Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 117 results

  1. [1.7.10] Toadally TechnodeFirmaCraft

    Greeting I've been a member of this community for some time, and have often browsed around on TerraFirmaCraft forums in search of developments as well as active server communities in which to hang out. Lately, however, I've seen a dwindling of online communities here, and have recently purchased a server with the hopes of offering a renewed interest in the game to others. Information This server is running TechnodeFirmaCraft, a modded version of TFC which provides an extension of sorts from the Steel age up toward Industrial. Its most notable mods include Mekanism and Immersive Engineering. The modpack may be installed through the ATLauncher. The server also includes protection support from the MyTown2 plugin, allowing users to create their own factions, towns, and with enough citizens, even cities! To start your town, all you need is one copper ingot. Once you're ready to found your town, type /town new <name> Another important feature of this server is its use of an economy system. Utilizing the Merchants mod, we provide a backbone of currency to trade for goods in our server. We have a spawning area in which you may buy and sell merchandise. The economy is an Iron-based one, meaning that you know the value of your currency has some real-world value to you as a player, not just some arbitrary number with no value. Your coinage can be traded back and forth from Iron Ingots. We use a coinage system similar to Dungeons and Dragons. Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum coins, with each coin being worth tenof the previous. 10 CP = 1 SP, 10 SP = 1 GP, 10 GP = 1 PP; with Iron Ingots being worth 1 SP. Players begin the game with 50 CP to spend at the spawn location for supplies before they venture out into the world! Our Discord Server has a connection to the minecraft chat, allowing you to communicate back and forth with players who are in-game even if you are not on the server. This server is open to the public and is not whitelisted. The server is administered by myself and my boyfriend, who himself does most of the moderating on the server, whereas I handle the server side of things. Rules I would like to think that most rules I write in here would be self-evident - we're just relaxed and like to hang out. Come play, build your world, and try not to be a jerk. PvP is allowed only if both parties agree. Server Details Attention: When you install TechnodeFirmaCraft, do not install the Prattle mod. Prattle will cause you to crash. Server careful if you Copy/Paste this into Minecraft that you do not accidentally copy a space after the link.) Discord Server: *The server has 5GB of RAM allocated to it, and is hosted in Montreal Canada.
  2. BR brazilian server

    Então estou montando um server de terrafirma em uma maquina aqui se alguém se interessar em participar do projeto e jogar comigo entrem nesse discord para pegar a whitlist
  3. Asking about server

    Hi Guys I'm here for searching any good server. Sorry for pirate account, but i tried many times to buy Minecraft. That's one thing i wanna on server - nonpremium. Then next thing is Minecraft 1.7.10 version and newest version of TFC (not TFC 2). I'm just new here, but still waiting for good public server. Not so short, but over 2 months. If possible any links, really can help. Sorry too for my English, I'm from Poland,
  4. K-TFC Minecraft Server Come join our new Terrafirmacraft Server. We are a TFC Standalone based server. ZIP File containing the mods i recommend using on the server. TFC ) Server IP: Discord: Server Rules: 1. No Hacking 2. No Xray 3. No spamming 4. No advertising 5. No excessive griefing. 6. No glitches or exploits. 7 No giving out other players personal information. 8. No begging for items. 9. No asking for OP or a Rank. 10. Have Fun. Other Information: We do not have lots of plugins we a TFC vanilla based server. Users have access to basic commands such as /tpa, /home, /spawn, ect. Players also have access to protecting their land by using a gold shovel(given to you) and selecting the dimensions of the area they want to claim.
  5. Server and world generation problems

    I ahve been trying to make A terrafirmapunk 2.1.0 server, after a some searching I found a guy who posted his serverfolder on some forum and it partially worked, the world generation was wrong tho (no terrafirma stones on the ground, could still punch tries, ETC). so my questions are, where can I find the serverfiles? how do I create the server? and how do I enable the terrafirma generation? thank you in advance for all help givin
  6. Roanoke 6......Challenge Server. If you are up for something very different and very challenging consider joining us on the Roanoke 6 Challenge Server. Using a tweaked Build 77 of the most excellent TerraFirmaCraft mod our programmer has adapted many new features that add to the immersion of the best mod in name a few: 1. Travel faster on cobblestone roads. 2. Find ore veins that expand, contract, branch, and fade out suddenly....they also sometimes have a few blocks of other appropriate ores embedded in them. 3. Use the sluice to find clasts (small insignificant bits of ore) to locate valuable minerals and ores. 4. Find zones of abundant ores and minerals and other areas that have doodley-squat!....(hint; the further north you go, the more chance to strike it rich)..... 5. Propick too op?.....ours only reveals the presence of minerals, not the type.......very tricky..... 6.Tool durability and speed are both reduced so no more building tunnels to avoid the surface....what are we, Morlocks?.....(fortunately tnt can be bought at Spawn for a few paltry coins)...... 6. More believable tree might take weeks of real time for trees to grow. 7. An in game server economy founded on a presumed external market......many things can be sold and the money used to buy land and helpful better boats and airships!! 8. No more smacking grass to find plants.....each different plant grows in a very few places and finding them is tough, but worth it. 9. Gems can be used to enchant items but they no longer drop willy-nilly when you are mining or pop randomly from a have to find the sedimentary beds where they lie, so we hope your favorite song is "sluicing in the dirt for diamonds"...... 10. Kimberlite can be found in distinct pipes, and other sedimentary minerals can be found in stratified beds. 11. Even the grass is against you as it slows your movement!.....the only solution is to build some roads or railroads….maybe even buy an airship….. 12. Have you ever wondered how a chest actually works without any hinges?....wonder no more because we now require you to provide metal hardware for many of the recipes. You can find the clay mold in the crafting screen….now you have a use for all that copper. Consider this....the server has been online for over a year and we are still using iron tools......there is graphite and kaolinite out there but where?...... Enjin SIte: Dynamic Map: Look for the pack on Technic.
  7. Creating a TFC server

    Hello fellow TFCplayers, I've noticed a lack of any new, small, vanilla TFCservers on this forum, and I've been toying around with the idea of creating a new one. The only problem is, I've never maintained a server before or anything like that, and for now I'm just inquiring: How much does it cost to run a server? Is there going to be a lot of maintenance on my part? Also, how hard is a TFCserver to set up? Thanks in advance, and also let me know if you're interested!
  8. [] Forests of Terra

    FORESTS OF TERRA About us: Forests of Terra is a new whitelisted server that I'm hoping to be around 30 members big with a large thriving community that lasts for monhts. This server is not like any other TFC server as we try and focus on the beauty of the game to maximise the enjoyment and increase the longevity of which you will want to play for. We achieve this by adding a lot of graphical mods and new sounds which includes a new soundtrack and for the first time in years I'm playing minecraft with the music ON becuase it makes the game feel less like a game but nature in it's purest from, hence the name Forests of Terra Mods: We use a lot of additional mods to try and improve tfc not only with game mechanics but content, graphical enhancements and new and amazing audio. You do not have to download the mods separately as we have complied them all into one file which can be found in our discord. How to join: Join our discord with the link below and submit an application form, if everything goes well you will be accepted. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask, and Ihope that you all apply and I'll see you there
  9. Technodefirmacraft Server

    I just started up this technode server it uses ATL Technodefirma 3.6 the I.P. is
  10. i want to play with a small 5-10 person group i can make a minecraft server for us to plsy on i will make it if i get the group i would prefer you to have skype and good minecraft TFC skills. so if you are interested reply. also i will attach modpack at a later point.
  11. Hello, I'm posting this topic with some hope there are some hidden private/whitelisted servers that are still active. I am not interested in public servers because of the kids who start and give up, and then a server is filled with half-assed "houses". I am 19 year old student, with two years of TFC experience and playing on other whitelisted and private servers, and I'm mostlyexcelling in farming and brewing alcohol. After grinding some materials like wood and stone I build my own Tavern and run it, supplyinglocal villagewith alcohol, grain and trade with other villages. I believe in diplomacy, brain over brawn.
  12. Howdy! Welcome to Thamesville! This city was founded by two young men who left their old town in order to build their own city, based around and old salt and iron mine. Over the years,Thamesville's salt and iron has become their most and best exported products. They have the hardest type of iron and best tasting salt. That popularity and wealth came at a price. They had to work years and years to build a huge wall around their peninsula in order to defend themselves from the enemies further up west. Nowadays it's a peaceful and beautiful town with it's own architecture and lots of different houses, bars, shops and workshops. And the best thing? You are all invited to stay a couple of days for free in our pub/hotel! (food not included) So hopefully we will see you soon. The Founding Fathers of Thamesville are DutchMitchell and patriotic_sugar. We live around +13000 and -12600 and it is only a short walk from spawn. Please, apply at this topic to gain acces to the server: We do hope to see you soon and for you to start building somewhere around our town so that we can make trading routes and more role-play stuff. DutchMitchell
  13. My Village

    This is my village build for our server. The idea began with a tavern I saw in a BBC article. I built a replica of that tavern on one server, rebuilt it on my current one and have continued building from there. It's still a work in progress but I hope you enjoy it. Also if you would like to see more pictures from this village and others on the server check out our gallery @
  14. Servers

    Hello, I'm a French player, I play at Minecraft from a long time ago, and I just discover TerraFirmaCraft : are there any servers now?
  15. Help, Server crashing :/

    Hi! I was a big fun of the original mod, and me and my other friend are looking to play on its new, updated form. Having a problem with the running the server. I'm using 1.11.2 Forge. and im using TFC2, pam's harvestcraft, TombmanyGraves, and JustEnoughItems. Here's the crash report EDIT: I know its not the other mods crashing it because I troubleshooted it before hand and tested them one by one and with the others one by one. ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- WARNING: coremods are present: TFCASMLoadingPlugin ([1.11.2]TFC2-0.2.4.jar) Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge // My bad. Time: 9/3/17 6:32 PM Description: Exception in server tick loop net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from TerraFirmaCraft 2 (tfc2) Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/entity/EntityPlayerSP at com.bioxx.tfc2.CommonProxy.postInit( at com.bioxx.tfc2.TFC.postInit( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLModContainer.handleModStateEvent( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor12.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at at at at at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at at at at at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Loader.initializeMods( at net.minecraftforge.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.finishServerLoading( at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStarted( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( at at Source) Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ... 33 more Caused by: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerException: Exception in class transformer net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer@39a8312f from coremod FMLCorePlugin at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerWrapper.transform( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.runTransformers( at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( ... 35 more Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to load class bps for invalid side SERVER at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.transformers.SideTransformer.transform( at net.minecraftforge.fml.common.asm.ASMTransformerWrapper$TransformerWrapper.transform( ... 37 more A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.11.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_91, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 405929072 bytes (387 MB) / 627572736 bytes (598 MB) up to 1908932608 bytes (1820 MB) JVM Flags: 0 total; IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 0, tallocated: 0 FML: MCP 9.38 Powered by Forge 10 mods loaded, 10 mods active States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored UCHIJ minecraft{1.11.2} [Minecraft] (minecraft.jar) UCHIJ mcp{9.19} [Minecraft Coder Pack] (minecraft.jar) UCHIJ FML{} [Forge Mod Loader] (forge-1.11.2- UCHIJ forge{} [Minecraft Forge] (forge-1.11.2- UCHIJ tfc2_coremod{0.2.4} [TFC2[coremod]] (minecraft.jar) UCHIJ harvestcraft{1.11.2g} [Pam's HarvestCraft] (Pam's HarvestCraft 1.11.2h.jar) UCHIE tfc2{0.2.4} [TerraFirmaCraft 2] ([1.11.2]TFC2-0.2.4.jar) UCHIJ jei{} [Just Enough Items] (jei_1.11.2- UCHIJ mercurius_updater{1.0} [mercurius_updater] (MercuriusUpdater-1.11.2.jar) UCHIJ tombmanygraves{1.11.2-3.0.10} [Tomb Many Graves] (TombManyGraves-1.11.2-3.0.10.jar) Loaded coremods (and transformers): TFCASMLoadingPlugin ([1.11.2]TFC2-0.2.4.jar) com.bioxx.tfc2.asm.transform.ModuleEntityRenderer com.bioxx.tfc2.asm.transform.ModuleWorldGen com.bioxx.tfc2.asm.transform.ModuleFood com.bioxx.tfc2.asm.transform.ModuleVanillaReplacement com.bioxx.tfc2.asm.transform.ModuleInventory Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge' Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)
  16. TFC Community / Server poll

    Heyo! I've been playing TFC for a few years now and am considering making a server. I wantto first see what the community wantsand what y'all don't want so that I can tailor a server to this communities needs. I hope to see your response and appeal to what you want! Just wanted to point out although my profile says I'm freshly spawned (which is true for this account) I had to make a new one, here is proof I existed:
  17. Hello, and welcome to Death'sHallow, a brand new, fresh world tfc server! we only allow people 13+ to join, and we also allow minor swearing! we also have NO whitelist, and we also have only a few rules, such as no cursing at others, no greifing/raiding, etc. we also have the essentials plugin! come join us, for fun! We also do RP on the server, and occasional group roleplays! Ip: Version: 79.29, no other mods!
  18. [TFC 79.29.922] Nations of Terra

    Welcome to Nations Of Terra! We are an open, lite-RP, PVP-allowed server where you can live life as you see fit. From being a bandit, robbing players on the open road, or leading a wealthy settlement, feudal life is yours to determine. We use a decent-sized modpack that contains minor content additions, such as Udary and TFC Tweaks, but sticks closely to core TFC gameplay. We use the 'Factions' plugin so that players can start or join their own factions with friends or strangers. The server will be up 24/7 and will be on a reliable connection. I am an experienced Admin (ran quite a few small servers before.) We prefer a policy of 'live and let live' in that we usually prefer to stay out of players affairs. Of course, we do not tolerate cheating or 'hacking' of any sort and will intervene as necessary. The modpack can be directly downloaded (with instructions) at the bottom of this post. The world is a new world aswell. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! [Last World Reset:Never] [Next World Reset: TBD] [] Rules: 1) No harrassment or racial slurs etc. Don't be a jerk. 2) No cheating/x-ray texture packs etc. 3) No spawnkilling near the spawn zone. If you think someone is breaking the rules you can contact the server admin or any mods who are on for assistance. Admin: Lavos5181 Mods: Alexi_Stukov Feed The Beast Code: NoT Instructions for manual loading of modpack: 1) Install 'Forge' Version 2) Install 'Liteloader' for 1.7.10 (This is optional for better-looking clouds) 3) Download the 'mods' and 'config' folders from this link: 4) Replace the 'mods' and 'config' folders in your .minecraft folder with the new ones you just downloaded. See the readme file that comes with the download if you're unsure how to do this. Thanks for checking us out! Hope to see you soon!
  19. Server Advertisement Eligibility

    [This post is directed towards the Forum Staff for the TerraFirmaCraft Forums. I welcome answers from the community, however, I would prefer confirmation from a staffmember. Thanks!] Hello, I represent a server that intends to publicly announce its official release in the near future. Our server architecture includes both plugins (nativeto Bukkit, Spigot, Paper) and mods (native to Forge). To facilitate a new-player onboarding process that is simplified and expedited, we have curated a modpack for specificuse with our TerraFirmaCraft server. This modpack utilizes the distribution methods provided via the Technic Launcher. Rule 2.1 of the Server forum indicates that advertising our server within the forum or providing prospective players a link/instructions for utilzing our modpack in order to join our server may be considered a breach of the TerraFirmaCraft Forum rules/Terms of Service. I request clarification regarding Rule 2.1 and commonly used alternatives that are acceptable if we would be in breach usingour current method. Thank you, Taylor / FaintingHope
  20. Due to hosting this off my home internet I must unfortunately close down the server. I don't have the required funds to host a server this intensive on my internet and as it is sad, at some point I wish to host again. Mods: TerrafirmaCraft- (Obviously) Merchants 1.1.3 Merchants-Containers-1.0.1 Server Specs: 6Gb 2400 Ram (Can be upped to 10) Intel i-5 3.9Ghz Quadcore 2TbHDD 250Gb HDD 6944 Kbps / 1120 Kbps on avg We have an admin shop and an official currency, Deure. Rules: 1. No Greifing 2. Generally no PVP unless both parties agree 3. No AbusiveLanguage 4. No Bullying 5. If you disrespect an admin they have full right to do as they please to you and your base (Some exceptions apply) 6. If you whine you will be thrown in a pit and left there without tools until you die. (and/or have people throw stone javelins at you)
  21. Please help eith my server

    So i got a problem my TFC server isint working and i have tried everything. please help? (me and my friend really wanr to play together thru hamachi) crash report
  22. Come join our new Terrafirmacraft Server. We are a vanilla based server. The server is Running TFC I recommend installing fastcraft v1.23by Player.( The build of forge is 1.7.10- Server IP: Server Rules: 1. No Hacking 2. No Xray 3. No spamming 4. No advertising 5. No excessive griefing. 6. No glitches or exploits. 7 No giving out other players personal information. 8. No begging for items. 9. No asking for OP or a Rank. 10. Have Fun. Other Information: We do not have lots of plugins we a TFC vanilla based server. Users have access to basic commands such as /tpa, /home, /spawn, ect.. Players also have access to protecting their land by using a copper shovel and selecting the dimensions of the area they want to claim. This server is not a whitelisted server anyone can join.
  23. If you are looking for a small community for TerraFirmaCraft with role-play and white list then this is the server for you! This server is completely Vanilla except for FTC and it's for people who wish to play in a tight community with active players that can converse and create a city wide trade system with lots of trade and conversing with 0 conflict and over 9000% fun. This server is fairly new and we are looking for around 10-15 players depending on how it goes. If you wish to join please make an application following this format: Application: Full Name: Time-Zone: Skype: yes or no? Ingame Name: Age: Experience with Minecraft: Experience with TFC: Why you wish to join: If your application is accepted you will be replied to and the servers IP will be sent to you via Private Message with an ETA of 30 minutes! (unless I'm nowhere to be found). Hope To See You There!!!
  24. Server To Play

    I am looking for a server to play on. I am rather new to TFC so i am looking for a friendly group. I would prefer server with no grieving and good cooperation.
  25. Hi. It is Christmas, and for me that means some free time for playing videogames. So I put up a TFC server, (might add some mods?) but what is a server without anyone to play with? So I’d like to start a little community! I feel TFC is best experienced when playing multiplayer. So if you want to join, feel free to leave a comment or just add me on Skype: [email protected] Would be great if you could add some information like this: 1.) Name? 2.) IGN? 3.) Age? 4.) How often will you play? 5.) Skype? Would like if you were interested in talking, because I think that makes for the best multiplayer experience. The world will start when someone joins. It is a dedicated server so the serve would be online 24/7. Right now I have these mods installed: -TFC Cellar Mod -TCF Decorations I’ll be happy to help if anyone need help installing those mods.