Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. This server is in violation of Minecraft's EULA, and has been reported.
  2. TreeTech network TFC b79.13 Server - [Whitelisted] We are no longer accepting applications due to some issues. Not accepting applications until further notice. Hosted out of Canada! The TreeTech network is a small network of servers (TFC, Vanilla, and more to come) We have very nice players and staff and our TFC server is based around Towny and the TerraFirmaCraft mod. It's lots of fun making towns with your friends! We accept new players all the time and the whitelist application is simple: In-game-name: Main interests: How long have you played TFC for?: Age: What do you build: How long have you played Minecraft For?: What will you contribute to the community?: What is your personality like?: SERVER RULES: 1.1: No greifing. Period.2.1: No theft. Period.3.1: Keep chat clean.3.2: No profinity3.3: No rude / mean comments for no good reason.3.4: Any shape or form of cyberbullying through the server chat will not be tolerated.3.5: No homophobia!3.6: No racsisim.4.1: Build a minimum of 150+ blocks from spawn. We want to keep a pretty clean spawn area.4.2: Collect resources 150+ blocks from spawn. Again we want to keep spawn pretty.STAFF:TFC Staff include:TFC-Mod: 15Darkstar15 (Nick)TFC-Admin: sierzoe (Zoë)TFC-Admin: Werrt12345 (Aaron)TFC-Owner: AwesomeBlock2000 (John)The mods are:TFC.1.7.10.b79.13 [Download]The plugins we run are:TownyGroupManagerLocketteHealthBarCoreProtectEssentials (Essentials Chat and Essentials Spawn)World GuardWe have been running since 1.4 (2012) as a vanilla server. MinecraftForum for vanilla server coming soon!If you are accepted I will PM you the IP
  3. Hello!, im hosting a new server. I would like it to be a medieval theme so please try to build in medieval style Server Required: [*]Terrafirmacraft Optional: [*]Dynamic Lights [*]Map Writer [*]Damage Indicator [*]Smart Moving Any mods or plugins that you would like to see on this server, please let me know Applications: Mods/Admin (1 Admin, 2 Mods) Minecraft Username: If a player was hacking, (which is against the rules and HIGHLY discouraged.) What would YOU do?: If a player was using inappropriate language (includes Racism, Homophobia and profanity, all of which are against the rules and strongly discouraged.) What would YOU do? Skype: (optional) Age: Applyingfor Admin or Mod?: Rules! Do-s:Tell your friends about this server.Build to the BEST of your ability.Play with Friends!Don'ts:DO NOT use inappropriate language, (Racism, Homophobia, Profanity)DO NOT build Crappy HousesDO NOT build near spawnDO NOT build 1x1 TowersDO NOT griefDO NOT hack (includes X-ray, nodus client, etc.DO NOT ask for items, if an admin is found giving itemsto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.DO NOT ask for OP, if an admin is found giving OPto lower ranked players, they will be instantly have their privileges revoked.
  4. Hello and welcome to Nightfuries epic minecraft server! This is a small lil server with some active players, mostly betwhen 3-6 it is a friendly server so pvp is disabled, the server is also set to "easy" mode so it means that evry noob out there have a fair change to survie You may also get kits for free! basic survial tools and water jug make it easy for you to survie, you also spawn far south where there is mildier climate for better survival! *Basic information about server No whitelist, Open for all! Easy mode, Easy to survie Friendly, No pvp Towny, make towns and live with your friends Starter kit, Gives you basic tools to survie! Chest shop! create your own lil market stall to sell your apples. and ear monies to build your town! Rules 1. NO griefing 2, No stealing 3, No raiding 4, DOnt be a jerk basically 5, Have fun! Also download the Extrafirmacraft addon for better expierence!
  5. Forge help

    When I try to open the forge gui it won't do anything. Even when I try to restart minecraft or the save.
  6. Good News Everyone! We at Malevolence Gaming have recently added TerraFirmaCraft to our range of hosted servers! Website: IP: Features: No WhitelistMyTownTeamspeakActive and Helpful staff30 slots24/7 hostingSmart Moving enabledHow to Join Make sure to install the Most Recent TFCJoin: TFC.malevolencegaming.comTeamspeak: TS.malevolencegaming.comEnjoy!
  7. Recently got into TFC, joined a community server and just didn't care for the reliability of the server, or some of the people on there. I've hosted MineCraft and GMod servers before, but I am fairly new to using Forge. The server is just plain old TFC right now, but I'm hoping to get some more plugins on there. TFC is VERY RAM hoggish, therefore the player slots on the server are limited to about 8. If you want toDONATE for more RAM - CLICK DONATE! Server Specs - Provider - Exodus Hosting - - Memory Allotted - 2GB - - Box info - Montreal, CA. on an SSD - Rules - I want this to be a fairly SELF GOVERNED community - - No Griefing (Kill, steal, but don't destroy other peoples buildings or projects.) - - Other than that, treat others as you would want to be treated - SERVER IS IN DEVELOPMENT - BARE WITH US Admins - Bettler (Caseboy123)and MrWhite (mwhite112393) IP - Open Server - Stop by!