Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Best sandwich ever?

    So, as the topic suggests, I would like to know what the best sandwich you’ve ever managed to make is. I think it would be nice to make this a sort of contest, and see who has come the closest to an absolute perfect sandwich. Just to clarify, when I say “an absolute perfect sandwich”, I mean a sandwich that’s not only “perfectly sweet”, “perfectly sour”, etc., but a sandwich that is right on +-0 across all five categories. For comparing which sandwich is closer to the absolute perfect, we should do as Kitty said in this post and “compare them by adding the distance from perfect, and better is a smaller number.” In my case, it’s this one (screenshot in spoiler). After some trial and error, and some math (quite a lot of math, actually), I managed to get this. It’s four “perfectly” (<+-5) and one “overly” (<+-10): 1, 5, 2, 7, 2, which gives a sum total of 17. I would have loved to get that “overly bitter” down to “perfectly bitter”, but I wasn’t able to do it. So, I’d like to see yours! Which is the best sandwich you’ve ever made?
  2. Ok, I cant mod, but I do have some ideas Id love to see made into an add-on mod for TFC, that I think could possibly work well with how TFCraft works. 1. Presser. Similar to the Pams Harvestcraft presser. soybeans to tofu [protein/meat substitute], soy milk [dairy supplement/substitute]. Eggs to Mayonaise? If peanuts could be added, could be used to make peanut butter. 2. Slicer. Slices meats, veg, fruits? a way to control how to divide your food items easier and with more accuracy and ease of use. 3. Canning station. Make "Mason Jars" and can your fruits and vegetables to drastically cut down on decay. Maybe the mason jars have a percentage to break when opened, and would need tin to make lids. Or could even add a recipe to the forge to make tin cans? 4. Sandwich station. A more advanced place to make sandwiches than a stone or wood block, would need prepared foods like cold cuts or sliced vegetables, etc? 5. Appliances? tables and chairs, counters, oven, range, refridgerator, sink? I dont know how some of these would work but TFC has a unique way to do things, Im sure someone clever could make some of these work. Some possible crops to add could be peanuts, lettuce, celery. Grapes could be added if someone could figure out how to make vines. Think Growthgraft. A cauldron could be added for a place to make Broth, Soup, Stew, Porridge, Stock... Edit 1: Maybe also add a Jam and Jelly station, to make jams, jellies, and preserves out of fruit. Also, an Apiary would be cool. Bees in TFC? Honey and toast... Perhaps some additional Egg recipes, like Egg Salad Sandwiches, Hard Boiled egg, Quiche from the oven, with tasty veggies mixed in? Yeah, a lot of this stuff could be end game, but imagine distracting that bear that always kills you with a bit of honey...
  3. TFC 0.79.7 Changelog says: "Redesigned the way that taste interacts with nutrition and how satisfaction affects the player. Taste no longer directly affects the nutrition gained from eating a meal. Instead, it affects only the satisfaction gained, with more satisfaction being added the closer that the meal's taste is to the players preferences. When the player is satisfied, they will gain residual nutrition based upon the player's current nutritional levels with more nutrition gained when the player is malnourished than if he isn't." Does it mean that a better match of a meal's taste with player's taste profile gives an additional increase in nutrition levels (food types), and nothing else? I.e. that the better taste does not increase time, during which hunger bar will not deplete (i.e. "saturation")? Or the change affects only one part of taste mechanics, the one which interacts with nutrition. And the other part - saturation - was not changed? And a related question please: which sandwich would be overall closer to player's profile (with master cooking): -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 or -50 0 0 0 0 ? As usually, terribly sorry if the answers were already given, I did my best to search forum and wiki.
  4. Reg's TFC Cookbook (WIP) This guide is designed to assist in finding sandwich recipes that will have perfect tastes and recipes that are near perfect. Please keep in mind that this is a personal project not a professional one, so the quality will not be superb. This guide will be most effective if you have a master cooking skill, this is because with a master cooking skill you will be able to see the accurate relative tastes values displayed on the tool tips for the food. Now we get to how to use this cookbook. This cookbook is made in a Microsoft excel macro and based off of the tastes of your foods and your taste profile the macro will generate a list of recipes which have perfect tastes and close to perfect tastes. [*]Download the cookbook from the link below. You will have to make sure that you have macros enabled. Excel can help you with that. [*]Open the cookbook, and enter your taste profile. [*]If you do not know your taste profile, the cookbook can help you find it, more on this later. [*]Press Ctrl-R to run the macro that will generate the list of good recipes. That's all you have to do. Finding you taste profile If you don't know your taste profile the cook book can help you, but i can describe it here too. All that is necessary is solving a few algebraic equations. Lets take an example meal and solve for Sweet, ex. If the Sweet values for the ingredients that make a meal are, -30,-30,-20,-15 and the meal Sweet is -5. These values are relative to your Sweet profile value which is unknown, we will call it S. Therefor the actual sweet values are S-30, S-30, S-20, S-15 and S-5. because we know the ingredients must add up to the taste of the meal we can write. (S-30)+(S-30)+(S-20)+(S-15)=(S-5) Now by rearranging the equation to have all of the numbers on the right side and all of the S's on the left side, we get. S+S+S+S-S=30+30+20+15-5------->3S=90 Solve for S S=90/3=30 We have now solved for your Sweet value which is 30. Now for the disclaimer TFC is awesome there is so much variation in the tastes of foods, this is the biggest problem for the cookbook though, because the exact tastes of foods depends on your seed and your location in that world, the recipes that the cookbook will generate for you WILL NOT BE EXACT for everyone. You can fix this problem by providing the actual tastes of the foods that you will be using. This can take lots of time that you may not want to commit to getting more accurate results. Legal.. I guess, if any. First off respect Microsoft property, don't steal excel just to use this, that's what bad people do. As for the cookbook macro This is all my own (horribly written) code. Feel free to edit, modify and share this with anyone who wants it, this started off because i was bored and frustrated at finding good meals and I decided why not let the community use it as well. If you do significantly improve the code (which shouldn't be hard to do) let me know, I can put it up here and let everyone benefit from it. Download Please let me know how this works for you. I don't know how varied the tastes are between worlds, so it may not work as well as I want it to.