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ATTENTION Forum Database Breach 03/04/2019
There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again. -
This forum is now READ ONLY! 01/20/2020
As of this post and forever into the future this forum has been put into READ ONLY MODE. There will be no new posts! A replacement is coming SoonTM . If you wish to stay up-to-date on whats going on or post your content. Please use the Discord or Sub-Reddit until the new forums are running.
Any questions or comments can be directed to Claycorp on either platform.
Search the Community: Showing results for tags 'Whitelisted'.
Found 13 results
We are looking for a few people to join our Terrafirmacraft server. It is modded and has mods such as; TFC, Leather Water Sac, TFC Automated Bellows Addon, TFC Cellars Addon, Animalcrate, Bibliocraft and bibliowoods, Glibys Voice Chat (Talking is not necessary), Journeymap, NEI, Ships mod, Traincraft, Vending and Immersive Engineering. We are trying to make a nice friendly community and are trying to get a range of people that will be dedicated to playing. If you are interested please join this discord click on the apply to server tab, and maybe drop a message in the general saying hi. Thank you for applying, we look forward to seeing you on the server. We have recently had a new map, for any info about the server, view the guide tab in the discord, this will tell you how to apply etc.
- 2 replies
- modded
- terrafirmacraft
(and 1 more)
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Welcome to the Land of O'Reilly Welcome to the land of O'Reilly! We are a new economy based server designed to encourage trade and cooperation between players. Use our licensing system to claim land, and settle disputes between rivals! Earn money by selling ore, food, wood, or any other commodity and buy the items you need! Go into town to do business then go home to your industry to produce your valuable goods! Form inter-business trade to fill the need for goods! Explore the world for ore sites so you can sell them to prospective miners! Fill subsidies and contracts offered by the government to earn large rewards! Enjoy our maintained, high speed server owned by myself and moderated by a trusted group of people I have gathered! Pictures: Fill out the application below for a PM of the server IP and an invite to our discord. I hope to see a lot of people there! If you have ANY questions feel free to PM me or respond down below and I will gladly answer. We are currently PVE server however we are looking for ways to implement PVP without ruining the experience of the PVE players. We are medium role play so we only truly enforce law and economy rules. Cursing is fine, just keep it to a minimum. We welcome all! Application: Name Time Playing TFC What you have to offer the server Do you agree to help create an awesome experience for others on the server? Something interesting about yourself. Well written applications will be excepted. Age doesn't matter as long as you follow the rules and maintain some maturity. Server will be opening tomorrow night!
Due to hosting this off my home internet I must unfortunately close down the server. I don't have the required funds to host a server this intensive on my internet and as it is sad, at some point I wish to host again. Mods: TerrafirmaCraft- (Obviously) Merchants 1.1.3 Merchants-Containers-1.0.1 Server Specs: 6Gb 2400 Ram (Can be upped to 10) Intel i-5 3.9Ghz Quadcore 2TbHDD 250Gb HDD 6944 Kbps / 1120 Kbps on avg We have an admin shop and an official currency, Deure. Rules: 1. No Greifing 2. Generally no PVP unless both parties agree 3. No AbusiveLanguage 4. No Bullying 5. If you disrespect an admin they have full right to do as they please to you and your base (Some exceptions apply) 6. If you whine you will be thrown in a pit and left there without tools until you die. (and/or have people throw stone javelins at you)
- 17 replies
If you are looking for a small community for TerraFirmaCraft with role-play and white list then this is the server for you! This server is completely Vanilla except for FTC and it's for people who wish to play in a tight community with active players that can converse and create a city wide trade system with lots of trade and conversing with 0 conflict and over 9000% fun. This server is fairly new and we are looking for around 10-15 players depending on how it goes. If you wish to join please make an application following this format: Application: Full Name: Time-Zone: Skype: yes or no? Ingame Name: Age: Experience with Minecraft: Experience with TFC: Why you wish to join: If your application is accepted you will be replied to and the servers IP will be sent to you via Private Message with an ETA of 30 minutes! (unless I'm nowhere to be found). Hope To See You There!!!
- 125 replies
- community based
- whitelist
(and 8 more)
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DaveTFC [] (WHITELISTED) Fresh World Players: (10/10) FULL
ZombieDave111 posted a topic in Servers
Hello, my name is Dave. I am hosting a private whitelisted TFC server, the world is brand new! no one has builded on there or even taken a rock out of the ground, i decided to start this server because i was bored being playing TFC alone, i invited my friends and they said TFC was hard and boring and so now im trying here, on the TFC forums and i hope its successful here! its a vanilla TFC server so only need to have TFC version0.79.29.922. also, I've made a secret word so that only the ones who read the whole topic can join the server so look out for the secret word on this threat. We will make a chat on Discord where we can talk in chat or on voice, share opinions, contact and etc, probably it will be like a town with each player with a role, Farmer, Miner, Blacksmith, Baker, Carpenter, Builder, etc. Max players whitelisted will be 10, maybe on the future there will be more. So, What most of you want to know is, how to enter the server right? first you need to be whitelisted, to do so you need to answer this format: Username: Discord: Age: Experience in TFC: Tell us a little about yourself: If on the server are some ''roles'' [Miner, Blacksmith, Farmer, etc], what would you like to be?: What would you do as your role?: What would you do on the server?: What will you do to help the server?: What are your strong points (in TFC)?: What are your weak points (in TFC)?: Secret Word: Rules: 1-.You will not ask for OP. 2-. You can't random spam build (place blocks everywhere not forming a house). 3-. Robbing from others inst allowed, Robbing is bannable. 4-. Destroying builds that aren't yours without permission is bannable. 5-. Animal limit is 7 Adults of each kind and as many child as you want but remember that when they grow there only needs to be 7 Adults. 6-. Killing someone else's Animals or Pets is a warning. 7-, If you get 3 warnings you get banned. 8-. If you see someone breaking a rule, report it to me on Discord or in game. 9-. Trying to make someone do something bad so they get banned is bannable. 10-. All types of hacking is bannable, X-Ray included. 11-. You can use the following mods: -Journey Map -Attack Indicator -Optifine -Fastcraft -NEI -NEI TFC addons 12-. Using an other mod that isn't on the list above is bannable unless you ask me permission and tell me what it does. 13-. Secret Word is TDaveFC 14-. You can't break blocks bellow houses that aren't yours to make a cave-in- 15-.You can live with someone if you ask them permission. 16-.You can't use the metal just for yourself. 17-. Trashing materials that aren't yours is bannable 18-. Swearing is bannable. 19-. Exploiting is bannable. 20-.Breaking any of the rules is bannable. Once you have answered the format above, wait until i see it and see if you can be whitelisted, then i'll message you through this forum the discord link to the TFC server group. On there, there will be the TFC server IP. Thanks for reading! i wish you luck! Have a great Day! Slots (4/10)- 18 replies
- dave
(and 3 more)
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ACTUALLY IM NOT ACCEPTING MORE REQUESTS FOR PERSONAL REASONS REMEMBER, THIS IS NOT A MODPACK SERVER, THIS ONLY USES TFC 1stOF ALL: THE TFCSERVER WILL BE NOW RE-OPENED! IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS PLEASE SEND ME A MESSAGE TO:[email protected] EL SERVIDOR DE TFC ESTARÁ AHORA RE-ABIERTO! SI TIENES PREGUNTAS POR FAVOR ENVÍAME UN MENSAJE A:[email protected] 2nd OF ALL: NOW IF YOU WANT TO JOIN IN THIS SERVER PLEASE FILL THIS APPLICATION FORM:CLICK HERE! AHORA SI QUIERES ENTRAR EN ESTE SERVIDOR POR FAVOR LLENA ESTE FORMULARIO: ¡HAZ CLICK AQUÍ! 3thOF ALL: LOOK DOWN FOR INFO ABOUT THE SERVER MIRA ABAJO PARA VER INFORMACIÓN DEL SERVIDOR 4thOF ALL: IF YOU JOINED BUT YOU DON'T PLAY AN ENTIRE WEEK IN THE SERVER YOU WILL BE KICKED AND OTHER WILL REPLACE YOU(WHEN WE GET 30 MINECRAFTERS JOINED)(THIS IS TO LET NEW PEOPLE JOIN) SI HAS ENTRADO PERO NO JUEGAS DURANTE UNA SEMANA SERÁS EXPULSADO DEL SERVIDOR Y TE REEMPLAZARÁN(CUANDO TENGAMOS 30 MINECRAFTIANOS UNIDOS) (ESTO ES PARA QUE NUEVOS SE UNAN) PREGUNTAS SOBRE EL SERVIDOR [ESPAÑOL[ ¿Este servidor tiene plugins o algo así?No, es un servidor *puro*, eso quiere decir que no hay protecciones de ningun tipo, obviamente no voy a incluir a cualquiera ¿Está hosteado en un servidor privado?Si, es un host privado. Su pagina web la puedes encontrar aquí: ¿Cuanta RAM tiene el servidor?Este servidor tiene RAM ilimitada. Eso quiere decir 0% lag ¿El mundo es pre-generado?Si ¿Que normas tiene el servidor? No está permitido robar ni destruir/construir en casas ajenas, eso quiere decir que para construir al lado de alguien necesitas primero el permiso de la persona que está allí No insultar Solo puedes hablar en el chat principal en español o inglés No está permitido preguntar por moderador o administrador ni se puede pedir objetos. No puedeshacer publicidad de otros servidores ¿Qué versión tiene el servidor?1.7.10 ¿Qué versión de forge utiliza? (Pero creo que puedes utilizar la versión también) ¿El servidorposeelista blanca?Si ¿Cuanto tiempo está el servidor abierto? 24/7 ¿El servidor se reinicia solo?Si, cada 6 horas SERVER QUESTIONS [ENGLISH] Does this server have plugins or something? No, it is a *pure* server, that means no protection of any kind, obviously I will not include anyone Is it hosted on a dedicated server? Yes, is a hosted server. The host's page is here: [The server I bought is an Minecraft Unlimited] How much RAM have this server?This server have unlimited ram. And doesn't lag, Is the world pre-generated? Yes What rules have this server? No griefing or stealing allowed. That means that you need to talk with the user that has a house builded and talk with him if you want to build in a specific area No swearing You can talk in main chat only in Spanish/English It is not allowed to ask for moderator or administrator and ask for items You can't advertise another servers Version of the server?1.7.10 Forge version of the server? I think that will work to) The server is whitelisted?Yes How much time is open? 24/7 The server restarts itself?Yes, every 6 hours
[Offline](15+) (whitelisted) Gabernia: a whitelisted, new, TNFC Server!
gold_mine posted a topic in Servers
**Notice** This server runs the modpack TechNodeFirmaCraft which does not use a supported version of TFC. If you need help or encounter a problem, you will not get support in the support forum. Instead, please either post on this topic or on the technode subreddit, /r/technode. Also if you have a reddit username, let me know so I can add you to our private sub. About Hello, I'm hosting a small Technodefirmacraft server running on normal mode for people looking to join a small and relaxed community. We encourage you to build with others, however, you choose how you want to play and don't want to force anything upon you. This modpack is great for anyone who likes a more challenging minecraft experience, adding technology to expand the original modpack Terrafirmacraft. We also have a Discord server, where you can chat with others, but it's not needed. In case you need help with anything, we'll always be there. We have a few extra mods to add to the experience, we will give you all the links to make it easy to install. The application form is at the bottom Rules Be polite Griefing is not allowed Stealing is not allowed Ask beforehand if you plan on building next to someone Cheating or exploting of glitches is not allowed Application Form: (To apply you must be 15 or older) What is your timezone? What country are you from? Minecraft username? Age? How often do you play -
Hi guys! How's it going?? I'm looking to start a community TFC Server with some good people!! I have already purchased the server, now i'm just waiting for people to be part of the community. There are 3+ Gbs of ram dedicated to the small community server so lag is not an issue here! Free bed upon joining!! (If i'm online) Sequoia Trees at spawn! I have created a folder with the mods installed on the server which are: 1.) Terrafirmacraft 79.24 (Of course) 2.) TFCcellarsAddon 3.) TFCUdaryMod 4.) Decorations (Have not updated mod pack yet) Download Rules!!: Respect everyone No Stealing No Immature behavior Have fun If you read the rules include "stone age" in your app To join, just fill in the application below 1.) Name? 2.) IGN? 3.) Age? 4.) How often will you play? 5.) Skype? (Only so i can notify you when you have being whitelisted & send you the ip) I look forward to hearing from you!
- 57 replies
- 3gbs ram
- whitelisted
(and 5 more)
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Hello all!This is a server for those who like TechNodeFirmacraft and want to play in a community!Mining together. having a pro smith, giant factories run by actual people and not machines, its all possible as long as the players want it to be possible!Thats why this server is whitelisted, if you want to join you should really first have some TFC experience and some TNF (TechNodeFirmacraft).Also I and I hope you to, would like all builds to be realistic, it stays TFC ofcourse, AND FIX YOUR CREEPER HOLES!TNF: Server:24/7EU hostedCreeperhost Zombie (not the best but luckly this isnt a heavy pack)Interested:If you'd like to join please react to this post or send me a private message or send an mail to: [email protected] containing the answers to the following questions:What is your IGN?What is your real name?Do you have skype, and if you do what is your name? (please do, you have a better chance of being accepted)What is your TFC Experience?What is your TNF experience?Why you? (promote yourself)What are your specialties? (Mining, Farming, Building, Smithing, Making those nice machines)I would be glad to see you soon on this TNF fan made server!-Itsa me Stephen
- 18 replies
[Offline][0.79.15] Hosting small server. 6 - 12 people (Whitelisted)
soldierashley posted a topic in Servers
Hello im looking for a few people to start a small server. I'm looking for people that are mature enough not to grief and raid each other but like to have fun, are 15 or over and know the basics of tfc. Application Name: Ign: Age: Why you want to join: What skills you would bring to the server: How often would you play: Skype:- 48 replies
- Community
- Whitelisted
(and 1 more)
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Sup guys this is my first post here in foruns, so i'm not going to ask thing like: I WAN'T A GIANT SERVER WITH THOUSAND PLAYERS IN, no i'll not I'm asking for a small server White listed or not. Maybe small server a few players a good community. My ''stats'' unfortunately I just have the cracked version (cuz' where i'm from this game is expensive AND yes i'll buy the original)
- 4 replies
- cracked
- whitelisted
(and 4 more)
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Crococraft server Welcome! JuPhi and I (EnTro) have been playing TFC for some time now and we’d like to start-up a server with other people. We want to create a server with a nice, friendly and inspiring community. We look for all type of players: from explorers to castle builders, from traders to miners, packrats to hermits and farmers to knights. We use mytown to allow you to create towns and nations. The trade booth mod allows you to setup a booth that will allow 24/7 trade, even when you are offline. Also we have a few custom recipes that allow you to make pistons and redstone lamps! About: Teams and claiming territory Anybody is allowed to form a group or team to play together. We now have the MyTown plugin running that allows you to create villages and nations. Server map We have an interactive server map (not Dynmap, this is much better ). PvP, destroying and stealing PvP is turned on and allowed on the condition that both individuals (or teams) agree on the terms beforehand. Destroying stuff or stealing ones property is not allowed (unless agreed in a PvP situation). General rules Stay within the pregenerated map boundaries. Do not leave the terrain in an ugly state (e.g. cut all jungle/sequoia trees). Swearing/cursing is not allowed. Respect all other players. And of course: Wheaton's Law. In case of (rule) disputes, contact me. Mods This is mainly a vanilla TFC server with a few minor extensions. In addition we have implemented a few custom recipes and Aeroc's awesome trade booth mod and Mytown. We have a page with installation instructions.Don't worry, setting it all up is easy as pie! There is even a modpack to make it even simpler. Features: - Super-server; Quad core, 3.4 - 3.9Ghz, 32Gb ram, SSD drives, 1Gbit uplink - TerraFirmaCraft of course! - MyTown for setting up towns and nations - TradeBooths allowing 24/7 trading - Custom recipes - Pregenerated map; x from -15000 to 15000, z from -15000 to 15000 (stay within these borders) - Mumble server for speech - Community website: Moderators: JuPhi, Hammerfury, Codey, LKaewan & EnTro Screenshots: Open the spoiler to see more screenshots: These screenshots are made by fliffy101 using the Glsl shaders mod in spawn village. Shaderpack is Chocabos. ( Two more) Video: This video was made by MasterOfTrollz on the server. He gives a general overview on TerraFirmaCraft in the second large town: Corinth How to apply: Applications are closed Post this filled out form in a reply: Username: Age: Location: Why do you like to play TFC? Why do you want to join? What will you add to the server? We will send you the server's address in a PM when you're accepted
- 559 replies
[Offline] TerraAvsCraft build 78 server no grief no steal whitelisted
Avsnoopy posted a topic in Servers
I'm avsnoopy, i own TerraAvsCraft a Vanilla TFC server. TerraAvsCraft is in build 0.78.16. The aim is to be a small server with a average of 4 people to be online at once. Rules are self explanatory, No stealing, no greifing, no killing unless justified or agreed upon by both players(good examples: You and your friend want to pvp. You catch someone stealing from you. Bad examples: You kill someone to take what belongs to them.) There aren't any other mods or expansions. I am the only staff but i play frequently and am very friendly (I'll help you out and give you pointers) The server is whitelisted, if you want to join reply to this thread with your Ign and age and i'll whitelist you within a day. Also add me on Skype if you would like(abesnoopy) I'm open to questions. thank you. [note: I reserve the right to not whitelist you or remove you from the server at any time if i think it is necessary.] EDIT: IMPORTANT!!! THE SERVER IS NO LONGER TAKEING APPLICATIONS. THANKYOU EVERYONE!!