Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Hi there, We've just recently opened our very first TFC server and are trying to build aMinecraft centered gaming community, as well. We use the TFC version, and a few extra plugins (like Towny, ChestShop, etc.) to add depth to the game. If you'd like to check us out, you can go to our website at, or simply hope onto the server at! Update (July 10, 2018) We have expanded our map size to 10k by 10k! We have also added several mods to our server, such as: TerraFirmaStuff (latest version) Merchants Add-on (latest version) Cellars Add-on (latest version) TerraMisc Add-on (latest version) Automated Bellows Add-on (latest version) Update (August 25, 2018) We have twonew staff members! Welcome, Feliseda and DutchMango! We now have a functioning Dynmap Trading outposts are only $150! TFC Scales, BiblioCraft, and BiblioWoodsAdd-ons havebeen added to the server! Hope to see you around!
  2. EDIT #2: thank you to Pelemesh_KO for helping us redo the modlist!! EDIT: I Fixed the wrong IP. Whoops! Welcome to Eclipse's Dawn, a terrafirmacraft server! we are a peaceful server, meaning there is no killing, no raiding, and no mobs! Our staff are very kind, and will help you with any problem you may have. Our difference from other servers is that we have lots of fun things to do! we have roleplay aspects, werewolves, and other fun to be had! come by our server, and check out our fun and nice community! There is also NO limit on animals, machines, or anything that may be limited on other servers, as we are about having fun! Our IP is: Our Mods are located here:

  4. POOTISCRAFT anything goes TFC server. Rules: #1. There are no rules. IP Address: Server is currently hosted on a personal computer. More dedicated hosting coming soon. Note: Expect shitty uptime for the time being due to the above
  5. 1.7.10 Join now have fun Mostly active after school and on weekends ask ender_Jenkins or pricelessclutch if you need anything dont ask for stuff
  6. This is the type of server you wan't join if your looking for you food not to decay and have a good time with friends. Server Ip: Rules: 1: don't ask for creative/Admin 1st offence instant ban 2: no greifing = 1 week ban 3: no stealing or you get put in a pit for life and we let fressies shoot you with bows for eternity 3: and dont say lag say tacos or you get kick to the face
  7. This is a TerraFirmaCraft server!Download the Launcher fromHERE No client modding needed! Just follow the instructions on the download page! What is TerraFirmaCraft? It's one of the most complex Minecraft mods. The amount of items and gameplay choices is limitless(almost).In TerraFirmaCraft you will have to work hard to find a way to do any basic things or you can just check their wiki (www. and challenging technology advancement tree. There are over a dozen different ores to discover and structures to build, such as a bloomery, to help you advance.New world generation with more trees and new biomes.Features Best hosting hardware, lag-free, 32 slots, dedicated server, 24/7, high uptime (>99%)Engaged social communityThe server uses LWC for protectionBrand new, HUGE map (32k*32k)The owners are 2 avid minecraft players that have been playing since alpha. (Staff is needed too)No whitelist! Anyone can join to try it out (completely!), if you like it, you may register for extended accessSmall, simple and straight to the point spawn, no fancy bullshit, jump right into the gameplay!Rules Use English in public chat.No griefing or massive harrasement.No modding, hacking, cheating.No foul language or other impolite behaviour. So what are you waiting for? Join us now right below !! Our website : Current server status (Updated in realtime) :Click me Server IP : Banner (Links aren't allowed in this forum) : Clicky!
  8. We are A friendly Helpful community and we love to play terrafirmacraft with others! We have A freshly spawned world as of May, 6, 2014 Owner: Simpious Come join us On Lemoncraft! IP: BlackList jayyy_mm craftingbros_FTW RULES - Don't make me add more! No Swearing Please. No Griefing Please. No Cheating!! You May Pvp and Raid if BOTH sides agree to war. English Only Please. DON'T LECTURE ADMINS! Mods SmartMoving Link Player API Link TFC b78Link Damage Indicators Link ExtraFirma Link
  9. Terra-X Terra-X is a server in a beta phase. The reason behind it being in a beta is to test how much ram it uses while players are playing the game. At the start, there will only be ten slots open, with more to open up as the beta moves along. You also need to apply to be whielisted, fill out the app here! An admin will approve or deny shortly after its posted. It is also advisable to use our website for the most up to date information about the server, the link is up at the top of the post. Mods allowed Only Terrafirmacraft, Inventory Tweaks, and Rei's minimap allowed If you have any questions please post here!
  10. Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know (for those who care) I'm doing a couple things with TerraFirmaCraft. I'm doing a singleplayer lets play with tutorials along the way, and I'm also doing a livestream every night with my buddy Spaniol on a SMP server with TFC. Links below. Lievstream: Youtube Channel: Feel free to check it out!! If I'm not streaming, I have all the past videos up on my twitch page so you can go watch those. As always, please subscribe (youtube) and follow (twtich) if you like!!!! Thanks guys, Ret
  11. new awesome tool

    Axe ? Saw ? Hammer ? Shovel ? Hoe ? We don't need them anymore ! can't wait till Bioxx adds this into TFC