Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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TFC1 1.12+ port

150 posts in this topic

10 hours ago, Dries007 said:

Oh look, we are at that point where there is more of TFC than vanilla:

Todays work:

Along with some more invisible changes, like a stripworld command (I got tired of vanilla's commands.), worldgen tweaks, peat & clay generation (With flowers, although the flowers are now yellow wool blocks.), and by far the most important thing: Pumpkins & boulders.

Oh, and ore gen works.

Asking out of curiosity: is terrain gen the same as in the original TFC, meaning that if you input the same seed, it is going to output a similar world as in 1.7.10?


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Yes, but there will be variances in word decorations. The overall terrain/biomes/rain/... will all be the same.


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Ahh it'll be so nice to have a 1.12 port finally. Let us know when you're ready for outside help :D


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@Dries007, it looks like you've got a much better handle on this whole modding thing than I do. I have a solid background in Java, but I know next to nothing about complex Minecraft modding. I really hope your project pans out, because you've got a lot more done than I do. If you ever need any help, I'm down.

Best of luck,



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Wow! What a wonderful effort Dries! I hope Bioxx gives you full permission to port TFC to a newer version of MC. Maybe you have a lot of free time now to do this or some other reason. I think it's only fair when the main developer(s) cannot commit to the project anymore due to life and such, they pass on the baton. Good luck!


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Thanks for the confidence,

Once school starts again (monday) things will slow down (a lot). So I'm steaming along for now, getting as much of a good framework up as possible, so I can welcome contributions.

Some statistics:

  • 1232 blockstate json files
  • 776 item models
  • 1260 textures files (not all used)
  • 2000+ language file entries (and probably some typo's)
  • 30 commits 4109 files changed, 11377 additions and 2382 deletions (thanks git), since first commit 13 days ago.

Another sneak peak:



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Wow exactly when I decided it is time to try terrafirma again I see this on the forums :)  Very nice that you decided to work on this and even more nice that you did so much already. Maybe you should wait for 1.13 release with all it's changes to continue? Anyway wish you all of good luck.


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33 minutes ago, Narmo said:

Wow exactly when I decided it is time to try terrafirma again I see this on the forums :)  Very nice that you decided to work on this and even more nice that you did so much already. Maybe you should wait for 1.13 release with all it's changes to continue? Anyway wish you all of good luck.

He is working on making it compatible with 1.13 as well. He has removed all of the block metadata as that is one of the big changes in 1.13. Basically it means that each block is registered as a unique block instead of being a variant of another block.


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12 hours ago, Narmo said:

Wow exactly when I decided it is time to try terrafirma again I see this on the forums :)  Very nice that you decided to work on this and even more nice that you did so much already. Maybe you should wait for 1.13 release with all it's changes to continue? Anyway wish you all of good luck.


I agree.

TFC could be a lot more enjoyable with a more natural water system tahn the currently one. Wich means, more corals in tropical latitudes, kelps in cold areas ... Icebergs on water and fields ...


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17 hours ago, Dries007 said:

Thanks for the confidence,

Once school starts again (monday) things will slow down (a lot). So I'm steaming along for now, getting as much of a good framework up as possible, so I can welcome contributions.

Some statistics:

  • 1232 blockstate json files
  • 776 item models
  • 1260 textures files (not all used)
  • 2000+ language file entries (and probably some typo's)
  • 30 commits 4109 files changed, 11377 additions and 2382 deletions (thanks git), since first commit 13 days ago.


Looks like you need some sort of program to ease your work at least on JSON files. Do you need such a program? I can at least make simple command based tools for you. I've already got a MineTweaker program to make recipes, perhaps I can adapt it for something.


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I'm using python, I'm not crazy :P

There are no recipes yet, but I'm the the vanilla system will do file with some python automagic, plus some customizations for the anvil/knapping/etc stuff.


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Looking good, Dries. Glad to see this mod getting revived, I was worried it might be gone for good. Once you get the port done are you planning on continuing development, adding new things and such, or just making it open source and leaving it to the community to do so?

Also, are you planning on updating your plugins for the updated TFC? I'm super hyped on this being release, I just wish I knew enough python to help out.


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Some minor changes will be made during the port, mostly fixing bugs (or what I think is/was unintended behaviour).

After that, depending on a host of factors, not the least of which is how much time I have, I'll be adding some features. I think most of my addons will no longer be required as they will probably be integrated.

It will be open source, as it ought to be, so the community can contribute.


A status update in the meantime: Most of the grunt work (item- & block-wise anyway) is done, but there is still a bit of a road to go still. (Almost) all behaviour is still missing. (GUIs, recipes, machines, ...)

I don't think I'll be porting the food system for the time being, I think I'm just going to work with stacks that will decay over time (decreasing the stacksize). This is because of both compatibility and because it's a lot to port, for something I've always considered one of the less functional design choices of TFC. But I'm open to changing this in the future, should people want it.


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14 minutes ago, Dries007 said:

I think I'm just going to work with stacks that will decay over time (decreasing the stacksize). This is because of both compatibility and because it's a lot to port, for something I've always considered one of the less functional design choices of TFC.

I think that's a very good choice.  It did seem to cause a lot of problems with mod compatibility, for not much gain vs a decaying stack.


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4 hours ago, Dries007 said:

I don't think I'll be porting the food system for the time being, I think I'm just going to work with stacks that will decay over time (decreasing the stacksize). This is because of both compatibility and because it's a lot to port, for something I've always considered one of the less functional design choices of TFC. But I'm open to changing this in the future, should people want it.

Hmm, maybe I will try to get that to work once you publish your work. And perhaps even make it better.

Edited by LightningShock

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6 hours ago, Dries007 said:

stacks that will decay over time (decreasing the stacksize).

Ark: Survival Evolved did this with their food system, a stack of food was reduced by  count of 1 item after a timer hit 0. the timer was unaffected by when you got the food, it always counted as "the oldest bit rotted"


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11 hours ago, Mathias Ademar said:

Ark: Survival Evolved did this with their food system, a stack of food was reduced by  count of 1 item after a timer hit 0. the timer was unaffected by when you got the food, it always counted as "the oldest bit rotted"

Not really. In Ark, if you have 2 stacks of the same food, let's say one in your inventory, other in your dino's inventory, they have different timers (for example: your stack is at the point when next item will rot in a few seconds, dino's stack has a few minutes to rot still), you could "refresh" your food by joining the stacks in correct way, because the timer of the "bottom" stack would always prevail. In TFC percent decay system, when you join decayed and non-decayed food, the resulting stack gets some kind of average.
This (average) can be done in numbered stacks too and I hope that's how it will be done. I was just pointing out that Ark is not the best example to follow in many aspects, not only food behaviour. The game is enjoyable, not two words about it, but even more full of bugs than half of the minecraft mods out there ;)


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38 minutes ago, MiaMia said:

Not really. In Ark, if you have 2 stacks of the same food, let's say one in your inventory, other in your dino's inventory, they have different timers (for example: your stack is at the point when next item will rot in a few seconds, dino's stack has a few minutes to rot still), you could "refresh" your food by joining the stacks in correct way, because the timer of the "bottom" stack would always prevail. In TFC percent decay system, when you join decayed and non-decayed food, the resulting stack gets some kind of average.
This (average) can be done in numbered stacks too and I hope that's how it will be done. I was just pointing out that Ark is not the best example to follow in many aspects, not only food behaviour. The game is enjoyable, not two words about it, but even more full of bugs than half of the minecraft mods out there ;)

i meanat in  similr manner. XD dont kill me anygry kitteh. lmao


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On ‎10‎/‎04‎/‎2018 at 1:44 AM, Dries007 said:

Oh look, we are at that point where there is more of TFC than vanilla:


Todays work:


Along with some more invisible changes, like a stripworld command (I got tired of vanilla's commands.), worldgen tweaks, peat & clay generation (With flowers, although the flowers are now yellow wool blocks.), and by far the most important thing: Pumpkins & boulders.

Oh, and ore gen works.

Holy Bijaysus, You I Can Believe, I Came Back To Check Just For The Hell Of It And Noticed Your Actually Doing Something, More TFC Than Vanilla, That's Amazing, Thanks For Going For It, Do You Suspect Any Release Date For Even An Alpha?, Also, Does The World Overwrite Any World Types Like In Regular TFC Or Can I Load A World From Another Mod Like Biomes O Plenty Or EZWastelands Etc? Even If It Isnt TFC Compatible

Also I Was Wondering, Have You Considered Making Vanilla Things Compatible Such As Glazed Terracotta And Terracotta And Clay? Maybe Clay Could Be Made Into Blocks And Put Into A Campfire?, You Could Add Any Vanilla Thing With A Config That Has Them Disabled By Default

Edited by UnlimatedStone9

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  • No ETA yet, work is a lot slower now with school etc.
  • This does not override world types, you have to set it, much like Biomes O Plenty, but it does change the default to be TFC on single player.
    But I am not going to code in special things to account for the lack of data that TFC needs. So many features may not work. This may change at a later stage.
  • For now it'll be just a straight port (with minimal changes, as previously mentioned). I'm sure over time such things can/will be added.

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23 minutes ago, Dries007 said:
  • For now it'll be just a straight port (with minimal changes, as previously mentioned). I'm sure over time such things can/will be added.



I think we are okay about that at first ^^


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1 hour ago, Dries007 said:
  • No ETA yet, work is a lot slower now with school etc.
  • This does not override world types, you have to set it, much like Biomes O Plenty, but it does change the default to be TFC on single player.
    But I am not going to code in special things to account for the lack of data that TFC needs. So many features may not work. This may change at a later stage.
  • For now it'll be just a straight port (with minimal changes, as previously mentioned). I'm sure over time such things can/will be added.

TFC is composed of a ton of ASM injections, right?


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Not really, there is some, but so far there has been no need for any ASM.


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*cant decide whether or not to get Vintage Story, or wait for this to be released* XD


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12 hours ago, Mathias Ademar said:

*cant decide whether or not to get Vintage Story, or wait for this to be released* XD

I think you should wait to see where this is going first. Vintage story doesn't have modding possibilities.

Edited by LightningShock

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