Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. My Survival World

    Wanted to have this up much sooner but really wanted to have at least 1 complete building in survival to show and that took longer than I expected. So started 79.10 early Nov and this is my progress so far. (Due to the pic limit this will take up more than 1 post.) First Night I hid out on this island decided it be cool to have an island beach house. First Shelter It's so tiny, have a few large vessels (You can see my vessel with fresh water) and a firepit in there. 2nd Shelter At this point I've designed my beach house in creative using the woods available (Hickory/WhiteElm/Chestnut/Aspen/Sequoia) Main building is Aspen with Hickory Planks and Logs. Sometime around now I've also designed a blacksmith in creative and I really want to get that going. I also had the brilliant idea to use my SSP seed and start a new creative world so I can work out a location for barn & pastures for the animals. Blacksmith Outline Shoreline I'm standing on the wall of the beach house looking back over the land. You can see the outline for the blacksmith and the start of barn. At this point I'm into my 2nd game year and I really want new trees especially for the blacksmith as I'd love to use Douglas Fir & Birch. So lots of exploring is had and... PIGSPLOSION! I find Pine/Ash/Birch/White Cedar and decide I can use the pine in place of the Douglas so back to construction. Blacksmith You know what would be great for more storage, a basement. Didn't think of that in my creative world design. Also start on a red and white barn, you can see the island/beach house in the background at this point I've completely stop construction on it. Barn A lot of in game time has passed we're in the 3rd year I've gone exploring again and... DOUGLAS FIR! (That pig is so dead, got to close to the wild wolves.) Somewhere I also decided I want to build the beach house out of White Elm and Willow so start on a design in creative. Which means I need to remove the Aspen house I had been working on but I'll need somewhere to move. Time to stop slacking and get that blacksmith done. Little bit of barn progress
  2. Hey everyone, new here, just got to bronze. Still looking for iron; while I look, I thought I'd post what I live in. Post yours as well!
  3. Hey all, I'm kinda out of ideas for the house, maybe someone could provide some house designs, ideas or color panels? I have checked few other builds at forum but nothing comes to mind. Moreover I can't decide which stone/wood combination should I use. Thanks
  4. Hi guys, here are some screenshots from my YouTube series. The house has a loft area, a dormer, an attic, kitchen, living room with fireplace, basement, bedroom, and work area. In this series I don't build it if it doesn't look real. Check out the series for inside looks of other builds in use like an outhouse, a five pit kiln, barn, forge room, pig sty, and more.
  5. What types of shelters have you built? I can't find ideas for a home anywhere, so I figured I'd ask you guys. You can use this format to share your builds: [b]Title:[/b][b]Description:[/b][b]Screenshot(s):[/b][b]Blocks used:[/b][b]Difficulty (1-10):[/b]