Another Note From The Author (3/9/16): If your black bronze and/or copper swords are missing textures, re download to the #.#.1 version. It should fix the problem. A Note From the Author(12/20/15): This will probably be my last update for a while, at least until tfc2 comes out. ive just lost interest in tfc to be honest, but i will still check your comments periodically to see if i need to hot fix anything. so the pack isn't necessarily dead, just dont expect much in the future. also, a note about the armor: i hate it. i hate doing it, i hate how it looks.sorry if you dont like it. just delete the files i have and replace it with another texture pack. idk. i just could not get satisfied with it. probably had something to do with me losing interest in the pack to be honest. i am currently working hard on my vanilla version, and ill post a link to it whenever its ready. thank you for all of your support. you guys have been great <3 WARNING: May break some builds do to the striking difference between this pack and vanilla. Making a new world is recommended. Not for use with vanilla minecraft. A vanilla pack is in progress! i will post a link here when its ready.
This pack is 64 and 32, however the 32 will not look as good as it could, because this pack was originally only going to be 64, so the 32 are just shrunk versions. let me know if any of the 32 textures are broken. This pack is realistic, but not ridiculously so. it still has a slight cartoon feel to it. Vanilla Minecraft version in the works now!
feel free to leave screenshots in the comments, or texture ideas. if you send me a texture that might look good in the pack, and i like it, i WILL credit you if i use it.
Additional mod support:
Decorations Addon For TFC:
Merchants Addon For TFC:
Cellars Addon:
Leather Water Sac:
CustomItems & Minetweaker:
CilantroGamer's lets play:
Additional Screenshots can be found here:
some may be a bit out of date.
64x v1.7.1:
32x v1.4.1:
Less purple Gabbro:
Previous versions:
You need TFC installed to see 90% of the textures.
Support the pack:
Copy the below code into your banner (or on a banner on another website, if you want to bring more people over to our amazing little TFC community) to show support for the pack! ill love you forever <3
Currently using H3D for some placeholder textures. i have outreached to the author but he has not been on in a while. If this is not OK, i will remove it per admin or author request. The only reason im even risking it is its just HD vanilla textures, so im assuming it wont be a problem...
Thanks to my friend Koolbob1872 for scaling down to the 32x version, helping test this pack with me, giving me constructive criticism and helping to build the test world.<3
a thanks to Tsuarock, the creator of TerraRustica, for giving me the inspiration to create this pack, as well as giving me permission to use his textures as i see fit. see below for a list of textures being used in this pack. check out his pack here.
Pond weed
Custom Sky
Fire pit
Used the Clay molds as a baseline for mine. same shape, different colors.
Thank you, CorpseDrop for the additional screenshots and pointing out the bugs
Music credits:
"Anguish" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Past the Edge" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Pepper's Theme" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Touching Moments Three - Deeper" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
"Undaunted" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
making a resource pack takes a lot of time and effort, but i enjoy doing it. im not making any money (worth speaking of,anyway... i only get like .005 cents per download....) but that's ok. however, if you guys wanted to give me a snack or buy me a drink, a littleDONATIONwould be amazing, and i would love you forever and put your name in the credits. you can remain anonomous if you want, or you can leave your name in the "instructions to seller" box <3
(@ any admins here, if that ^ isn't allowed, let me know and ill get rid of it asap, i understand if its not ok to have it)
One last thing, im pretty sure i removed all of the place holder textures i used, but in case i missed some, let me know asap and i will remove it/change it. i am not intentionally taking anyone's work, so if i accidentally did, i need to know before everyone hates me.