whitelist applications. Everyone is welcome to join and have some fun! Discord link: Rules: 1- No griefing/stealing/harmful behavior ; 2- Respect everyone Player Slots: 10 Availability: Always-online Mods: None so far. If you have any questions join the discord and ask away! Support will be provided both in English and Portuguese o7
- 1 reply
- english
- portuguese
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All good things must come to an end. It's time to take Darkagecraft Off Line. When TFC2 is released we may revive the server. I had lots of fun and will miss all of you that made us into a community. Now with 3 Servers and a Central Hub: Main Address: This is the hub. We plan on adding mini-games to this area. Mumble Server: use default port, the password is : Terrafirmacraft Dynmap in the Forum., just click on the server banner Server features: External host: up 24/7 Exclusive forum website. : Skype on the forum. Modpack, each server uses a different modpack. TFC-Puritan: Darkagecraft: DarkPunk: In Development Whitelist Application. Please one application per player.
If you are looking for a small community for TerraFirmaCraft with role-play and white list then this is the server for you! This server is completely Vanilla except for FTC and it's for people who wish to play in a tight community with active players that can converse and create a city wide trade system with lots of trade and conversing with 0 conflict and over 9000% fun. This server is fairly new and we are looking for around 10-15 players depending on how it goes. If you wish to join please make an application following this format: Application: Full Name: Time-Zone: Skype: yes or no? Ingame Name: Age: Experience with Minecraft: Experience with TFC: Why you wish to join: If your application is accepted you will be replied to and the servers IP will be sent to you via Private Message with an ETA of 30 minutes! (unless I'm nowhere to be found). Hope To See You There!!!
- 125 replies
- community based
- whitelist
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[79.29] {Closed} Spicecraft TFC Reopened, New Map! Whitelisted, no age restriction Need Staff
Catluvr9000 posted a topic in Servers
Welcome to Spicecraft TFC! We run the latest 79.29 terrafirmacraft!We also have NO age restriction, but we do ask that you be mature. there is NO limit on trees or animals or anvils! if you would like to contact me other ways to get whitelisted, my Skype is Memelord404 (Should be the picture of a neko and have a phone number as the username), and my discord is Catluvr9000#4179. if my tag says dnd, please do not contact me until i remove that tag. We also need staff, but will only get staff if you do NOT ask, and if you show staff-like qualities. Addons: Automated Bellows TFC Udary TFC Deco TerraMisc Optional Addons: More player models (Supported) Our rules: 1. Don't be a d*ck, use common sense. 2. no greifing/spamming/trolling/hacking etc. 3. if you don't want it done to you, its not welcome here! Whitelist app: IGN?: Skype? (if any): What will you do on the server?: The ip Other stuff: Minimaps are supported, and you can also teleport to waypoints! and there is also /fly, /home, /warp, and other things! you can also use /marry, and we are working on greif prevention! -
Automation Inc Technode Now accepting applications Automation Inc is a multi-game community formed around Modded Minecraft in 2012. The youngest member of ourcommunity is 19 withnearly all others being over 22.We are a tight group who enjoy playing games and shooting the shit on Discord. If this sounds like a place for you feel free to read on. Pack TechNodeFirmaCraft with some modifications Online since 10/20/2016 Currently active players 9 Player Cap 15 Server Dedicated Active TZ US Prime Time Map: The map has been pregenerated out to 300 Chunks in every direction. There are two major continents and a few islands. (Full size, 11MB Image) If you would like to apply please submit an application >>Here<< FYI: If you apply using your discord ID be sure to include the full ID. Just your name won't work. I need your name and your 4 digit id E.G:Name#0000 to be able to find you.
Small Community TFC server now looking for applicants. This is an offline mode server FYI. The server includes but not limited to the following plugins. Towny Authme - For offline mode server to login. (plan on setting up email registration and password reset) WorldGuard Essentials Iconomy Worldedit - WorldGuard What we are looking for. Mature individuals that are interested in development and enjoyment of survival. Anyone that wants to have fun, build huge projects as a team with everyone on the server. Please reply to this post with the following application filled out and/or email me directly at [email protected] IGN: (In Game Name - Whitelist Purposes) Age: How long have you played Minecraft?: How long have you played TFC?: Favorite part of Minecraft? Favorite part of TFC: (if you are new just say so this will not prevent you from joining) Specialization in TFC: (armorsmith? farmer? combat? what do you specialize in. leave blank if you are unsure) A little about yourself: Questions, Suggestions, Comments:
Hi! Making this post quick and dirty so here it is, I'm looking for a small server friendly server to play on and cooperate with people, no stuff like towny etc. Just plain old TFC. This server has to be white listed or atleast private. Just reply to the thread if you got such a server or can link me to a proper one. Thanks in advance, Sammeh48,
[Offline][0.79.14][autocraftnation] Vanilla TFC Server - New Map - Whitelist
lordi91 posted a topic in Servers
REMEMBER THIS SERVER IS WHITE LISTED THAT MEANS YOU CANT CONNECT JUST BY TRYING I AM NOW KEEPING A LOG AND IF YOU TRY AND CONNECT WITHOUT AN APPLICATION IT WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY DENIED Ive had this server a while with TFC on it but kept to myself, I am part of a group where we currently have a modded (FTB) and a vanilla server and decided to make the TFC server public (well whitelisted) Please also visit our forums (once signed up please pm me if you dont see any forums within 24hrs) TFC Version: Beta Server IP: You will now need to get this from me via PM or the forums as i'm getting people trying to login constantly Rules: Please View our Forums for these Whitelist Form Age: IGN: Why this server: -
[Offline][0.79.18] NEW The United Miners TFC server whitelisted
RaymondIII posted a topic in Servers
We have started a new TFC server that will now be stable to run unlike the last couple of times i have tried. You MUST be 15 years of age to be accepted, also please follow the following sign up requirments. IGN: Age: What are you good at in TFC, or what skill do you wish to focus in? Do you wish to join the main town or be on your own? either is fine, this is just for keeping track of how many towns we will have. Skype(optional) Skype is required if you want server info/updates on what is going on. it also helps better communicate what is going on in the main town when others are offline. Rules: 1. do not steal from the main town or from any other town/community member 2. do not kill others 3. have fun! i will pm you through this forums giving you the IP. sorry version is 79.18 not 78.17 -
The server will be closing on May 22nd. The world will be available for download shortly before that date from my forums. --- We are now in the new version (world may change right now), and still working on getting everything configured. ---- Rhodance's HugBox TerraFirmaCraft Server A mature, whitelist-only server. Hosted in Dallas, TX, USA We now have a forums! Located here: being a member on those forums is not required, but eventually you will have to be, to get whitelisted. --- Rules --- 1. Do not steal from, raid, harass, or murder your fellow TFC'ers 2. Don't be a dick in chat. mildly offensive jokes are just funny, but if you are not cool with that, own up to your feelings and tell us. --- App format --- IGN: Age: Why this server?: 2 sentence description of yourself/interests: --- Server Address --- TFC Server: TeamSpeak3 server: --- Required Mod Information --- Minecraft: V1.7.10 Forge: TFC: --- Optional Mod Information --- [Highly Recommended] Fastcraft: Smart Moving: Player API:
[Offline][0.79.13] TreeTech network TFC Server [No longer accepting applications :( ]
AwesomeBlock2000 posted a topic in Servers
TreeTech network TFC b79.13 Server - [Whitelisted] We are no longer accepting applications due to some issues. Not accepting applications until further notice. Hosted out of Canada! The TreeTech network is a small network of servers (TFC, Vanilla, and more to come) We have very nice players and staff and our TFC server is based around Towny and the TerraFirmaCraft mod. It's lots of fun making towns with your friends! We accept new players all the time and the whitelist application is simple: In-game-name: Main interests: How long have you played TFC for?: Age: What do you build: How long have you played Minecraft For?: What will you contribute to the community?: What is your personality like?: SERVER RULES: 1.1: No greifing. Period.2.1: No theft. Period.3.1: Keep chat clean.3.2: No profinity3.3: No rude / mean comments for no good reason.3.4: Any shape or form of cyberbullying through the server chat will not be tolerated.3.5: No homophobia!3.6: No racsisim.4.1: Build a minimum of 150+ blocks from spawn. We want to keep a pretty clean spawn area.4.2: Collect resources 150+ blocks from spawn. Again we want to keep spawn pretty.STAFF:TFC Staff include:TFC-Mod: 15Darkstar15 (Nick)TFC-Admin: sierzoe (Zoë)TFC-Admin: Werrt12345 (Aaron)TFC-Owner: AwesomeBlock2000 (John)The mods are:TFC.1.7.10.b79.13 [Download]The plugins we run are:TownyGroupManagerLocketteHealthBarCoreProtectEssentials (Essentials Chat and Essentials Spawn)World GuardWe have been running since 1.4 (2012) as a vanilla server. MinecraftForum for vanilla server coming soon!If you are accepted I will PM you the IP- 40 replies
Hello! Me and a friend has been playing TerrafirmaCraft on single player a little and we know the basics. We lately have been trying to setup a server to play on without any success. We are now coming out here to see if someone might have a small server with the need of 2 new guys. Both of us are from Europe so preferably the server will be hosted somewhere there. Both of us has skype and wouldn't be scared to talk if needed.We want to get on a server so we can explore TFC to it's fullest together, without people destroying or taking all the usefull ores and crops. As I wrote earlier both of us has some experience and need help with the things later on. It doesn't have to be from anyone on the server since the wiki is a real thing.We are big fans of letting things be the way they are supposed to so a vanilla TFC is the best for us.We are both male at the age of 16 with more than understandable English. Incase you have a server or is willing to host one and play with us please tell me so in the comments! Thank you so much in advance!
[Offline] TerraAvsCraft build 78 server no grief no steal whitelisted
Avsnoopy posted a topic in Servers
I'm avsnoopy, i own TerraAvsCraft a Vanilla TFC server. TerraAvsCraft is in build 0.78.16. The aim is to be a small server with a average of 4 people to be online at once. Rules are self explanatory, No stealing, no greifing, no killing unless justified or agreed upon by both players(good examples: You and your friend want to pvp. You catch someone stealing from you. Bad examples: You kill someone to take what belongs to them.) There aren't any other mods or expansions. I am the only staff but i play frequently and am very friendly (I'll help you out and give you pointers) The server is whitelisted, if you want to join reply to this thread with your Ign and age and i'll whitelist you within a day. Also add me on Skype if you would like(abesnoopy) I'm open to questions. thank you. [note: I reserve the right to not whitelist you or remove you from the server at any time if i think it is necessary.] EDIT: IMPORTANT!!! THE SERVER IS NO LONGER TAKEING APPLICATIONS. THANKYOU EVERYONE!!- 4 replies
- vanillia tfc
- whitelisted
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2 Guys Looking For A Good Server Must Be 1.6.4 And vanilla TFC [Can Have plugins]
Pro Vids posted a topic in Server Request
Looking For A 1.6.4 server must bevanilla TFC can be white listed or not does not matter also can have plugins Are IGNS are schneidyman123 and donutdude900 We are both 13 He have been playing for 3 months also- 4 replies
- Whitelist
- NonWhitelist
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[Offline] EXtraFirmaNightfurycraft|Towny|LWC|ChestShop|Essentials|StartingKit|EU NO WHITELIST, OPEN FOR ALL
nightfury18 posted a topic in Servers
Hello and welcome to Nightfuries epic minecraft server! This is a small lil server with some active players, mostly betwhen 3-6 it is a friendly server so pvp is disabled, the server is also set to "easy" mode so it means that evry noob out there have a fair change to survie You may also get kits for free! basic survial tools and water jug make it easy for you to survie, you also spawn far south where there is mildier climate for better survival! *Basic information about server No whitelist, Open for all! Easy mode, Easy to survie Friendly, No pvp Towny, make towns and live with your friends Starter kit, Gives you basic tools to survie! Chest shop! create your own lil market stall to sell your apples. and ear monies to build your town! Rules 1. NO griefing 2, No stealing 3, No raiding 4, DOnt be a jerk basically 5, Have fun! Also download the Extrafirmacraft addon for better expierence! -
[Offline] - Deutsch/German - TFC 0.78.17 - PVE/White
Geartwo posted a topic in Servers
Server Neueröffnung Nachdem wir den Server mit der Version 52e geschlossen haben kommt jetzt das Reboot. Wir sind ein Deutschsprachiger PVE Server mit Whitelistschutz und Ohne Monster. Wir wollen eine friedliche Community die einander gegenseitig hilft. Um freigeschalten zu werden melde dich einfach auf unseren TS an und sag GEARTWO wieso du mitspielen willst oder schreib hier ne Bewerbung. IP: m4.chrometech.atMods: TFC, Smart MovingTS-IP: chrometech.atWebseite: chrometech.atUptime: 24/7Für alle Hardware-Fetischistenunter euch haben wir hier auch noch die Server Spezifikationen Standort: FrankreichFinanzierung: Spenden unabhängigUpload: 1 GbitDownload: 1 Gbit1x Intel® Xeon® E5 16502x 3 TB SAS 7k26 cores 12 [email protected] Ghz cache L3 12MB, x64, VT64 GB DDR3ECCRaid 1- 3 replies
- Chrometech
- German
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*UPDATE* I am not currently accepting new apps this weekend as my whitelist has reached what i consider full. this may change so look for new updates if i decide to replace absent players/ can justify adding moreHello to all my fellow TFC players, I decided to start a mid sized whitelisted server and i'm looking for new players. This will be a mature (Age 18+) server and my whitelist will reflect those who wish to play as a communityThis post may seem excessively long, but I want to answer any major questions for applicants prior to whitelisting/ build the best and funnest community I can with the resources the server has (also cut down on whining if something doesn't go your way)The rules are as follows:No Griefing/StealingNo Racism/ Excessive Swearing (I don't care if you swear but if it becomes disruptive i reserve the right to deal with it as i see fit after i give you a warning, if someone asks you to stop in general chat, you are expected to do so or I will warn you)No Spam or Advertizing other serversNo Use of Exploits/Unfair Advantages (everything on this server will be done legit, the only exception is me for 1.testing plugins 2. testing for lag 3. undoing any grief)No Harrasing Other Players*If a player is disruptive to the community such that a large majority want them gone, they will be removed even if they have not technically broken an above ruleCurrent Plugins on Server-Towny (will be used as anti-grief and /t spawn and /t outpost will be the main teleport system)-World Border (for pregenerating terrain mostly)-CoreProtect (Block logger, files purged regularly to cut down on lag)-EssentialsSpecial Notes-I will be making this a 20 slot server, the initial whitelist will be at most ~30 people (because not everyone will be on at once)-I will give priority to whitelisting people that apply with others and people that have prior staff experience should there be more applicants than slots-I do consider play schedule when adding people (so there is some player presence at most times of day)-The main language used on this server is english, though I don't care if you occasionally use others in chat, provided its not in order to violate one of the rules-Should it be needed I reserve the right to alter players work for the sake of lag with little or no warning (ex. delete corrupt chunk, slaughter massive herds, remove laggy structures)-You are expected to take the time to protect your things with the protection available (i will undo any structure damage i can discern, but if there are missing items such as chest contents, that's on you)-PVP is on, though i expect mutual consent to it between players involved-You better know what a wiki is b/c there is no guarantee that someone can/will help in game with a question-TFC 0.78.17 is the current versionHow to Apply (make a post following the example)Age:22 (I will go a few years younger than 18, provided your ban history is clean)IGN:Big_Bear91Server Staff Experience: ~3 mo. Admin (console level), cumulative 12 mo. as assorted forms of moderatorBan History (Within the last year only): NoneTypical Play Schedule (Please convert to EST): noon-3:30 weekdays, 1pm - 1 am or later weekendsPlay Style: BuilderMinecraft Experience: 2 years of mostly modded minecraft, (tekkit, several ftb packs, TFC, hexxit, AotBT, probably others i don't recall atm), some vanilla to satisfy my redstone addiction(if you plan to play with another person, make a note here with there ign, they must apply separately)
- 43 replies
- Pre-generated
- 18+
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The server is only 16 slots since it is only a few other friends and myself. But we are wanting a little more socializing going on. The server is white listed so please post your application to be white listed. I do require people be at least 16 to play (I can make exceptions). So far we are a small bunch, usually 2-6 people on at any given time. Most of us have been playing together since early Minecraft alpha. Server location is in Washington, USA and is generally up 24/7. I will be checking your Minecraft names using if you have any bans I won't be adding you to the white list. Connection Info: IP Address: 1620/Mb Up and DownRules: [*]PVP is allowed to defend what is yours [*]Try not to steal [*]Don't be a dick Addons: Smart Moving (Optional)Chop A Log (Required)Leather Water Sac (Required) Application Guidelines: Age: Minecraft Name: Favorite color: Favorite aspect of TFC:
[Offline] PimpCity - 20 Slots - Mature - Whitelisted [No longer running TFC]
MLGPR0GAM3R posted a topic in Servers
PimpCity is a friendly server I started over a year ago. I have recently switched the server over to TFCraft and decided to post my server on the forums for people to apply. Rules: No Griefing or Raiding No Cheat Mods No X-Ray No Spamming Chat No PvP (It's turned off anyway) No Asking Admins For Items To apply please reply to this topic with the following: IGN: Minecraft name Real Name: can be just first name Age: must be of mature age ("this means no young kids") Why you want to join: Agree To Rules: Yes or No Know that TerraFirmaCraft is a hardcore mod which is very difficult: Yes or No Who Referred You: (ex. Player on server or a forum post) The IP will be located on my server webpage under the forums. PimpCity If you are accepted to server and are having problems connecting, hop on IRC and type my name exactly so it buzzes me, and tell me you can't connect. You can find the IRC chat window on the server website.