Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 9 results

  1. Launcher crash at login

    I was playing, then suddenly -i started falling. Couldnt see anything and started taking dammage as if i was suffocating in a wall. Then the launcher crashed. Now, everytime I try to login the launcher crashes. Looked around a bit but couldnt see anyone with the same problem, so here I am. Pastebin crash report Any help is greatly appreciated :>
  2. FORGOTTEN MIRIAS ForgottenMirias is the server TFC of the Italian community Forgottenworld, the server is started on 01.04.2015 and has a new map, anyone who wants to join us is welcome! Forum: Launcher: TS: Dynmap: MOD/ADDON: TerraFirmaCraft-0.79.15 BiblioCraft Carpenters Blocks CraftHeraldry CustomNPCs ElectricalAge_BETA MineTweaker NEI TerraFirmaCraftNEIplugin Waila-Mod WailaHarvestability YeGamolChattels Lanterns LeatherWaterSac Merchants TFCUdaryMod PLUGINS: ChestShop CombatTagInstakill CoreProtect Essentials Towny
  3. [Solved] Crashing after Launcher

    Hi everyone, I've really been looking forward to trying this mod after hearing so many good things about it. However no matter what I do I can't get to play the mod, I can't even launch minecraft and get to the main menu without it crashing. I have started with a fresh clean install of Minecraft to make sure nothing was conflicting, downloaded the latest version of forge and TFC but the game always crashes soon after the launcher has done its stuff. I can launch Forge just fine but as soon as I put the TFC zip file in the mods folder it crashes. Please see the crash report below. PastebinCrash Report: Hopefully you guys can help me out, I'd really appreciate it! Cheers
  4. launcher help please

    the launcher boots up but it will not launch the game. i would like to not have to remod a jar, but if i have to i will. is there a fix for: "Failed to install TerraFirmaCraft. An unknown error occurred:`.json" maybe this was already talked about but i did a few searches so unless it wasnt tagged right. i cant seem to find anything about this. help please but chance? and if i put this in the wrong place sorry. oh and on a side note i do already have the main directory installed from a prior install. to my recollection it hasnt been tampered with either.
  5. Problem assigned RAM

    I'm getting this error ( ) And I have java 7 64 bits (I unistall and Install it again) And thats how i config the launcher : Thanks for all the help.
  6. .bat with TFC launcher

    I am having problems with the launcher (right now I just have .jar), and I noticed that some people are saying that there is a .bat that you run to start the launcher. How would i get/make this .bat, or is it not needed?
  7. Launcher crashing after logging in

    Im new to all this but the instructions are simple and Ive followed what they said, also looked back through the last couple of pages and didnt see anything that is my problem I downloaded the launcher, saved it (to my desktop? Is that a problem?) and kept the default dowload path, put in my log in details and said log in, It then logged me in and... closed, no download, nothing, just shut down... I tried to do the force update but the same thing, click force update, click OK, click Log in, launcher shuts down and nothing happens... Anyone know what step I missed or did wrong cause I want to play this but seems I cant... No crash reports that I can see either...
  8. Everytime I open the TFC launcher, it gives this error: Failed to load news. IOException: Network is unreachable: connect What can I do, and why is it doing this?
  9. B76:HF8 Launcher broken?

    So, when I try to log into the launcher, I now get this error: Failed to install TerraFirmaCraft. An unknown error occurred: Server returned HTTP response code: 500 for URL: http://terrafirmacra.../tfcfiles1.json