Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Hello, my name is Dave. I am hosting a private whitelisted TFC server, the world is brand new! no one has builded on there or even taken a rock out of the ground, i decided to start this server because i was bored being playing TFC alone, i invited my friends and they said TFC was hard and boring and so now im trying here, on the TFC forums and i hope its successful here! its a vanilla TFC server so only need to have TFC version0.79.29.922. also, I've made a secret word so that only the ones who read the whole topic can join the server so look out for the secret word on this threat. We will make a chat on Discord where we can talk in chat or on voice, share opinions, contact and etc, probably it will be like a town with each player with a role, Farmer, Miner, Blacksmith, Baker, Carpenter, Builder, etc. Max players whitelisted will be 10, maybe on the future there will be more. So, What most of you want to know is, how to enter the server right? first you need to be whitelisted, to do so you need to answer this format: Username: Discord: Age: Experience in TFC: Tell us a little about yourself: If on the server are some ''roles'' [Miner, Blacksmith, Farmer, etc], what would you like to be?: What would you do as your role?: What would you do on the server?: What will you do to help the server?: What are your strong points (in TFC)?: What are your weak points (in TFC)?: Secret Word: Rules: 1-.You will not ask for OP. 2-. You can't random spam build (place blocks everywhere not forming a house). 3-. Robbing from others inst allowed, Robbing is bannable. 4-. Destroying builds that aren't yours without permission is bannable. 5-. Animal limit is 7 Adults of each kind and as many child as you want but remember that when they grow there only needs to be 7 Adults. 6-. Killing someone else's Animals or Pets is a warning. 7-, If you get 3 warnings you get banned. 8-. If you see someone breaking a rule, report it to me on Discord or in game. 9-. Trying to make someone do something bad so they get banned is bannable. 10-. All types of hacking is bannable, X-Ray included. 11-. You can use the following mods: -Journey Map -Attack Indicator -Optifine -Fastcraft -NEI -NEI TFC addons 12-. Using an other mod that isn't on the list above is bannable unless you ask me permission and tell me what it does. 13-. Secret Word is TDaveFC 14-. You can't break blocks bellow houses that aren't yours to make a cave-in- 15-.You can live with someone if you ask them permission. 16-.You can't use the metal just for yourself. 17-. Trashing materials that aren't yours is bannable 18-. Swearing is bannable. 19-. Exploiting is bannable. 20-.Breaking any of the rules is bannable. Once you have answered the format above, wait until i see it and see if you can be whitelisted, then i'll message you through this forum the discord link to the TFC server group. On there, there will be the TFC server IP. Thanks for reading! i wish you luck! Have a great Day! Slots (4/10)