Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. [BUG LIST] Post your bugs below

    Hi Bioxx, I've decided to help you out some, and make a bit of a central list for bugs that me, and others have found. I'll update this list every build, and change to green what bugs have been fixed If you find a bug, let me know what is and what version you are using. Remember to describe it best you can, so it is easier for the devs to "pinpoint" how to fix it, and what went wrong easier. I will update the list when I see it. Also, If you see a bug that is fixed, or not a bug, let me know, and I'll mark it as Fixed, or remove it. Red = Not Fixed Green = Fixed -Tall grass and rocks prevent leaves on fruit trees from growing. (Not sure if this is a bug, but is kind of weird anyway) -Weapon blocking is still bugged, requires you to right click on the ground for it to block ​-Digging dirt/grass below a sapling yields that sapling AND an oak saplings -Ad​ded doors bug out when a redstone signal is applied. -When cutting Willow trees, a chunk of tree usually stays floating in the air. -When cutting large kapok trees, vines, and some leaves with vines attached will remain floating in the air. -Eating a meal does not show the "eating animation", only the burp at the end. This was working fine in B66. -Placing a vine on a vertical surface (side of a block) appears to place nothing while removing the item from your inventory, but sometime later a vine may appear on or near that surface. Placing a vine on the side of a block with a block directly above will make the vine appear underneath the block above. -Cactus in desert can be discovered as item entities on the ground in a freshly generated chunk. -Plum and red apple trees never seem to be harvestable -Food prep gui doesn't update stack quantity until at least one meal is crafted -Some plants (eg oats) growth cycle seem to ignore year length setting, most work properly though -In B69 SMP, smelted metal that gets cold in a bloomery will crash the server when accessed and will require the bloomery to be broken and rebuilt. -In a fire pit when a mold in the first slot fills and there is excessive liquid metal it overflows to a mold in the second slot. However when a mold in the second slot fills, the overflow is lost, it won't attempt to fill an empty mold in the first slot. -Creeper explosion near a camp-fire will make that campfire drop as an object, and can be replaced by right-clicking. -Something that I'm pretty sure everyone have noticed is sometimes 2 same objects won't come together and will act as two different objects. To fix that you just open you'r inventory and shift click on the two items. Best example markings on a scribing table. If you right click it'll put them all and you can't combine them back together -Breaking a fruit tree branch with your hand causes the branch to respawn along with all potential leaves that could be connected to that branch, even if the branch had no leaves at the time. If the fruit tree is in season you can use this exploit to gather infinite fruit. -Doors are very annoying in SMP. When others open doors, you see it open up but can't go through. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. -Sometimes you do not have your water meter filled up when you get in water. Logging out and back in fix it. -When you throw a spear, the spear in the left inventory slot goes first, and it causes it to get the durability from the spear you were holding when thrown. -Smelting magnetite in a bloomery: I believe if the ore cools to a non-liquid state before the gui is reopened the ore and charcoal readout bugs out (Ore displayed as full when it isn't). The bloomery then accepts charcoal normally and it will consume magnetite endlessly, and requires breaking and replacing to fix. -Plum trees not harvestable (Don't remember if I placed red apple at some point) -Ghost axes still there -Anvil updates when smithing: If a plan is swapped for another without closing and re-opening the anvil gui, the green completion section doesn't move, which is misleading when trying to smith fast. Also happens when exchanging one ingot for another. -Support beams: When attempting to connect horizontal support beams to a single vertical support beam, any block updates cause the horizontal beams to break themselves. -Explosions dropping raw blocks (Cobblestone, bituminous coal, etc) in addition to some of their normal breaking results. May or may not be intended -Charcoal being placed instead of opening any gui -I had a stack of meals and ate one while my inventory was full. Normally the empty bowl would appear in my inventory but since it was full nothing happened (edit: the empty bowl was lost). I would think it should drop the empty bowl on the ground. -Zombies drop vanilla iron items rarely. -On rare occasions chunks appear to tower above ground, much like a chunk error. However, I use MultiMC, which has a java window constantly open and it reports no error, so it's not a bad chunk. -When the Guest on LAN uses a chisel, it will sometimes get 'out of sync' with the mode the chat / gui is saying the chisel is in. Both times this has happened, the Host player was also using a chisel during the session before the guest started having trouble. Eg. My wife hosted a game, I started having an issue with my chisel during that game after she had been using her chisel. I hosted a game and once I had used my chisel, hers got out of sync. (It should have been making slabs, but it was making stairs) -Shift-clicking on a plan in scribing table gui - consumes all the paper in paper slot and yields 1 plan anyway. -Metal axes cutting trees occasionally don't drop logs. (Thought it was only stone?) - While chiselling in detailed mode, one small cube next to the one you just chiselled sometimes disappears.It happened on one block more than others, but after leaving it be for some time it got back to working normally, with the occasional extra cube destroyed. Having the chisel locked to the block and chiselling from certain angles made it more often. I was also working next to other chiselled blocks, in case it matters. - After being used in one mode, the chisel sometimes freezes in that mode and doesn't allow you to change it. Exiting and re-entering the the game fixes it. -Knapping squares sometimes drop from creeper explosions -A single right click will eat a meal after the normal food delay - Hoes "Harvest Check" is inaccurate. It worked the first few times, but now shows that vegetables are not ready to harvest even if they are. -Sometimes sluice-found ores dissapear while trying to place them in a chest. -Sometimes chiselling modes get themselves in a weird order.
  2. Official b60 bugs list

    This is the official b60 bugs list. I will add here all the bugs reported. -GENERAL -Minecraft displays version b59 instead of b60. -WORLD -Sometimes cave-ins sound doesn't play when a cave-in happens. -It's not possible to find Douglas Fir in the world. (Maybe fixed in b61) -Douglas Fir saplings don't seem to grow. (Fixed in b61) -Cave.ins sometimes change the type of stone falling. -Lots of animals freeze -Loose rocks do not match with the first stone layer. -Chunk generation errors (Probably due to the cp, exists also in vanilla) -In the poles sugarcanes and lilipads drop because they can't grow on ice. -INVENTORY, ITEMS AND GUIs -If you use a near depleted axe in the 2 hotbar slot with an axe with full durability in the 1 hotbar slot, the second axe breaks and a glitched axe appears -Markings are no longer stackable when collected from the scribing table gui. They stack in groupes of 2. (This can be fixed dropping all the markings and collectting them again) -Sluice gui broken (Fixed in b61) -Chopping down a tree like sequoia or kapok depletes all the axe's durability and leaves an undamaged axe that disappears if thrown or used. -Some foods can't be eaten, like the pumpkin pie. -If broken, kapok tools rack turns into oak tools rack. -Apparently, planting pumpkin seeds may crash the server. -FIREPIT -Firepits stay on fire even if the fuel is ended and the temperature is 0°, however they burn out if you open the gui. -The firepit sometimes changes its texture with the one of the side of the bellow. -BLOOMERY -You can put 3 bloomery blocks in one construction, facing different ways. -Bloomeries can rotate of 90° sometimes (Mostly to right) -Bloomeries cannot be built if they look in the western direction. -When adding fuel, the bloomery block disappears if placed in the south position. -FORGE -In SMP the forge (with all the slots filled) can cook items instantly if you swap an already cooked item with a non cooked one. -WOLVES (all features) -Tamed wolves (dogs) keep growling. -If left sitting, the tamed wolves die for hunger. -If left sitting and alone, the tamed wolves disappear. I'll add the others later. Thanks to everyone who posts here!!!!!
  3. Ore Tiers

    I was just wondering if anybody had a more or less complete list of the ore tiers/progression..? After finally getting all tin tools, I know I need to get enough copper to make an anvil.. But what comes after that? What's the next goal?