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I looked through a couple of pages in this suggestion list and didn't really find anything like this (plus if I did, this doesn't just copy it, I had completely different thoughts about it) so here is my list of things that I think should be in TFC2 -Cavemen: the mobs in minecraft are dumb to me really, I think they aren't realistic or believable so instead of having zombies, skeletons, creepers, etc; we should have randomly spawned hostile cavemen tribes that come out at night and spawn in abandoned villages *also on this page* and also have friendly cavemen that you can use to have different abilities like hunters, farmers, fishermen, shaman, etc;-Villages: in normal minecraft there's plenty of random things that spawn around but none in TFC like villages or abandoned mineshafts, but I think 1 you should be able to find hostile ones that aggressive cavemen tribes spawn around and friendly ones that you can claim. The way friendly cavemen would work is they spawn in the wild occasionally and if you find one you can trade it something to get him/her into your tribe. I also think you should be able to build houses in it similar to how that very old mod that let you have your own kingdom (I forgot the name, I think that mod was even before Forge came out)-Mobs Spawning: I hated in TFC1 that mobs were unable to respawn and wild wolves would kill them and you had to go miles from your house to find an animal and it was really hard and boring, since you had no way of protecting them in early game. I think you should let them respawn and be common enough to find with ease because in reality they wouldn't be SUPER rare, especially when tribes didn't breed them until thousands of years later... maybe you could have a system so that the game checks the chunks around you for mobs and if 2 of that animal are left then it can spawn more until... a max number? That way it doesn't lag out your game with mobs and it still lets you find them somewhat easily.-Ages & Abilities per age: It seemed in TFC 1 that you had a stone age but after that there was just metal and nothing came after that. I think you should have a system like a classic empire game where in the stone age you can have a tribe with up to 20 people and need like a hut for 4 people and then once you start planting and domesticating animals and get your very first metal tools (neolithic age) you can have basic farms and ways to breed animals but all the animals still look wild (bulls, not cows, bores, not pigs, etc;) and you still have cavemen and stuff but then you can move to the bronze and so forth and your livestock and people evolve (I'm no historian but you would have things where it would look Greek at some point and other cultures and there would be an Iron age and Ice age and so on...) and then you can have cities and tons of people and it grows and grows. Maybe eventually there can be guns and more advanced recipes and better medicine and armor and tools so that it still feels like there's something to do instead of TFC 1: Mine mine mine hammer hammer hammer build build build farm farm farm etc;-Building: in the early game of the original you didn't get to build anything except a whole in the ground and have a hobbit house but I think you should be able to have like stick buildings and evolve your materials as you go like sticks (paleolithic), stone & stick (neolithic), marble (Greek), stone brick (Roman), wooden & stone brick & metal & plaster (medieval)...bla bla bla... eventually modern. Also instead of hand building everything (yes I know that's Minecraft, but it gets old and its pointless) and just being able to look at it but it has no real use, you would have builders in your tribe/town/city/empire that build it and it looks good for you and looks cool and is "used" be the people in your settlement.-Servers: I know that empires sound a little overkill for single player (which it is...) but multiplayer servers (probably an official server considering Flans mod failed at letting users make servers) could have an awesome towny that forms a big empire like WOK modded servers and factions to have a Hurt-World/Arc feel where you have to evolve as fast as possible to kill people. And even cool mini-games and stuff like collecting food challenges and hunger games. I think this would add a whole new aspect to playing this mod so that its more entertaining and more people will use it.-HQM Mod & NEI Mod: Hardcore Questing Mod was made by the people at Feed The Beast that lets you track your progression and goals in-game. I think it would be very good for this because it works like Achievements and you open it to see how far you are and what you need to do next, which would've been great in the first game because you can actually play the game instead of read the wiki, but in this redo I think it is completely necessary to have some way in-game to see what you need to do. Especially if you do my idea of more defined ages, this mod will help because you can't read ahead of what you're at and it lets you put in more story line/detailed information. Also your new version should have compatibility with NEI, because people hate memorizing recipes or looking back and forth at a wiki, it doesn't feel like playing a game anymore. Pretty much every mod-pack made now uses NEI because you can see how to craft items and making a completely new system is a lot of unnecessary work.-Inventory: this is probably the least important, but I think you should remake your inventory and overburdened system. You should disable your inventory except your hot bar and make primitive bark/skin armor (the bark idea was in another article but this will show more reason to have it) that will give you more inventory space. If you do more protective armor and then armor with lots of pockets then the game will add complexity. So if you get bark early in-game then it will protect you a little bit but wearing skins will help more with heat and have more inventory space. The inventory would lock spaces when you start and unlock them when you wear armor. So naked you have only the nine hot bar slots and when you put on clothes/armor you get more and more storage.-Heat: light and heavy armor plus heat will add to the seasons/biomes so when it's winter you need wool or something but in the summer you wear light things (ex: summer you wear bear/buffalo skins but in winter you wear deerskin) which is pretty self explanitory what does what. This will add more to the armor because orriginally you had weight and no one cared really.-Killing: this might be a little graphic and all but if you think about it you don't need blood and you could just do skeletons instead of cut open animals (again that would be graphic, you just need skeletons that disapear after 5 seconds...) but if you had it so when you kill animals it drops a body on the ground (ragdoll type that disapears) and to get items from it you have to skin it by right clicking with a knife (which would drop skins & meat and turn the ragdoll to a skeleton) to get items and to get bones for other recipies you can just right click the skeleton to get bones. Then the bones could be used for tools and things but it doesn't waiste inventory space with stuff you don't want.