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I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again. -
This forum is now READ ONLY! 01/20/2020
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We now have an official TerraFirmaCraft 1.7.10 server! It's quite active already, so I'm assuming most of you already know about it, but I should really post on the forums shouldn't I? The server is entirely managed via our Discord, so membership there is non optional. Just a quick overview: The server is whitelisted. There is a modpack on Curse/Twitch (You can also install it via MultiMC, in fact, I recommend you do.) The entire world (well, the 10K radius worldborder bit) is pregened. We have 20TPS almost always (due to some modifications/bugfixes I made) We have dynmap & a static map of biomes and stone types. We have block logging, but have yet to need it. Please keep it that way. We have most addons + Railcraft +Immersive Engineering. More information on Discord (#official-server) or the server landing page.
- pregen
- immersiveengineering
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[] Apapacraft [FR/EN] No Whitelist, Plot Claim, Custom modpack
Apapyrus posted a topic in Servers
ENGLISH Apapacraft is a forge modded Minecraft server using Terrafirmacraft, the game changing survival mod and a few more to enhance the experience and immersion of the players. This server and modpack werecreated in the goal of staying near the original Terrafirmacraft, while adding the missed opportunities of the mod in addons and other mods. This server is not very professionnal as the mods are not modified or altered by changing the code nor anything like that for the server, however, the server is player friendly, the little community we already have is generous, sharingand is working in the optic of making long lasting collaboration between players in the server. We wished to make a server where travel and trading is the bestoption to develop, instead of using less immersive ways to move, like teleportation. Admins will be active on the server and other communication applications as Skype and Discord. FRANÇAIS Apapacraftest un serveur moddé à l'aide de forge en utilisant Terrafirmacraft, le mod qui améliore le mode survie, et plusieurs d'autres qui augmentent l'expérience et l'immersion des joueurs. Ce server et ce modpack ont été créés dans le but de rester près du Terrafirmacraft de base tout en ajoutant les opportunités manquées du mod avec des addons et d'autres mods. Ce serveur n'est pas vraiment professionnel et les mods s'y trouvant n'ont pas été modifiés pour les besoins du serveur. Cependant, La petite communauté déja présente est généreuse, sympathique et n'hésite pas à aider. Elle travaille ensemble dans l'optique de créer une collaboration qui durera très longtemps en établissant des routes commerciales dans le but de communiquer et échanger les ressources qu'offrent les différents territoires. Nous souhaitons faire un serveur dans lequel le l'exploration et le commerce sont les meilleurs moyen de se développer, à la place d'utiliser des moyens de transport moins immersif, tel que la téléportation. Les administrateurs seront actifs sur le serveur et sur d'autres moyens de communications comme Skype et Discord Rules / Règles -Don't be a jerk / Fais pas ta merde :3 The server is public, open 24/7, anyone with the right mods can instantly join it. Le serveur est public, ouvert 24 heures sur 24 et n'importe qui avec les bons mods peuvent y entrer. IP Adress / Adresse IP : You can use this mediafire link to download the modpack. Vous pouvez utiliser ce lien pour télécharger le modpack. Download/Téléchargement : MODS -Terrafirmacraft - -Terramisc - -Paffern's Addons - -Animal Crate - -TFC NEI Plugin - -Archimede's Ships - -Journey Map - -Waila - -CodeChickenCore - -Not Enough Items - -Two Graves Mod - -MineTweaker 3 - Details Players can claim up to 1500 blocks by selecting two corners using "//pos 1" and "//pos 2", it will claim from the top of the bottom of the map. Using /"plot claim", you will claim the territory you selected before with the //pos #commands. You can add friends to your plot with the "/plot mods add [name]" command. No teleporting command is allowed; don't try, you can't For the ship helm, the iron ingot will be replaced by a bronze baronce I figure out how, for now just talk to an admin and they'll trade it for the ship helm. No limit on the number of animals, trees, or farmland you can own until I decide there is. ( I probably won't Détails Les joueurs peuvent réclamer jusqu'à 1500 blocs en sélectionnant deux coins en utilisant "//pos1" et "//pos2", puis "/plot claim". Ces commandes protègeront pour vous tous les blocs dans la zone selectionner, du haut jusqu'au bas de la carte. Pour ajouter des amis à ton territoire, utilisez la commande "/plot mods add [nom du joueur]" Aucune commande de téléportation est activée, n'essayez pas, vous ne pouvez pas. Pour le Volant de bateau de Archimede's ships, le lingot de fer du craft original sera remplacé par un lingot de bronze une fois que je comprends comment faire. Pour le moment, donne le à un admin et il te l'échangera contre le volant. Il n'y a aucune limite sur le nombre d'animaux de fermes, d'arbres fruitiers, de terres fertiles jusqu'à temps que je décide du contraire. (Probablement jamais)- 2 replies
- apapacraft
- tfc
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Hello all. Earlier on I was thinking of modding some new eras for TFC, like a gunpowder era, a steam era and some tech and basic machine eras. However, I cannot find an api or dev download, or access the source code to use some original TFC functions. Where could I get these? Also, should I even try coding these(meaning, do you think it would add to or ruin TFC) Thanks in advance.
Looking to make some new friends and for a TFC 79.29 vanilla(ish) server with some addons. The server does not have to include these addons and it may also have different ones, but these are just my preferences Streams Decorations (maybe) Bibliocraft I'd also like it if the server had 30+ day months but that's just me. Also it's preferable if the server does not restrict swearing. I don't mind whether pvp is on or not, but I do prefer pvp on.
ACTUALLY IM NOT ACCEPTING MORE REQUESTS FOR PERSONAL REASONS REMEMBER, THIS IS NOT A MODPACK SERVER, THIS ONLY USES TFC 1stOF ALL: THE TFCSERVER WILL BE NOW RE-OPENED! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE TO:[email protected] EL SERVIDOR DE TFC ESTARÁ AHORA RE-ABIERTO! SI TIENES PREGUNTAS POR FAVOR ENVÍAME UN MENSAJE A:[email protected] 2nd OF ALL: NOW IF YOU WANT TO JOIN IN THIS SERVER PLEASE FILL THIS APPLICATION FORM:CLICK HERE! AHORA SI QUIERES ENTRAR EN ESTE SERVIDOR POR FAVOR LLENA ESTE FORMULARIO: ¡HAZ CLICK AQUÍ! 3thOF ALL: LOOK DOWN FOR INFO ABOUT THE SERVER MIRA ABAJO PARA VER INFORMACIÓN DEL SERVIDOR 4thOF ALL: IF YOU JOINED BUT YOU DON'T PLAY AN ENTIRE WEEK IN THE SERVER YOU WILL BE KICKED AND OTHER WILL REPLACE YOU(WHEN WE GET 30 MINECRAFTERS JOINED)(THIS IS TO LET NEW PEOPLE JOIN) SI HAS ENTRADO PERO NO JUEGAS DURANTE UNA SEMANA SERÁS EXPULSADO DEL SERVIDOR Y TE REEMPLAZARÁN(CUANDO TENGAMOS 30 MINECRAFTIANOS UNIDOS) (ESTO ES PARA QUE NUEVOS SE UNAN) PREGUNTAS SOBRE EL SERVIDOR [ESPAÑOL[ ¿Este servidor tiene plugins o algo así?No, es un servidor *puro*, eso quiere decir que no hay protecciones de ningun tipo, obviamente no voy a incluir a cualquiera ¿Está hosteado en un servidor privado?Si, es un host privado. Su pagina web la puedes encontrar aquí: ¿Cuanta RAM tiene el servidor?Este servidor tiene RAM ilimitada. Eso quiere decir 0% lag ¿El mundo es pre-generado?Si ¿Que normas tiene el servidor? No está permitido robar ni destruir/construir en casas ajenas, eso quiere decir que para construir al lado de alguien necesitas primero el permiso de la persona que está allí No insultar Solo puedes hablar en el chat principal en español o inglés No está permitido preguntar por moderador o administrador ni se puede pedir objetos. No puedeshacer publicidad de otros servidores ¿Qué versión tiene el servidor?1.7.10 ¿Qué versión de forge utiliza? (Pero creo que puedes utilizar la versión también) ¿El servidorposeelista blanca?Si ¿Cuanto tiempo está el servidor abierto? 24/7 ¿El servidor se reinicia solo?Si, cada 6 horas SERVER QUESTIONS [ENGLISH] Does this server have plugins or something? No, it is a *pure* server, that means no protection of any kind, obviously I will not include anyone Is it hosted on a dedicated server? Yes, is a hosted server. The host's page is here: [The server I bought is an Minecraft Unlimited] How much RAM have this server?This server have unlimited ram. And doesn't lag, Is the world pre-generated? Yes What rules have this server? No griefing or stealing allowed. That means that you need to talk with the user that has a house builded and talk with him if you want to build in a specific area No swearing You can talk in main chat only in Spanish/English It is not allowed to ask for moderator or administrator and ask for items You can't advertise another servers Version of the server?1.7.10 Forge version of the server? I think that will work to) The server is whitelisted?Yes How much time is open? 24/7 The server restarts itself?Yes, every 6 hours
- 16 replies
- whitelisted
- server
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So I was wanting to do this for a while, add IC2 to my TFC expirence. I would extremely lengthen the play time and I think I would be quite fun but that's because I'm a maniac (might add Gregtech too, but one thing at a time). If I decided to add gregtech it would be nice because it starts with bronze age machines and gradually works it's way to the iron machines. Everything would key up fine gameplay wise, copper is easy to find and so is tin but the other ores like iron, ferrous (nickel) are harder to get/find. I would be think diamonds would ore dictionary and red/blue steel would be iridium or some other hard to get material. If it works good then I would definitely make a let's play of it to check try it out.So what do you think? If you know about the mods and/or modding, would this work?
- 5 replies
- IndustrialCraft
- ic2
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[Offline] CtrlXCraft Server (RE)STARTING SOON with Tetrafirma Tournament Event
CtrlXCtrlV posted a topic in Servers
Hey! Good news for everyone who was on the CtrlXFirmaCraft server! We are restarting but not as usual, There will be a big event, the Tetrafirmacraft Tournament which will be VERY similar to terrafirmacrack, rules and stuff will be posted here in the future. For now you can apply here, but use this thread only for applications! What you need post here to apply: -Your minecraft username -Your experience with tfc and its addons - important for teams! -Your timezone also important for teams -How active can you be on the 14 days of the tetrafirma tournament -Write down that you understand that for now there will be an event which will result in a faction/competitive gameplay that you know that if you will be informed of when the server will start if you are whitelisted. You also know that the server will need addons Tetrafirma Tournament starts on 15th of september finishes on the 29th start is at 15 CET main battle starts the same time 14 days later As you might have guessed there will be 4 teams (tetra=4, firma=company) rules are similar to terrafirmacrack rules, will update this part- 11 replies
- server
- extrafirma
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