Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. 3/23/2014 I'm not dead! Good day to you all, and welcome to the show.. This is: ExtraFirma, a TerraFirmaCraft addonI'm xChainblade on Minecraft, by the wayWhat is this addon?This addon is designed to add aesthetic and somewhat fantasy items and blocks, including colored tallow candles, an extremely powerful crossbow that fires devestating tool metal bolts, beautiful metal lanterns in precious metal variety, a mortar and pestle with herb grinding and bandage crafting, and much more, here and to come.Why did you make this addon? What does it do?I wanted some more aesthetic choices in my building, but since TFC 'removes' a few choice lighting blocks (glowstone, redstone lamps, etc) I didn't have much option in the way of lighting. Thus, the lanterns were born. I got carried away and starting adding a barrage of new blocks and items, until the creation I've set before you has spawned.A crossbow to one shot a zombie, a candle to mood light a cathedral, a name tag to keep that Creeper, a Lead to guide your herd, or a fence and bookshelf to match your wood planks.This addon does NOT (except maybe the crossbow which has a damage config, or the plant dyes) break the balance, flow, or difficulty of default TerraFirmaCraft. I'm doing everything in my power to make this a purely additive mod, and not bring in or take out any systems that mess with the core gameplay. Any suggestions regarding increasing or lowering difficulty of any system in TerraFirmaCraft will be ignored.Content:Adobe Drying: Early game is very limited in terms of building materials. Thatch, logs, and raw clay blocks are really your only options. You can craft adobe lumps like Place 4 of these on the ground and let the block dry, and collect it. Craft 4 of the bricks you get from breaking the dry adobe in your 2x2 to get 2 solid blocks of adobe brick.Method of obtaining the beautiful 1.6 hardened clay coming soon. Candles: You'll first need some Tallow, which can be obtained by cooking Suet in a firepit or forge (8 tallow per 1 suet). (Gain suet by killing cows). Craft 4 tallow with an empty wooden bowl (shapeless) to get a Bowl of Tallow. Craft a bowl of tallow together and either a Spider String or Wool Yarn along with (optionally) any dye of your choice to receive 1 colored candle. (Bowl has 8 uses) Lanterns: A beautiful lantern that can be turned on and off via a shift right click with an empty hand. Crafted using 2 glass panes, a candle of any color, and 2 metal sheets of precious variety (brass/tin/wrought/sterling silver/gold/rose gold) like Composite Crossbow and Bolts: A vicious weapon that is easy to use and even easier to swiftly slay the most fearsome foes. Crafted using 2 Weathered Horns (gained by killing male sheep or cows), 3 small planks of any wood type, and 2 braided string (crafted like with either string or yarn), making the complete crafting recipe for the Crossbow An alternate recipe uses steel ingots instead of weathered horns.Bolts are somewhat harder, starting out as (the clay molding recipe is the same). The anvil recipe uses a single ingot. This gives you 1 arrowhead, which can be crafted into 4 bolts, first by making fletching to save on your feathers, and then by crafting the full bolts like Metal bolts of higher tier have greatly increased damage of those of lower tiers.Bolts are chosen from the left to the right in the hotbar (and MUST be on the hotbar), and are loaded in that order. Hold right click with an unloaded crossbow to load, and when loaded, right click again to fire. You can tell what bolt is loaded in the crossbow by its special text on hover.Bolts can be recovered at a very high success rate (>95%) if fired on monsters or terrain. Bolts fired onto other players are almost always lost on impact.Finally, crossbow damage can be configured from 50%-150% in the config file. Do note that anything above 100% does severe damage. Melee Weaponry: ExtraFirma currently adds two new melee weapons with a clear use: The Halberd and the Dagger.• The Halberd does more damage than a sword, and has a longer range (+2 blocks), but swings twice as slow. Used for fending off low amounts of enemies at a time safely (1-2), you can easily devastate someone with this vicious weapon.Grid recipe: anvil recipe uses the plan + a Double Ingot of a tool metal. Finished using two sticks, like• The Dagger does less damage than a sword up front, but given enough time and the ability to stick on your target, more damage over time can be acquired. A stab with the dagger applies the Hemorrhage debuff, causing the target to suffer 1-2% of their health in damage every 2 seconds. The dagger's range is actually shorter than your fists or a sword, so be careful.Attacking a hemorrhaging enemy has a second effect: exposing their weakness from the wound, you sometimes jab the same bleeding spot again for a massive damage eviscerate and applying a longer Hemorrhage debuff. There is an internal cooldown on this proc of 3 seconds.Attacking a player asleep in a bed is almost surely an instant death...if the upfront assassination doesn't kill them, the fatal hemorrhaging that is applied will.Hemorrhage can be removed with a Bandage, but doing so makes you not get the Regeneration effect from the bandage.Grid recipe: anvil recipe uses the plan + aSingle Ingotof a tool metal. Finished the same way every other tool is finished. Bookcases: Building an aspen and schist fortress, your library can look a little bright with the oak bookcases. Remedy that by crafting a wooden bookcase of any wood type like, using any books (TFC or vanilla). Medicine: In climates with average rainfall over 1500, you'll find purple Kingsblood plants. These benefecial herbs are key to creating basic medicated bandages, and can be grown by right clicking on one of the plants with a knife in your hand. This turns the plant into a smaller (ungrindable) version, and adds another to your inventory. This smaller clone with eventually grow into another Kingsblood plant.A similar method of growing plants can be done to the vanilla Rose and Dandelion, by crafting 1 of the plants with a knife (which takes 1 damage).You'll also need a ceramic mortar and wooden pestle. The mortar is first crafted like, and fired into the ceramic version in a pit kiln. Right click to place down the ceramic version, which will now accept valid, fully grown Kingsblood plants with a right click. Once the plant is in the mortar, right click again on the mortarwith a valid pestle, crafted like (currently only the wooden pestle exists), and after a certain amount of grinds, will turn the plant in the mortar to paste. Right click again to receive the ground paste. The pestle takes damage in the process, and will eventually break.Lastly, you'll need some leather strips for keeping the whole bandage together, crafted like Take these leather strips, two string or yarn, a wool cloth, and the paste and craft them together like right click with the bandage in your hand (if you aren't at full health) to use. This instantly heals you for a small percentage of your health and applies a 1 minute regeneration buff on you if you're not bleeding, or removing the bleed if you are. This also applies a 3 minute 'Recently Bandaged' debuff on you, which prevents the use of another bandage or healing item for the duration of the debuff. Misc. Items and Extra Crafting Recipes: Many crafted recipes I felt were left out or forgotten from TerraFirmaCraft, so I added a few that I use and thought other people might use as well. These include:• (Brass)Name Tag: (Right click on a sign with text to rename the Name Tag to whatever is written on the first 2 lines of the sign.)• Steel Tracks: Crafted like the Wrought Iron tracks, but with Steel.• (Vanilla)Iron Bars: Crafted like the vanilla iron bars, but with Wrought Iron ingots.• Compass: Four Wrought Iron ingots for a casing surrounds a chunk of Magnetite ore, which follows the magnetic field of Minecraftia.• Redstone Logic Tiles:• Carpets can be re-dyed using 1 dye and 8 carpets. Surround the carpets with the dye.• Red and Yellow Dye: Obtained by grinding a Rose or Dandelion in the mortar.• Brown Dye: Obtained by grinding a Weathered Horn in the mortar.• Green Dye: Obtained by grinding a Cactus in the mortar, or an Olivine ore with a hammer. (green and lime) Ropes and Rope Anchors: Once Iron is obtained, you can craft a sturdy Rope Anchor, which can be placed on a wall and used to lower a rope down to a maximum of 128 blocks. Crafted like with either Wrought Iron or Steel, they can be placed on any sturdy block's side, and when right clicked with a Rope (jute), will lower a rope. When right clicked with an empty hand, it will raise the lowest rope 1 and place the rope item back in your inventory.Ropes can be climbed like ladders, and can only remain when the block above them is either a Rope Anchor or another Rope block.Ropes are non-functional when used in conjunction with Smart Movement and Player API. This is on their side, since I properly implement isLadder().I can't easily fix this. Download Link: DELETE YOUR EXTRAFIRMA CONFIG FILE EVERY NEW UPDATEv1.0.4: Requires 78.9 or higher. Versions:v1.0.3: Requires 77.14 or higher.β: Requires 77.14 or higher. v1.0.2: Requires a build 77.13 and below. Changelog: v1.0.4: 1.6.4 UpdateThis update mostly was just for the 1.6.4 port, and I had to fix quite a few things to my code that were changed in base TFC. Alchemy update will come next.• New:Added the Fish Net, a block that can be placed in water and supplied with any dough or maize seeds to passively trap fish•New:Added Icepetal and Whiproot plants. Icepetal found in cold regions, whiproot found in wet regions. Can be cut/cloned with differing growth times.•New:Added pastes for both of the above, ground in the Mortar•New:Added the Calcinator, used to craft some recipes involving in-air burning and high temperature heating (solids)(uncraftable yet)•New:Added Soda Ash and Quicklime, crafted in the Calcinator using Salt + Flux + heat. Used in some recipes (glass)•New:Added the Retort, used in heating liquids to specific heats(uncraftable yet)•New:Added the Alembic, used in distillation of substances (uncraftable yet)•New:Added the Beaker, used for mixing liquids and solids to be further refined (uncraftable yet)•New:Added Alcohol Burner, used for heating alchemical apparatuses, fueled by Ethanol(uncraftable yet)•New:Added Leather Bag, used for storing (6) items of size small or smaller. Great for an herb or mining bag! Can be placed down similarly to the ceramic vessels not yet•Changed:Rose Red, Dandelion Yellow, Cactus Green, and Horn Dust are all now crafted in the mortar•Changed:Hardness of Adobe Bricks severely reduced to allow punching•Changed:Lamps now recognize Walls as valid post destinations•Changed:Rope hooks now require Rope instead of braided string. Grow that jute!•Removed:All of the fences. The stock TFC fences are better looking anyway•Removed:Some internal items that were no longer used (plans)•Removed:All of the metal plates. You can now place metal sheets on blocks, which is a far more useful system than mine was.•???: probably some other things as well, it's been in the pipe for a few months now so I can't remember it allv1.1.0: The Alchemical Update (A running list and a work in progress)• New: Added Ethanol, crafted by distilling Rum, Vodka, or Sake in the alembic•New: Added the Rain Collector, a block that can be placed on top of a Barrel to passively fill it with water as it rains. Must have an unobstructed view of the sky and be raining•Changed: Enabled the bolt quiver, which can hold 4 stacks of bolts. Crossbow prioritizes the quiver's bolts over your inventoryv1.0.3:• Added Halberds, a long range, slow weapon used for fending off few enemies from a longer range• Added Daggers, a short range, fast weapon used for assassinating a single target at a time, causes a hemorrhage and can strike twice on bleeding targets• Cleaned up more code• Added in framework to easily add new weapons of any type• Added a Steel Pestle, same as a wooden but lasts far longer• Added in copper versions of the redstone logic tiles, can use silver ingots for double outputOld:v1.0.2_β:•Updated to TFCraft 77.14 and above (new API)• Enabled the placing of torches on ExtraFirma fence posts• Updated mappings to MCP 8.05• Fixed OptiFine sillyness with the ropes and anchors• Minor bugfixesv1.0.2:• Added wood fences of all types, crafting with 4 sticks and 2 small planks in the center• Changed mortar to be fired from a clay mortar, recipe• Added Rope Hook, crafted using 2 iron or steel ingots around an iron or steel plate -Right click on the hook with a braided string to lower a rope 1 block• Added halberds, but will soon be craftable and do damage• Fixed some bugs involving arrowhead craftingv1.0.1:• Candles come in all colors. When crafting a candle, add a dye to the recipe. Crafted candles cannot be re-dyed.• Fixed floating candles• Green dye can be created via crushed Olivine and crushed Cactus. Crush these the same way you crush rocks for flux.• Method of crafting tallow now uses suet. Gain suet by killing cows or sheep. Cook suet to get 8 tallow. (Less annoying when cooking beef and mutton)• Cleaned up tons of code• Added some Shift Help tooltips for Adobe and Name Tags• Added decorative blocks for Malachite, Jet and Olivine, crafted using 4 of the ores, reversible• The bow is now a Crossbow with higher damage, but a 3 second draw time (all old recurve bows turn into crossbows, arrows only renamed). (Crossbow does massive damage. A red steel bolt has a chance of killing a spider, skeleton, or player in a single hit.)• The loaded crossbow now shows what bolt is loaded in the tooltip• Crossbow damage can be configured in the config file using a multiplier, 1.0 default• Added two status effects: Recently Bandaged and Adrenaline -Recently Bandaged prevents you from using another bandage until it wears off -Adrenaline greatly increases your run speed, attack damage, crossbow draw speed, and pain suppression for a short time• Added Kingsblood, a flower that generates 4x rarely as a Rose in a climate with more than 1000 rainfall. Can be grown soon, used for herbalism and medicines.• Added Stone Mortar (block), used for grinding herbs and plant matter into pastes. Made with smooth igneous only.• Added Stone Pestle, used with the Mortar. Takes damage each use. Made with smooth igneous only.• Added Minor Healing Bandage, crafted using Kingsblood paste. Heals 12% of your health instantly, and gives 1 minute of regeneration 1. Applies the 'Recently Bandaged' debuff, preventing the player from using another bandage until the 5 minute debuff wears off.• Added leather strips, used for crafting bandages.• Added config options to configure crossbow damage, some crafting recipes, and bandage debuff timerv1.0.0 :• Initial release What I need from You:Any and all bug reports, crashes, instabilities, incompatibilities, good suggestions, and anything you can think of that will better the mod in a constructive manner. Give me a good reason, and I'll give it a good thought.ExtraFirma is also configured to already accept any localization files in the form of .xml. Use the default en_US.xml as a template when submitting other languages.Legal?: This mod is licensed under everything TFC is licensed under and is property of myself and the two main TFC developers, Bioxx and dunkleosteus.I edit, distribute, and reproduce NO files or assets from Terrafirmacraft in this mod. Some art assets are based heavily on assets provided by Terrafirmacraft to keep visual continuity, but none are direct copies.
  2. SERVER STARTING 9th Oct 2014 6 pm CET (GMT + 1) You will need: TFC 79.6Carpenterblocks v3.3.0MineTweaker-1.7.10-3.08B ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We are searching for people who are interested in a team based competition involving trade and pvp town vs town! Each nation with their own special traits, so trading is needed to get certain items. Support your colonial power by sending back shipments to the old world and thus increase your nations honor and wealth! We will try to balance all that as good as possible. We are playing terrafirmacraft after all. There will be as few teleporting as possible! Build roads or docks and use Archimedes' ships! Additional crafting possibilities like pistons, hoppers, or ingame maps (Although not as cheap as in vanilla) If everything works out: Carpenter's Blocks! Once you join us, you'll have to choose a nation to fight for. Depending on the map, there will be 3 or 4 nations to choose from, depending on what is better balanced and fitting the terrain. Protect all your creations with an personally written, easy to use and precise Griefing protection. It wont hinder a natural growth of villages without enforcing manhattanly roads, because of a small plot size of only 5x5 blocks! (I hope this works out, i could only test it on vanilla yet. Might require some tweaking.) Give this project a perfect start and be with us from day one! Just leave a comment and you will be informed when the server is ready. -bruuff EDIT: We have a skullprotect tutorial-thingy now!skullprotect.pdf
  3. Generation Gateway is pleased to welcome TFC to its stable of high performance modded servers. Here at Generation Gateway, we are a mature, professional, dedicated, friendly and helpful community. We have over 15 years of combined experience running gaming communities and managing dedicated servers. Together we have brought the MC community a place to call home. It is our passion to give players a quality and stable place to call home. We have many top of the line and fully dedicated servers. With other servers in development to give players a choice in what they want to play without having to switch communities. Our dedicated boxes run the following hardware:- - Intel® Xeon® CPU E3-1245 V2 @ 3.40GHz, 8 cores - Raid-1 Dual SSDs - 32 GB DDR3 RAM - 500 MB/s Guaranteed (tested) - 1 Gbps Connection - Extreme DDoS protection (We have been hit strongly and felt nothing) - Very good & fast support Ok ... on to the TFC stuff The mods we added to our pack are meant to enhance the survival nature of TerraFirmaCraft and not make it easier than it should be. We offer Land Protection through MyTown and also have LWC for chest protection. A minimap is provided so you can mark all those important discoveries and we provide a marketplace for you to sell your wares (once you can make the booth). The server is Public and we will never have it whitelisted. Everyone is welcome to download the pack at and come try out the server for yourselves. We do not have any age restrictions, but we do follow Wheatons Law and expect players to act responsibly. This is a mature community and some language and topics are not always PG rated. We also provide the following services: - IRC: GG IRC link - Teamspeak: - DJ Station (EDM): Staff are mature and do not give handouts (No access to creative anyway). This is a survival server. We do not believe in pay-to-win and we do not make servers for the money. We will not change day, give free stuff, limit gameplay experience to RL money or any of that nonsense. We look forward to seeing you very soon Gilgs & Exo Some images from our Spawn Pics taken with Kreicus' H3D texturepack and SEUS v10.1 Shaderpack
  4. Hey! Good news for everyone who was on the CtrlXFirmaCraft server! We are restarting but not as usual, There will be a big event, the Tetrafirmacraft Tournament which will be VERY similar to terrafirmacrack, rules and stuff will be posted here in the future. For now you can apply here, but use this thread only for applications! What you need post here to apply: -Your minecraft username -Your experience with tfc and its addons - important for teams! -Your timezone also important for teams -How active can you be on the 14 days of the tetrafirma tournament -Write down that you understand that for now there will be an event which will result in a faction/competitive gameplay that you know that if you will be informed of when the server will start if you are whitelisted. You also know that the server will need addons Tetrafirma Tournament starts on 15th of september finishes on the 29th start is at 15 CET main battle starts the same time 14 days later As you might have guessed there will be 4 teams (tetra=4, firma=company) rules are similar to terrafirmacrack rules, will update this part
  5. This server is no longer running. I have started a new vanilla 1.8 server. Info at ------------------- I have setup my own server with the following: PVP is turned off. These have to be installed on your client: Forgecraft (1.6.4 Version) TFC 0.78.17 Extrafirma 1.0.4-1.6.4 Download and Info available here. The following have been added to the server for grief control: Fihgu's Protection Fihgu's Permission-These will allow a user to lock their chests and the area that they are building in, and only give access to others if they choose to share.- Information available here.Also added are: McMyAdmin My server currently only allows 10 concurrent users, but I will upgrade that if needed.This will be a whitelist server to start with so if you are interested send me the following (In a message)Minecraft User Name:Age:Region of the World:The server is hosted on a Microsoft Azure server and is available 24 hours a day. Minecraft may be set to go to sleep when no one is logged in to conserve resources, but will wake up as soon as someone wants to log in.The server is up and running so just send me your request and I'll get you added to the whitelist and send you the URL.
  6. Server address: Location: New Orleans. Specs: AMD FX-4100 quad-core 3.6GHz CPU, 8 gigs of RAM NOW UPDATED TO TFC 0.78.11! Hi all! I've started up a new server I'm calling the TFC Zombie Awareness Server. I've got TFC, Extrafirma, and most importantly, Zombie Awareness Mod running, as well as a few other little extras. It seems like a lot to put together, so I've made a convenient download list below. I'm looking for players who are interested in living and working together rather than everyone running off to play alone. I can do that on SSP if I wanted that. The server is NOT whitelisted as I don't expect the TFC community to be full of a bunch of griefer a-holes. I already have a few nice folks playing sporadically but I'd like to get some more people on. We already have a small starter village going for now, but we haven't moved up very high on the metal tree yet purposely. If we get enough people playing, I'd also consider a dedicated hosting option as well. Right now the server is running the following mods (and whatever dependencies they require): [*]Forge (for 1.6.4) [*]Terrafirmacraft b0.78.11 (for 1.6.4) [*]Extrafirma (not compatible at this time, link removed) [*]Leather Water Sack [*]Smart Moving 14.5 (for 1.6.4) [*]Player API core 1.2 (for 1.6.4)(required for Smart Moving) [*]Splitting Wedge (not compatible at this time, link removed) [*]Zombie Awareness (for 1.6.4) [*]CodeChickenCore (for 1.6.4) [*]NotEnoughItems (for 1.6.4) - Installation Instructions - Follow the instructions on the TFC wiki for installing Forge and TFC as usual. To install Zombie Awareness, open up the zip you've downloaded. Inside is a folder that contains another folder. Inside that "mods" folder, you will find 3 more zip files. These zips are the actual mods you need. Copy those zips into your TFC installation's "/mods" folder. To install Smart Moving, open the zip that you downloaded from the link above. Inside are two more zips for different versions of Smart Moving. Copy the "Smart Moving Universal for Modloader or Minecraft Forge or" to your TFC installation's "/mods" folder. To install Player API, open the zip you downloaded from the link above. Inside is "PlayerAPI.jar". Copy this .jar file into your TFC installation's "/mods" folder. For all the other mods, simply copy the .jar or .zip you downloaded into your TFC installation's "/mods" folder. I also recommend you install your map of choice (personally, I like Zan's Minimap). I'm also open to suggestions for any other mods that you think would add to the game. You can contact me on Skype (kurzninja) with questions, to let me know that the server has crashed (I can usually restart it within a minute or two), or to let me know you've joined up if I'm not logged on. Let's work together to fight off the zombie horde and make a great place to live.
  7. Welcome to this season of the Midnight Sun TerrafirmacraftServer. In this season of the midnight sun server you will find that there are very few mods installed on the server, and that there is only four mods that you will have to install. The mods are Terrafirmacraft, Leather water Sac, Chop-A-Log andExtraFirma Addon. There will be links to thedownloadpages down below. The other mods that our installed on the server is PermissionEX, and MyTown. We also have a TeamSpeak server setup, as new town and nations are created they will have a channel add in TeamSpeak. PVP The Midnight Sun server iscontinueto be a PVP TFC server. With the addition of Towns and Nations, pvp may be more common over resources. So protect your land and your goods from all. MyTown Since the addition of Mytown, there has been talk of the Magic Bubbles. By Default every town is set to loot by out siders. What a town mayor decides to do with his/her town is up to them. Membership In order to move up in the food chain you must apply to the server. In-game Name: Required Follow this topic on the Forms Page: Required Rules At this time there are only a few rules. 1 do not crash theserver. (AKA don’t cut down Sequoia or large kapok) 2 do not hack the server. 3 don't make me add more or ban you! Supporting the server I would like to ask you the player to help support this server. There are many ways of doing this. Streaming, YouTube, and by donating. For those that help out the server I would like to thank you by giving you a special tag in chat and by helping your town out. (Link) Mods Terrafirmacraft version [77.21] (Link) Leather Water Sac version [2.1b77] (Link) ExtraFirma Addon version [v1.0.3] (Link) ChopALog Version [0.4.b77] (Link) Server info The Server IP: Midnighsun.PlayAt.CH TeamSpeak IP: Midnightsun.PlayAt.CH Server Chat IP: If you have a problem with the IP above the Secondary IP:
  8. Hi, i have small private server, we play medieval survival friendly style Server is 24/7 and we play there a lot. It's small friendly server. I'm looking for few more players (or even more) to join this survival/RP (if you want). Currently i need blacksmith, farmer, carpenter and potter to join our house. Map is still very fresh, only few days played since last friday. Info how to join on Just drop note about yourself here, so i can set you up. Mods: TFC 77.21, ExtraFirma addon, Leather water sac , smart moving, rei minimap, Carpenter's Blocks, Terrabow, TFC_carpentersblocks_adapter, ChopALog. I personally use matmos + MSI and presence footstepps to enhance atmosphere and give it nice feel. Survival settings. Hard difficulty. Main languages are czech/slovak/english I'd like to keep this server czech and slovak if possible, but anyone speaking english is also welcome.
  9. You'll need the following mod to join: I intended this to be a PvP focused server, and as such mytown is not installed, so you'll have no magic walls to hide behind - Build with security in mind. So basically do whatever you want, just don't piss people off TOO much if you can avoid it. IP: If the server is down and you don't want it to be, post here or add me on steam (Under the name Mossman1223).