Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Roanoke 6......Challenge Server. If you are up for something very different and very challenging consider joining us on the Roanoke 6 Challenge Server. Using a tweaked Build 77 of the most excellent TerraFirmaCraft mod our programmer has adapted many new features that add to the immersion of the best mod in name a few: 1. Travel faster on cobblestone roads. 2. Find ore veins that expand, contract, branch, and fade out suddenly....they also sometimes have a few blocks of other appropriate ores embedded in them. 3. Use the sluice to find clasts (small insignificant bits of ore) to locate valuable minerals and ores. 4. Find zones of abundant ores and minerals and other areas that have doodley-squat!....(hint; the further north you go, the more chance to strike it rich)..... 5. Propick too op?.....ours only reveals the presence of minerals, not the type.......very tricky..... 6.Tool durability and speed are both reduced so no more building tunnels to avoid the surface....what are we, Morlocks?.....(fortunately tnt can be bought at Spawn for a few paltry coins)...... 6. More believable tree might take weeks of real time for trees to grow. 7. An in game server economy founded on a presumed external market......many things can be sold and the money used to buy land and helpful better boats and airships!! 8. No more smacking grass to find plants.....each different plant grows in a very few places and finding them is tough, but worth it. 9. Gems can be used to enchant items but they no longer drop willy-nilly when you are mining or pop randomly from a have to find the sedimentary beds where they lie, so we hope your favorite song is "sluicing in the dirt for diamonds"...... 10. Kimberlite can be found in distinct pipes, and other sedimentary minerals can be found in stratified beds. 11. Even the grass is against you as it slows your movement!.....the only solution is to build some roads or railroads….maybe even buy an airship….. 12. Have you ever wondered how a chest actually works without any hinges?....wonder no more because we now require you to provide metal hardware for many of the recipes. You can find the clay mold in the crafting screen….now you have a use for all that copper. Consider this....the server has been online for over a year and we are still using iron tools......there is graphite and kaolinite out there but where?...... Enjin SIte: Dynamic Map: Look for the pack on Technic.
  2. Come join our new Terrafirmacraft Server. We are a vanilla based server. The server is Running TFC I recommend installing fastcraft v1.23by Player.( The build of forge is 1.7.10- Server IP: Server Rules: 1. No Hacking 2. No Xray 3. No spamming 4. No advertising 5. No excessive griefing. 6. No glitches or exploits. 7 No giving out other players personal information. 8. No begging for items. 9. No asking for OP or a Rank. 10. Have Fun. Other Information: We do not have lots of plugins we a TFC vanilla based server. Users have access to basic commands such as /tpa, /home, /spawn, ect.. Players also have access to protecting their land by using a copper shovel and selecting the dimensions of the area they want to claim. This server is not a whitelisted server anyone can join.