Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 5 results

  1. [Medieval RPG] The town of Kurmingham

    Greetings Terrafirmacrafters I started a new town on darkagecraft server (IP: It's Kurmingham. We're part of the (Con)Federated Kingdom of the Forged Hammers. It's a whitelisted server and you need to apply, do it here My goal is to establish a Medieval themed town. I need a minimum of 4 players to achieve my goal. Joining my town lets you: Have your own house, in medieval style, but you can fully customize the interior.The opportunity to live in an island totally ours.You can live inside the main town (will be surrounded by walls) or in the outskirts, which will be right outside the wallsWe are already able to produce steel tools Dark Age Craft server, while being whitelisted, offers lots of possibilities with it's modpack: Merchants addon, which provides a server currency. You can sell cobblestone at spawn and buy from other playersTFC Udary Mod, provides for food preservation methods, among other perksAutomated Bellows, lets you run automatic bellows with the power of steamCustom NPCs, lets you create your own human mobs and customize their behavior in creative modeShips addon, let's you create big vessels to sail the seven seasBibliocraft, which let's you have new furniture and storage solutions. It's TFC compatibility addon is BibliowoodsDecorations, which add metal lanterns, that don't extinguish, unlike torchesCellar addon, helps preserve foodCraftHeraldry, lets you have your own bannersStreams mod, adds rivers with streams Please, join, you'll never regret it! Town screenshots: A nearby sight of the town's castle. It seems small but it actually took a lot of material and time to build. The same castle seen from the town's houses The town seen from the castle's roof The town's farmlands to the south
  2. Hello, I'm looking for a TFC server or group with some elements of lore building/rp in a medieval/renaissancesetting, or any time period before it. Low fantasy is okay; a mix of different time periods is okay if they're all older than the renaissance period (no industrial/steam era and beyond). RP doesn't have to be heavy or widely practiced, but I would like to play in a server that is set on one of the settings I mentioned above. I'm okay with other mods being present.
  3. Hi, I've been looking for literally years, for a server based on some of the more popular vanilla servers based on nation RP in europe and/or the world. TFC would be an amazing aspect to put into a relaxed semi-serious roleplay server with a popcap of 64 or higher. Every job involved in whatever kingdom you decide to create would be in depth enough to not get so boring as fast as vanilla gets. If anyone considers this, you will be loved by me and possibly others for trying out this idea.
  4. Howdy! Welcome to Thamesville! This city was founded by two young men who left their old town in order to build their own city, based around and old salt and iron mine. Over the years,Thamesville's salt and iron has become their most and best exported products. They have the hardest type of iron and best tasting salt. That popularity and wealth came at a price. They had to work years and years to build a huge wall around their peninsula in order to defend themselves from the enemies further up west. Nowadays it's a peaceful and beautiful town with it's own architecture and lots of different houses, bars, shops and workshops. And the best thing? You are all invited to stay a couple of days for free in our pub/hotel! (food not included) So hopefully we will see you soon. The Founding Fathers of Thamesville are DutchMitchell and patriotic_sugar. We live around +13000 and -12600 and it is only a short walk from spawn. Please, apply at this topic to gain acces to the server: We do hope to see you soon and for you to start building somewhere around our town so that we can make trading routes and more role-play stuff. DutchMitchell
  5. Hello!, im hosting a new server. I would like it to be a medieval theme so please try to build in medieval style Server Required: [*]Terrafirmacraft Optional: [*]Dynamic Lights [*]Map Writer [*]Damage Indicator [*]Smart Moving Any mods or plugins that you would like to see on this server, please let me know Applications: Mods/Admin (1 Admin, 2 Mods) Minecraft Username: If a player was hacking, (which is against the rules and HIGHLY discouraged.) What would YOU do?: If a player was using inappropriate language (includes Racism, Homophobia and profanity, all of which are against the rules and strongly discouraged.) What would YOU do? Skype: (optional) Age: Applyingfor Admin or Mod?: Rules! Do-s:Tell your friends about this server.Build to the BEST of your ability.Play with Friends!Don'ts:DO NOT use inappropriate language, (Racism, Homophobia, Profanity)DO NOT build Crappy HousesDO NOT build near spawnDO NOT build 1x1 TowersDO NOT griefDO NOT hack (includes X-ray, nodus client, etc.DO NOT ask for items, if an admin is found giving itemsto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.DO NOT ask for OP, if an admin is found giving OPto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.