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I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again. -
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Search the Community: Showing results for tags 'Economy'.
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[] Age of Conquest : 100k map : No whitelist : 16+ Mods
Annabannana56 posted a topic in Servers
Hi there, We've just recently opened our very first TFC server and are trying to build aMinecraft centered gaming community, as well. We use the TFC version, and a few extra plugins (like Towny, ChestShop, etc.) to add depth to the game. If you'd like to check us out, you can go to our website at, or simply hope onto the server at! Update (July 10, 2018) We have expanded our map size to 10k by 10k! We have also added several mods to our server, such as: TerraFirmaStuff (latest version) Merchants Add-on (latest version) Cellars Add-on (latest version) TerraMisc Add-on (latest version) Automated Bellows Add-on (latest version) Update (August 25, 2018) We have twonew staff members! Welcome, Feliseda and DutchMango! We now have a functioning Dynmap Trading outposts are only $150! TFC Scales, BiblioCraft, and BiblioWoodsAdd-ons havebeen added to the server! Hope to see you around! -
Welcome to the Land of O'Reilly Welcome to the land of O'Reilly! We are a new economy based server designed to encourage trade and cooperation between players. Use our licensing system to claim land, and settle disputes between rivals! Earn money by selling ore, food, wood, or any other commodity and buy the items you need! Go into town to do business then go home to your industry to produce your valuable goods! Form inter-business trade to fill the need for goods! Explore the world for ore sites so you can sell them to prospective miners! Fill subsidies and contracts offered by the government to earn large rewards! Enjoy our maintained, high speed server owned by myself and moderated by a trusted group of people I have gathered! Pictures: Fill out the application below for a PM of the server IP and an invite to our discord. I hope to see a lot of people there! If you have ANY questions feel free to PM me or respond down below and I will gladly answer. We are currently PVE server however we are looking for ways to implement PVP without ruining the experience of the PVE players. We are medium role play so we only truly enforce law and economy rules. Cursing is fine, just keep it to a minimum. We welcome all! Application: Name Time Playing TFC What you have to offer the server Do you agree to help create an awesome experience for others on the server? Something interesting about yourself. Well written applications will be excepted. Age doesn't matter as long as you follow the rules and maintain some maturity. Server will be opening tomorrow night!
- 6 replies
- economy
- whitelisted
(and 2 more)
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Help us to improve the server answering these simple questions: SURVEY HERE minecraft serveur terrafirmacraft, Сервера майнкрафт terrafirmacraft,Minecraftサーバー terrafirmacraft, 我的世界服务器 terrafirmacraft No Whitelist DynmapHERE Vote FeudalFirmaCraft HERE Francais: FeudalFirmaCraft est neé pour les amateurs de la mod TerraFirmaCraft, la tranquillitée et l’armonie du joueur vive avec la nature sauvage e cruel. Pour entrer vous devez tout simplement avoir installé la dernière version de la mod TerraFirmaCraft. English: FeudalFirmaCraft is born for lovers of TerraFirmaCraft mod, tranquility and harmony of the player coexist with the wild and cruel nature. To join you just need to have installed the latest version of TerraFirmaCraft mod. Italiano: FeudalFirmaCraft è nato per gli amanti della mod TerraFirmaCraft, la tranquillità e l’armonia del giocatore convivono con la natura selvaggia e crudele. Per entrare ti basterà avere installata l’ultima versione della mod TerraFirmaCraft. Join now! No racism or sexist remarks; Respect ALL players; No offensive symbols; No spamming; No asking for Op; Abandoned towns will be auctioned to the highest bidder after a week of their failure; It’s strictly forbidden to steal resources from towns just because they fall into ruin, because towns can have an owner whois temporarily offline; It’s forbidden to kill animals of other players;
- 150 replies
- feudalfirmacraft
- onlypremium
(and 6 more)
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[Offline][0.79.10] New World TFC - Nations, Towns, Team PvP, Economy and so much more
bruuff posted a topic in Servers
Original Post: You will need: TFC 79.10Carpenterblocks v3.3.0MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.09 Due to people not finding info on the protection plugin, now in big: SKULLPROTECT TUTORIAL PDF SHOPS AND SHIPMENTS PDF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are searching for people who are interested in a team based competition involving trade and pvp town vs town! Each nation with their own special traits, so trading is needed to get certain items. Support your colonial power by sending back shipments to the old world and thus increase your nations honor and wealth! We will try to balance all that as good as possible. We are playing terrafirmacraft after all. There will be as few teleporting as possible! Carpenter's Blocks! Once you join us, you'll have to choose a nation to fight for. Depending on the map, there will be 4 nations to choose from. Protect all your creations with an personally written, easy to use and precise Griefing protection. It wont hinder a natural growth of villages without enforcing manhattanly roads, because of a small plot size of only 5x5 blocks! The server is run whitelisted, so to get on, post in this thread with the following information: in game nameyour ageWhy us? (nothing fancy, just so you can stand out) here is the map: -bruuff -
I'm trying to create an economy on the server so I decided to create this topic to share experiences and search for advice.So, a player can get paid for the products he is mining, producing and growing. There are quests also. --------- Player can sell:metals ingotsraw food leather gems--------player can buy:good but expensive foodanimalssome resources. other stuff like teleportation, chunks of land etc. What is the ratio of these products you can suggest?If gems for sale are 2- 32 coins (diamonds 10-64) metals - 1-10 for ingot, food (raw food like apples, plums, etc.) - in average 5-10 coins for 1 item(160) year length 360 and the rarity of ores is slightly increased ----------- I'm fumbling with ores now, my guess is this: (it will change as the topic evolve) coin for item sell to the shop/ buy from the shop0.40 - apple, plum etc. (160) (sell)0.50- meats (160) (sell)1- chipped garnet etc. (sell)1 - 16 rare wood logs (buy)2- cheese (sell)3- lapiz lazuli (1ore) (sell,buy)4 - Copper (ingot) (sell,buy)4 - silver (ingot) (sell)5 - gold (ingot) (sell, buy)5- large hide (sell,buy)6 - lead (ingot) (sell)7 - zinc (ingot) (sell)8 - tin (ingot) (sell)8 - Bismuth (ingot) (sell, buy)8- Cinnabar (4 ore) (sell,buy)9 - kaolinite (4 ore) (sell,buy)10- graphite (4 ore) (sell, buy)10- Nickel (ingot) (sell, buy)10- Pig iron (ingot) (buy)11- platinum (ingot) (sell)32 - Exquisite garnet etc. (sell)50- for crops seeds (buy) 80- rare berry bush (buy)100- cow (buy) 200- rare frut tree saplings (buy) this is the average price. you should make it bigger if a player buys the item and lower if a player sells. Not all of these items adminshop will sell, in fact it should sell as little as pissible. I plan players to spend their money on such things as transportation, interior, spawn eggs, blocks that do not have a recipe. but not to purchase non-renewable resources from the air. The main function of the shop is to buy tons of stuff player doesn't need but have in planty, so that he could continue to produce and mine (spand time in the game) See if you can correct the list.----------All this of course is very simplified version. I just want to see the big picture.
SERVER STARTING 9th Oct 2014 6 pm CET (GMT + 1) You will need: TFC 79.6Carpenterblocks v3.3.0MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.08B ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are searching for people who are interested in a team based competition involving trade and pvp town vs town! Each nation with their own special traits, so trading is needed to get certain items. Support your colonial power by sending back shipments to the old world and thus increase your nations honor and wealth! We will try to balance all that as good as possible. We are playing terrafirmacraft after all. There will be as few teleporting as possible! Build roads or docks and use Archimedes' ships! Additional crafting possibilities like pistons, hoppers, or ingame maps (Although not as cheap as in vanilla) If everything works out: Carpenter's Blocks! Once you join us, you'll have to choose a nation to fight for. Depending on the map, there will be 3 or 4 nations to choose from, depending on what is better balanced and fitting the terrain. Protect all your creations with an personally written, easy to use and precise Griefing protection. It wont hinder a natural growth of villages without enforcing manhattanly roads, because of a small plot size of only 5x5 blocks! (I hope this works out, i could only test it on vanilla yet. Might require some tweaking.) Give this project a perfect start and be with us from day one! Just leave a comment and you will be informed when the server is ready. -bruuff EDIT: We have a skullprotect tutorial-thingy now!skullprotect.pdf
- 151 replies
- team based
- economy
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Come one Come all This server aims at extended game play, kingdoms, land control, adventure and economy. This BuildCraft has been modified with TFC/B.C. Cross over mod and fully converted to fit TFC's build and crafting methods&recipes. Keep in mind B.C. was merged to extend end-game gameplay with the most complex and hard to achieve technology requiring final tier metals making end game fun set out and seek oil wells and become an Oil barren or Query the lands and become the wealthiest kingdom of all the lands. future plugins are in works for more exciting gameplay. Simpletown plugin is installed it has less drag on the server then Towny does "will Upgrade server if population rises. server is 24/7 and intended to stay up for a very long time. Currently In a beta phase. Open to ideas and suggestions to consider and review with my staff. Ide like to credit and thank the creators of these great mods and especially to the Emris_morath who spent days making the crossover for buildcraft OIL GEN ISSUE RESOLVED For Buildcraft cross over http://terrafirmacra...ssover-mod-wip/ For Extra Firma For small boats For TombStone NOTICE: Server upgrading planned to be done by June 11th. many server tweaks mods and plugins will be updated and integrated. Simpletowns will be removed and towny will take its place. which will include economy plot/town claims. For any suggestions or quotes please post your thoughts. Also we are working on turning to technic for a custom launcher for ease of access for all. New addons: http://dev.bukkit.or...ns/shopkeepers/ SERVER IP: Visit our website
- 122 replies
- Small boats
- merchents
(and 5 more)
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