Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. TFC Version #: b79.15Forge Version #: (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Unsure, bug could be related to the food item or to the vessel item, or to something else entirely.Description: While playing singleplayer survival mode, I randomly encounter food items that cannot be stored inside small vessels. As an example, slaying a deer yielded two haunches of venison. One of them I was able to put into a small vessel for storage, the other would not let itself be placed there. I observed similar things with bunches of seaweed I had harvested, porkchps dropped from pigs, mutton dropped from sheep, and tomatos harvested from wild plants. I did not observe it with garlic harvested from wild plans, yellow peppers harvested from my own farm, or rice grains (from wild plants, but refined). Unfortunately this only serves to underline how random it is, but I'd say that somewhere around two thirds of all the food items I procure are not storable in small vessels. They can be stored in other stroage mediums just fine, but I'd really like to have that decay reduction modifier... Fun bonus: I saved, quit and restarted the game. After doing so, one out of four previously unstorable items became storable all of a sudden, while the other three didn't. I read in the changelog that small vessels are supposed to reject items with incorrect NBT data. If that is the source of this bug, then somehow my game generates faulty NBT data for the majority of food drops it generates. Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? - CodeChickenCore 1.7.10- - NotEnoughItems 1.7.10- - TFC NEI Plugin 1.7.10- - FastCraft 1.16If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: Neither of them is installed.
  2. Cold firepit is a heat source

    TFC Version #: b79.15Forge Version #: (Single/MultiPlayer): SSPSuggested Name: Cold firepit is a heat sourceDescription: After a firepit runs out of fuel and stops burning, it still counts as a significant source of heat for the purposes of the "apparent temperature" readout on the F3 debug menu. It adds about 5 degrees to spaces right adjacent to it, decreasing with distance. This persists indefinitely, even through client restarts, and for as long as the firepit exists. Breaking the firepit instantly removes the heat source. This bug seems borderline irrelevant right now, but when body temperature is implemented and players need to stay warm, it would be a serious exploit. Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug?: YesDo you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: YesIf yes, which mods? - CodeChickenCore 1.7.10- - NotEnoughItems 1.7.10- - TFC NEI Plugin 1.7.10- - FastCraft 1.16If you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: Neither of them is installed.