Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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  1. [1.7.10] Toadally TechnodeFirmaCraft

    Greeting I've been a member of this community for some time, and have often browsed around on TerraFirmaCraft forums in search of developments as well as active server communities in which to hang out. Lately, however, I've seen a dwindling of online communities here, and have recently purchased a server with the hopes of offering a renewed interest in the game to others. Information This server is running TechnodeFirmaCraft, a modded version of TFC which provides an extension of sorts from the Steel age up toward Industrial. Its most notable mods include Mekanism and Immersive Engineering. The modpack may be installed through the ATLauncher. The server also includes protection support from the MyTown2 plugin, allowing users to create their own factions, towns, and with enough citizens, even cities! To start your town, all you need is one copper ingot. Once you're ready to found your town, type /town new <name> Another important feature of this server is its use of an economy system. Utilizing the Merchants mod, we provide a backbone of currency to trade for goods in our server. We have a spawning area in which you may buy and sell merchandise. The economy is an Iron-based one, meaning that you know the value of your currency has some real-world value to you as a player, not just some arbitrary number with no value. Your coinage can be traded back and forth from Iron Ingots. We use a coinage system similar to Dungeons and Dragons. Copper, Silver, Gold, and Platinum coins, with each coin being worth tenof the previous. 10 CP = 1 SP, 10 SP = 1 GP, 10 GP = 1 PP; with Iron Ingots being worth 1 SP. Players begin the game with 50 CP to spend at the spawn location for supplies before they venture out into the world! Our Discord Server has a connection to the minecraft chat, allowing you to communicate back and forth with players who are in-game even if you are not on the server. This server is open to the public and is not whitelisted. The server is administered by myself and my boyfriend, who himself does most of the moderating on the server, whereas I handle the server side of things. Rules I would like to think that most rules I write in here would be self-evident - we're just relaxed and like to hang out. Come play, build your world, and try not to be a jerk. PvP is allowed only if both parties agree. Server Details Attention: When you install TechnodeFirmaCraft, do not install the Prattle mod. Prattle will cause you to crash. Server careful if you Copy/Paste this into Minecraft that you do not accidentally copy a space after the link.) Discord Server: *The server has 5GB of RAM allocated to it, and is hosted in Montreal Canada.
  2. Technodefirmacraft Server

    I just started up this technode server it uses ATL Technodefirma 3.6 the I.P. is
  3. So, i was not playing minecraft (or any games to be precise) in a loong time. Now i want to return, and im looking for a tfc (idealy TechNodefirmacraft, but vanila tfc will work too) What i reealy want to find - relatively new server, with no Admin abuse (like giant admin created buildings and so on) Nice company,any ages will work if you are a good person) Servel located in EU or close to it. About me? Well, i was playing TFC a lot. Was out of the loop for recent updates (if there were any), first time hearing about tfc 2 Was never banned from servers, dont steal, grief or anything like that Mature (21 years old) I was playing on modded servers before, one time with a small group, second time on a modpack-creator's server. Left them both because that was my choice, not a ban or anything like that (I looked into Happy diggers server, but the only way to get to modded server is donation, and.. well, because of the crappy conversion rate it is quite a big chunk of my monthly payment.. especialy sice i dont know what to expect from server)
  4. Hello all!This is a server for those who like TechNodeFirmacraft and want to play in a community!Mining together. having a pro smith, giant factories run by actual people and not machines, its all possible as long as the players want it to be possible!Thats why this server is whitelisted, if you want to join you should really first have some TFC experience and some TNF (TechNodeFirmacraft).Also I and I hope you to, would like all builds to be realistic, it stays TFC ofcourse, AND FIX YOUR CREEPER HOLES!TNF: Server:24/7EU hostedCreeperhost Zombie (not the best but luckly this isnt a heavy pack)Interested:If you'd like to join please react to this post or send me a private message or send an mail to: [email protected] containing the answers to the following questions:What is your IGN?What is your real name?Do you have skype, and if you do what is your name? (please do, you have a better chance of being accepted)What is your TFC Experience?What is your TNF experience?Why you? (promote yourself)What are your specialties? (Mining, Farming, Building, Smithing, Making those nice machines)I would be glad to see you soon on this TNF fan made server!-Itsa me Stephen