Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Found 13 results

  1. Help with texture

    Help, I have just installed terrafirmacraft, but there are lots of texture problems. Wherever I should see sticks on the ground, there are white boxes. Where I go to hit rocks together, the GUI is made up of white squares. I could not find a single terrafirmacraft texture pack. Can someone help me? Please provide links if applicable.
  2. This texture pack that made to stay true to the vanilla (and TFC vanilla) textures. I've tried many texture packs in my time in minecraft and I've come to love just the default look of minecraft,...slightly edited. Everything should be textured, if there if anything missing, please let me know. H3D is meant to stand for High Definition + 3D, since that's sort of what I was tryin to get it to look like. There are a few other vanilla minecraft 3D texture packs, and many are nice but some of them look too 'shimmery' for me, so I've added in a bit of grain/blur to it. I know many people say it's better to see it in game, but I have to say it as well,.. for some reason my screen shots seem to come out a bit less nice looking then it is in game. Anyways... As always, constructive criticism is appreciated. DOWNLOAD Dropbox Link For H3D 5.1.2 (MC 1.7.10 TFC Build 79.15) This version now includes the Infographics Paintings textures, full information can be found here.Will re-add when i redo those paintings. **Note, there may be some vanilla textures not yet updated, will get on that soon** Now Supporting the Following Addon Mods:Will re-add when I confirm the addons are still active and up to date. ExtraFirma by Zerren Stone Splitting Wedge by jackd23 Leather Water Sac by Emris Morath Future Plans: Making the fruit tree leaves more unqiue And now, onto the pictures. *Need To Update These* More Images: (Full Album: Version 3.3.0 Now Has Connected Texture Support! Currently Glass Panes, Grass, and Wood Planks are Supported. Few Pics Below: With CTM Without CTM Other Pictures PS: I know it's not a unique piece of art, I'm no artist, so yes, its computer graphics manipulation Special Thanks to Gilgs for support and bug testing Special Thanks to Amariithynar and TheWolf277 for providing much needed constructive criticism and putting up with many many rough drafts Special Thanks to Forkk, spAnser, and the rest for letting me tour their lands. Splash Screen Logo by spAnser.
  3. Rat Model and Texture *FINAL*

    Here we have a refinedmodel and texture for the rat in TFC2. It uses a transparent box in front for the whiskers. These whiskers also have the gizmo centered in the nose. This allows for a potential to have the whiskers twitch back and forth. The leg boxes have also been phased out in this version. I believe that the best option for the feet is to just have them wiggle back and forth horizontally. The main body is also given a larger angle and is slightly longer in this version.Thismodel will need to be scaled down to 1/2 or 1/4of its actual size in game to fit into the proper scale of the world. Link to Model and Texture(Dropbox Link) A few things to note: Darmo is still unable to post links in the forum. I will be doing any x-posts for him. The forum does not currently accept MCMC files. Dropbox works fine for now but an option to include MCMC files on the forum would be nice. -Alpha
  4. Mob Texture Help

    Im hoping this is the right place to post this, if not feel free to remove/move to its proper location. I am working on a texture pack and have reached the TFC exclusive mobs, such as the quail, bear, and deer. compared to vanilla mob textures, the mapping is a little confusing. i managed to get the roosters to look correct, but it took a lot of trial and error. if someone could post a better mapping of what part is what on the more odd animals, i would be extremely grateful, and im sure other artists here would be too. from what i have seen, other than the vanilla HD packs, no one has done those animal textures. something like this would be perfect.
  5. A question about texture making

    Hello everyone. Lately I got a bit bored of the charcoal texture. I already changed the coal texture but the charcoal still feels too much vanilla. What I'm trying to do is taking images of real charcoal and try to modify them and get a charcoal texture that I could use in TFC, however so far I didn't have so much success. I don't mean to create a new Texture Pack because I am not that good, I am just trying to make new textures for personal use only. This: This is the first image that I liked and that I tried changing. First of all I tried simply scaling it down, but it didn't work, because what I got is this: I then tried other different things but not even one worked. So now I am trying to seek for help. If there's anyone that can help me or give me some useful tips that would be nice. Also, I am rather new to these things, so I am not able to draw it from scratch in a smaller scale, I would indeed prefer to get the final texture by working on the pic. I am also using GIMP, but I can use Photoshop too, it just needs to be installed first.
  6. [Request] Sphax texture pack

    Do you all know what is Sphax texture pack? It's my favourite pack for minecraft and it's awesome. Here is the link: I thought that someone good could port this to tfc. It would be fantastic! All the screenshots are in the site.
  7. Installing error

    I installed the mod and it seems to work correctly, but all the new textures didnt work! I saw the little stone pieces and everything, but my health/food bar was a purple line and when I picked up the stones it was just a purple/black tile saying Garrock stone. So whats up with my texture?
  8. So I have finally managed to find an ore vein in my world, I cannot see it even thou I know its there. I am mining for sphalerite; as I destroy a plain stone I receive an ore (thats how I know it, I also know that they are grouped). Is this normal, have I missed some important update to the game? Please tell me, thank you.
  9. Why are my seeds white boxes? [Solved]

    Why are my seeds showing up as white boxes? Image here: They are on the right in the middle. I thought it was Optifine, but when I removed it, they were still white boxes. It can't the texture pack because all of them do the same thing. I checked the texture in the mod files and they were fine. Why are they showing up like this?! When I do have Optifine, all planks show up like THIS! Please help... =(
  10. [B66] Forge texture issue

    Before anyone makes any assumptions, I'm talking about the TFC forge, not Minecraft Forge. Anyways, whenever I relight a forge it changes into a logpile texture-wise. I can still open the right-click menu, and opening and closing the menu will turn it back to the regular forge texture. Screenshots will come when I have time, probably tonight or tomorrow.
  11. wrong texture when I restart the firepit:
  12. B56 no bow texture

    Just installed the new build and found there is no bow texture/weird black white texture for the vanilla bows that I had before this build. Tried making a new bow, same thing. Is there a different recipe for the TFC bow?
  13. I have just installed TFC and it is working fine, except this: As you can see the dirt is darkened moving lava, trees are made of cakes and miscolored rails and oak saplings look like a flat lapis lazuli block. I have Forge, Optifine and TFC all running. Any help to fix this is welcome!