Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. Cool biome with sheep, seed 79.25

    This seed puts you at about -9100 in a somewhat cold biome. There are sheep, onions and sugar cane nearby, and pigs (though I only had one and I killed it). You start on the South and East side of a very largefresh-water lake. No clay within 10 chunks, but there is some to the North East. Follow the coast until it starts to double back then go inlandtwo or three chunks. There is garlic here and a pond large enough to turn into a farm.Since it was so challenging to start, I have been fishing a lot and getting my butchery skill up. There are sheep on theland across the lake tothe north of spawnalso, and a possibility of cows and horses there too. I used the word superlative as my seed. The /seed command shows -1368177132. - update - Moved my camp to the pond on the east shore. Cows are to the east and some oats. Tomatoes are to the North. Copper ispast the opposite shore to the North-West. Eventually I have to move over there. Found Olives and Bananas. Killed lots of fish and pheasant to get to Adept before I killed a cow. Started the farm kind of late. I hope they mature before winter. I am growing onions, garlic, bell-peppers, oats, and carrots. I really like this seed. Have not found any saltwater though. PS I have set ravineRarity to zero so your results may differ.
  2. [Rule #6] Can't breed sheep

    Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum?: Yes TFC Version #: 79.20Forge Version #: release 1.7.10-Forge10.13.4.1448-1.7.10SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): SMPDescription: I cannot breed my sheep anymore, and I don't understand why. Only one of the females accepts grain and none of the males will. As a result, the sheep never gets pregnant. One of the players told me that apparently, once sheep reach full familiarity, they can't breed again. I don't know if this applies to other animals, neither if it's true, because I only used to breed full familiarity sheep.Have you deleted your config files or are using default configs and are still able to reproduce this bug? (Yes/No): No. Cannot delete config files because I am using a configuration provided by DarkAgeCraft Server. Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed? (Yes/No):If yes, which mods? Darkagecraft Modpack hereIf you have Optifine or Cauldron installed, can you still reproduce the bug after uninstalling them?: No, cannot delete Optifine or Cauldron because they are part of the server, in the case of Cauldron, and I fear deleting Optifine may damage my link of the Crash Report: No crash report
  3. Seed: 1425196598454339417Near spawn:Pigs, cows, sheep, feasants, deer.Copper, Tin. Lots of high hills where you can see the ores sitting in the walls.Also found lots of Kaolinite.Head North/East from spawn to find all the nice things!Version 0.78.17 / 1.6.4Resource locations: copper:4648:152:-8571pigs:4566:153:-8286feasants:4335:155:-8194wolfs:4344:162:-8160limestone:4313:147:-8128iron:4313:134:-8128:falsecasserite:4313:112:-8128cave:4313:85:-7996bismuth:4305:81:-8012hematite:4354:88:-8030sand:4431:147:-7978clay:4549:142:-8158hematie:4567:140:-8150Gold:4588:142:-8139Deer:4617:156:-8132Cows:4808:156:-8096casserite:4968:123:-8216horses:4806:169:-8314Tetrahedrite:4798:99:-8317deer2:4910:152:-8678cinnabar:4919:137:-8744Tetrahedrite 2:4897:151:-8850Pigs2:4956:149:-8865:falseTetrahedrite in wall:5230:176:-8840Native copper in wall:5277:177:-8942Sheep:5270:221:-8925Hematite2:5384:142:-9036feasant 2:5319:214:-8964sheep 2:5411:169:-9087Coal:5336:132:-9176Deer 3:5276:124:-9304Bituminous Coal:5034:158:-9427Lignite 2:5000:142:-9467Magnetite:5038:144:-9503Salpeter and Jet:5051:141:-9499Deer 4:5341:150:-9357Limestone:5448:150:-9223Bituminous coal pit:5600:140:-9139Limonite Malachite:5601:156:-9139Jet:5631:154:-9185Big trees:5711:163:-9243Platinum:5725:169:-9228Coal and Malachite wall:5921:176:-9243Tetrahedrite 4:5959:154:-9314Sphalerite 2:6103:99:-9281Sphalerite 3:6204:158:-9454Bismithinite 2:6046:151:-9815Giant cave:5899:125:-10006Casserite 5:5906:101:-10032Big trees 2:5901:198:-10251Sheep 4:5950:162:-10512:falseNative copper:6131:157:-10523Cows 2:6003:167:-10652Kaolinite:6078:134:-11065Native Copper and Koalinite:6129:125:-11135Bituminous coal3:6095:128:-11180Gypsum:6173:128:-11192Limonite in wall:6113:136:-11247Native Platinum in Wall:6118:154:-11247Kaolinite in wall:6073:152:-11260Magnetite in wall:6091:145:-11396Cows 4:6063:161:-11454Lignite and Coal in wall:5595:162:-11546Lignite in wall:5585:127:-11625Kaolinite 2:5650:148:-11613Kaolinite 4:6434:173:-12074Rock salt:6561:138:-12169Sheep 5:6691:153:-12050Kaolinite 6:6765:184:-11916Kaolinite 7:6809:174:-11869native copper in wall:7421:195:-12100Casserite and gold in wall:6608:158:-11381Death Point:6748:177:-11560Death Point:5271:218:-8922
  4. Sheep Familiarity (V 79.10.375)

    (Edited to fit request from first reply)Version #: Name: Sheep FamiliaritySuggested Category: Minor-AnnoyingDescription: Sheep of both genders won't increase in familiarity.Deleted config files and issue persists.additional mods: LiteLoader, FastCraft, VoxelMap.Originally believed the problem had been solved after deleting config filesand testing in creative using "/time set day" to progress time in creative and feed a sheep each day. After finding success with that I tried in survival and got one sheep to gain familiarity as well. However over the course of the last few hours the initial sheep in creative and the single sheep in survival are the only sheep to have successfully gained familiarity. I've spawned dozens of sheep in creative and survival worlds and haven't succeeded again. I've closed the client, deleted the config files several times to no avail.
  5. Can sheep eat dry grass?

    A small question about TFC dry grass: Can sheep eat dry grass to regrow their wool? If not, is there any way to use get more wool without moving my sheep to a more suitable location?
  6. [78.14] sheep seed

    One of the most annoying things in the game is having to hide all night in a straw hut like a little pansy while zombies gnaw at your doorstep. No longer! This seed plants you right next to sheep. I know animals are not locked in place like trees etc. but the area must be so conducive to sheep that every time I've loaded this map, sheep have been right there. I know this is a spoiler but it's pretty hard to miss as you also spawn right next to about five copper (just head north/north-west a little bit). The grass area just north of the spawn location is rich in copper and zinc, a river and trees. Great place to play (even though there are no chickens). -1896312605 p.s. I don't know how to upload a screenshot. p.s.s. ha ha, I thought I try one more time just to be sure and there were not sheep (just a cow). It's worked about six times out of seven though so the odds are pretty damn good. Either way, the temperature, altitude and rain conditions are clearly perfect for sheep spawnage.