Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Little Whispers

Enhanced Movement

6 posts in this topic

I apologies if I'm repeating a post of which another has previously done, which I've haven't found anyone suggesting this, but looking at how dynamic this Minecraft overhaul mod is attempting to be, I find that it also requires a dynamic revamp of how you control your character too. Personally, playing the TerraFirmaPunk modpack as much as I have, I've grown very attached to the Smart Moving mod with TerraFirmaCraft because it allows for crawling and climbing into areas I would never be able to reach otherwise at some stages in the game. After personally playing the very early alpha of TFC 2, I've seen a lot of cliff faces that an enhanced movement addition would completely make climbing them amazing.

You could possibly have a stamina system for being able to climb up surfaces like how The Legend of Zelda: Breath of The Wild, Conan Exiles, and several other games with climbing mechanics us stamina for climbing. Then if you have climbing gear that'd allow for less stamina loss for climbing. Also, there could be repelling rope so you can go down cliff faces with ease. Climbing could also be a leveling skill like how all the other skills you can see in one of your inventory tabs. You could also eventually get safety rope that if you fall, you fall down a few blocks then get caught by a rope to regain your stamina, though if you rely on resting your weight on it for too long, it may snap on you so you'll have to use it with caution. There could be different grades of safety rope that you could craft and obtain.

In other cases, you could have crawling for caves and dungeons to get into secret areas or allowing you to explore more. Though, if you're going to do this, you'll need to allow a lot of enemies to use that tactic too, or at least add more enemies that are small enough to fit like insects and such seeping through 1x1 block holes.

For the last part, you could revamp the combat system. In my opinion, Minecraft generally has bland melee fighting. It's usually just who ever can click the fastest, and now with the newer updates, It's still who can click the fastest while timing the attack charge bar. I don't know how you could make fighting more immersive but I believe there could be ways to actually force you to be strategic with every fight you have. I personally love when games make it so you have to actually debate on whether or not you should engage a target and if you're equipped enough to do so. I saw the development for the models on the giant centipede and the giant spider to which I thought of how dangerous and taunting those would be to fight. I'd hate to see the way to kill them is just to walk up to them and click on them a few times while trying to keep your distance.


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heads up

only one topic per post, so the last part is against the rooles



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My bad, I considered it as one topic due to it's how you control your character, being enhanced movement. I guess it depends on your perspective of what "enhanced movement" fully classifies. From how I see it, how you engage into combat is a form of movement and controlling your player which is why I added it. But regardless, I apologies if it is.

Edited by Little Whispers

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On 11/11/2017 at 9:35 AM, Little Whispers said:

It's usually just who ever can click the fastest, and now with the newer updates, It's still who can click the fastest while timing the attack charge bar.

If one good hit of sword was enought to kill someone, like irl, this wouldn't be a problem.


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For last suggestion i would say that minecraft 1.11+ already has this function (timing the attack charge bar).

To say about mods:

Mo'Bends (animations) has normal back slot items rendering (except shields from tfc addon, it just render near butt :)

Smart Moving (of cource) which has render mistakes.

And about the rope: i want to say about the Ropes+ mod. If someone doesnt know it adds rope arrow and hook and other stuf. It is an analog of ExtraFirmaCraft ropes i would say.

But rope ladder doesnt work with SM, you cannot climb it...

Maybe we dont need to make new SM on TFC base. If work with tfc and smart m source code, i think we can make them work together.


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