Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Hello. everyone. Today i show you a new script for Minetweaker and TFC tweaker which one make possible to craft (and enjoy) almost every new items, blocks and machines in your TFC world! Okay. Lets start business: 1) You need following mods: Minetweaker TFC Tweaker TerraFirmaCraft (u know that, right?) Immersive Engineering (Yeah, u know that one too, right?) Terramisc (Thanx laddy! great addon) Udary mod (You really helpfull, mate) TFC engineer (Not from Team Fortress Classic) Thiss stuff. (not really but hey, hemp is here) 2) installation: Intall all mods above. Go to minecraft folder. Put "tfc-IE.zs" in scripts folder Run the game. ... What? Download link? Oh yeah. DOWNLOAD And copyrights? Who need this? Just dont use this on publick servers with donates. I dont like em.
  2. WIP TFCTech Addon

    Hello everyone! I apologize in advance for my English. I mostly use the translator. Old post: Update: I changed the concept of mod. Now this is not a small mod that adds a few new items. I decided to make a crossover mod which will integrate the technical mods with TFC. Now, first things first. Features wich already implemented in 0.1.4-A4: New items: metal dusts, nuggets, plates All metal items can be heated and melted with TFC mechanics New metal Aluminum Bauxite ore world generation (Aluminum ore) New alloys: Electrum, Constantan (Cupronickel) and Invar The list of mods, which is planned to integrate (with progress in %): Buildcraft (90%) Railcraft (0%) Immersive Engineering (2%) Logistics Pipes (0%) Open Computers (0%) Features which implemented in the next update (0.2.0-A5): Buildcraft integration - new gears, steel buckets for oil and fuel, new pipes, new items, changed recipes etc. Quartz drops from stone - nether quartz replacement. Bauxite ore small rocks world generation Hevea trees world generation Latex obtained from Hevea using near to real world rubber tapping Croud rubber, Rubber Bone Glue (Animal Glue) Some pictures: Expected features in future updates: RC, IE, LP, OC Integration New electric devices New flat carts: Log Car, Cart with Chest, Cart with Barrel New ores, metals and alloys Some decoration blocks CurseForge link: You can support me at Patreon: