Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Old high tier steel and meteoric iron

    Before you get your twist in a twist, and start typing on the keyboard... "Hey that's already been suggested. maybe you should search the thing first." (this applies to other players not the mods and admins of this site, just to let you knowyou guys and gals are doing a wonderful job...) Anyways! back on topic, Id like to start by saying I support the idea of meteoric iron. I have distaste in blue and red steel, and I'm well aware this game is shooting for believably, not realism... (took me awhile to wrap my head around since I'm just dumb..." BUT, after I thought and pondered about the old steel types. Which I'm almost sure the Devsare going to change since TFC2 says " a whole new rewrite of the mod." Sowhat to consider changing the oldmetals to. What would be the most plausible option for the highest tier tool, and better help, I have a LOT of experience in metal working, and materials science (metals) well not official but more of recreational. Im just going too put this out but meteoric iron seems like the best substitute for the old blue, black, and red steel. Why? well honestly seems more believable too me. -stays in within time line -Its amine ablemineral / native metal -plus there is multiple types of them "ores"/meteorites(alloy comp) -space metal hasuniquecharacteristicssuch as atomiccrystallinestructures that are hard to replicate on Earth. But then I realize this problem and why I think dunk said no to this. How could this apply to metallurgy? Since the basis is to mix and alloy metals together it would seem worthless to just have a whole new separate metal on its own. but isn't that what iron and steel is? Well, the metal ages go copper, Bronze, Iron, Steel, and I know you guys probably want all mixing of the metals, but I think the better idea would be to have just Copper/Bronze(maybe bismuth bronze/Iron/Steel/Meteoric Iron, and this can apply to tools. NOW I'm not saying mixing the metals is bad and needs to go, I'm saying that just because you have gold, silver and bismuth does not me you should add it in a big pot and get a super metal. To me? not believable, BUT to have certain metals such as stated in order above^ is believable. And the metallurgy idea could be different instead of a giant mixing pot of metal. not so sound mean D: Also I'm not saying trash all the rest ex. gold, brass, silver, platinum. But to re-purposethanfor something more practical from that era so it stays in format with the game/mod. Now I'm aware the mod has black bronze, and bismuth bronze is there as a substitute. but this is just a personnel opinion. Keep bismuth bronze, kick black bronze, but that probably wont happen. just wanted to say it The metal melting process and mixing alloys in a whole beast itself and I have no clue if the Devs are keeping the old system or a awesome new one. fingers crossed* So inconclusion,I think the best option for a last tier metal would be meteoric iron, as in itself is practically just space stainless or kovar metal. I read what other people thought and it seemed positivebut I don't know if anyone would think differently on my point of view. I'm not all sure how it would all work since that's a whole process in itself. And I would just like to say I LOOOVE the idea where I can smelt my metals and mix them, I do this in real life for fun and some income. I really do enjoy it and Id like to see the other metals become more practical in their own aspects. I love this mod and it is truly amazing! I wish I could help more indepthwith metals in the game with my extensive knowledge but anywaysThank you Guys! Thanks for reading- Spinach depth
  2. Hello! I have discovered the definition of "smithing". I have spent the last few days gathering and smelting bronze ingots to get to the iron age. How much bronze you ask? Only 128 ingots XD. Honestly that was not horrible to collect. Using an old poor Cassiterite mine and a Rich Native Copper mine, I was able to amass this amount with a bit of work. I went through 1 1/2 bronze picks and several stacks (160 oz.) of bread throughout the crafting. I forgot to take pictures but I will say, there was a ton of ore. I calculated the amount of copper ore collected and I had gathered a little 17,000 units of it, enough for 170 ingots of copper, but why would I do that? I began the process of smelting the ore using 8 pit kilns, each with 2 clay vessels, each filled with 8 ingots worth of copper. I had made around 22 clay molds for making the ingots so the pouring wasn't a problem. Surprisingly, this was the shortest and easiest part of the build only taking around 45 minutes. I stacked up all of the ingots and took a screenshot, I will do my best to upload it directly : . (I hoped that worked). I spent the next 1 hour of that day and another 2 hours today welding and forging all of the ingots into double plates, using 2 stacks (around, I don't know exactly how much) of flux and 4 stone hammers, I made 2 copper hammers in the meantime. I came out with 32 bronze double plates and Adept in general smithing, I crafted the bloomeries and hopped on my donkey, riding towards the next town, Russelsmith. Many set backs accured, manly the almost death of my donkey several times, but eventually I made it to Russelsmith and put down the bloomeries in the foundry. I took a final screen shot: . I spent alot of time on this so tell me what you think, I calculated that I will be able to process 32 Iron at a time. I plan on using all of this iron to create a rail line between the two towns. The top area is a servicing deck so I can load the bloomeries Edit: my donkey died
  3. YAH! Thats me!
  4. Splitting bloom crashes server v78.10

    Splitting an iron bloom crashes the server. When the server restarts, the bloom did correctly split. Has happened 2 out of 2 times in b78.10Changes to the world may not save, for example I'd made a load of charcoal and put it in a chest, that was all gone since the world had not saved.
  5. Hey everyone, I wanted to bring up a glitch that I found in my time playing. You physically cannot make a Wrought Iron hoe on a Wrought Iron anvil. The steps make it impossible to do so by asking for three things "last". You can see what I'm talking about in the pictures below or in this album :
  6. Iron....

    So, honestly, I love this mod. I love how difficult starting out is, I love how particular farming is, I love how you have to build real mines, and how your inventory stack sizes are microscopic (compared to normal minecraft). BUT. I have no love for world generation of iron. I have dug for over 1500 blocks in each cardinal direction from my home town at elevation 60, and found 8 deposits of cinnabar 7 deposits of saltpeter, 4 deposits of talc, and one small deposit of Hematite just enough to make two anvils. I am all for hard. finding fruit trees is hard. making it out of a cave alive is hard. Finding iron is just plain frustrating to a degree which rivals MMO grinding. I have mined through about 3000 blocks of rock which can contain all the iron clusters, and 3000 blocks of igneous rock which are said to contain hematite. In addition, I have explored (at great risk and determent to my health) 4 cave systems. I am a believer as much as anyone in a 'realistic, difficult experience', but this isn't realistic (there are ways to identify likely locations of iron, and it is fairly common. In fact, it's common nature is why cultures moved from bronze to iron, because it was more common. And further, I don't see spending 40+ hours digging in a straight line as a 'fun' mechanic. Am I doing something wrong? Or does the world gen sometimes just screw you over beyond recovery? I've seen the ore generation numbers before (no, I wont post them), and cinnabar is about half as likely to spawn as the iron ores. What gives?
  7. Ore Tiers

    I was just wondering if anybody had a more or less complete list of the ore tiers/progression..? After finally getting all tin tools, I know I need to get enough copper to make an anvil.. But what comes after that? What's the next goal?
  8. Hi, I don't know if it was mentioned before or if there is an active topic about this, I didn't find any. I see that we have the option to enable the vanilla recipes for the furnace, iron, gold and diamond but I don't know how this config works. I haven't tested them yet in case I break something. I also have the lamp post mod, Railcraft, armor stand and the Jammy's Furniture mod that uses iron ingots for some things as well as stone and cobblestone. Does anyone know how this options work?
  9. Limonite in SMP

    Ok seems that placing limonite into a bloomery with plenty of coal, will cause it to eat up all the coal - overtime, of course - and come out with 0 output. Eventually the "Type:Limonite" will change to just "Type:" with the same amount of ore as first placed. Anyone else having this issue? EDIT: just tested it in a desert and mountain biome, temperature is not a factor. Neither smelted. EDIT: Ok tested with magnetite as well, they both seem to break the bloomeries.