Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Hello and welcome to Nightfuries epic minecraft server! This is a small lil server with some active players, mostly betwhen 3-6 it is a friendly server so pvp is disabled, the server is also set to "easy" mode so it means that evry noob out there have a fair change to survie You may also get kits for free! basic survial tools and water jug make it easy for you to survie, you also spawn far south where there is mildier climate for better survival! *Basic information about server No whitelist, Open for all! Easy mode, Easy to survie Friendly, No pvp Towny, make towns and live with your friends Starter kit, Gives you basic tools to survie! Chest shop! create your own lil market stall to sell your apples. and ear monies to build your town! Rules 1. NO griefing 2, No stealing 3, No raiding 4, DOnt be a jerk basically 5, Have fun! Also download the Extrafirmacraft addon for better expierence!
  2. This is a TerraFirmaCraft server!Download the Launcher fromHERE No client modding needed! Just follow the instructions on the download page! What is TerraFirmaCraft? It's one of the most complex Minecraft mods. The amount of items and gameplay choices is limitless(almost).In TerraFirmaCraft you will have to work hard to find a way to do any basic things or you can just check their wiki (www. and challenging technology advancement tree. There are over a dozen different ores to discover and structures to build, such as a bloomery, to help you advance.New world generation with more trees and new biomes.Features Best hosting hardware, lag-free, 32 slots, dedicated server, 24/7, high uptime (>99%)Engaged social communityThe server uses LWC for protectionBrand new, HUGE map (32k*32k)The owners are 2 avid minecraft players that have been playing since alpha. (Staff is needed too)No whitelist! Anyone can join to try it out (completely!), if you like it, you may register for extended accessSmall, simple and straight to the point spawn, no fancy bullshit, jump right into the gameplay!Rules Use English in public chat.No griefing or massive harrasement.No modding, hacking, cheating.No foul language or other impolite behaviour. So what are you waiting for? Join us now right below !! Our website : Current server status (Updated in realtime) :Click me Server IP : Banner (Links aren't allowed in this forum) : Clicky!
  3. Greetings! I have a new server up after many many long months! Anyone is welcome! Current Build: 0.77.21 Address: ( :25565 ) Smart Moving: Installed. (all needed framework) Admins: Archeleus, Weeyum, Madafe, JSparrowist Server Location: Central US Rules: There aren't any rules other than to respect your fellow Minecrafter and do NOT grief! Looting is considered griefing! Any suggestions, advice, or criticism is welcome! Come have some fun! ~JSparrow