Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Compatibility list

91 posts in this topic

Well~ i was bored, no threads to look at, watching some TFcraft videos when i suddenly crossed with a guy asking -in the youtube video...- which mods are compatible with TFcraft. Then, i figured out that, since Bioxx itself has too much work to do, we should make 3-4 lists of mods:

-Compatible mods

-Partially compatible mods (which work with TFC, but part of it's features are unusable/unaccesible)

-Uncompatible mods

-Add-ons (refering to fan-made content packs for the mod itself, not for vanilla minecraft.)

As far as i can tell, perfectly compatible with NEI and Rei's minimap...

Note: This list can change at any moment, as the mods advances it can break compatibilities, and it's very outdated due to the time this thread has spent dead. Therefore, if you try to install some mods of any of the lists, and find the clasification incorrect, don't blame on us the fact that you just lose your MC jar and have to download it again or find the MC jar the current version of the mod works in. BACK UP BEFORE INSTALLING ANYTHING, the gold rule when adding mods to MC.

At the same time, if you found some mod's calification wrong, please reply with the correct clasification; i'm around the forums most of the time, and i will update the list in the moment i see your post.

Compatible: Not Enought Items, Rei's Minimap, Backpack mod, Jelly cubes, The health pack, Snow Golems without Pumpkin, Achievement API, Mob Spawn Controls, GUI painting selection, Toggle Sneak+Sprint, Single Player Commands, More Stackables, Sign Tags, Spawner GUI, Inventory Tweaks, Recipe book, HD skins mod, Smart Moving, More Player Models, Custom NPC's.

Partially compatible: Technic Pack, Ropes+, Redpower 2, Trains and zeppelins, Minecolony, Mine & Blade, Slime dungeons, Mirrors, Block Update Detector, Portal gun, Animal bikes, Light Sensor, Flood Gate, Shelf, Armor Stand, Note Block Selection GUI, Ironchests, Optifine, Amputation mod, Asgard shields, Minecraft Comes Alive, Mob Dismemberment.

Uncompatible: Griefer creepers, Mo' creatures, Mystcraft, Better than wolves, Peacefulpack, Harder Peaceful, Magical Experience, Goblins and Giants, Hardercraft, Koi, RCcraft, Autojoin, More Creeps & Weirdos, Millénaire, Elemental arrows, Death Chest, Biosphere, Archeology mod

Add-ons: -none yet-

EDIT: If you happen to have problems when installing any mod along with TFC, reply to this post describing how you installed it. If you made a mistake, you will be asked to try it again. If you made it right, and it won't work, then it will be added as uncompatible. Note this doesn't means you can't reply with mods already in some of these categories, provided you made proper testing.


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Smart Moving is totally fine, OptiFine too, but I noticed that the "Zoom" option is not working. I don't know if conflicts or I did something.. hihi...


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Well, as long as you're not sure, i will place optifine in the "partially compatible" list. Also, i see i forgot to write down Better than wolves there... d'oh .-.

List updated


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TFC is a complete, game-changing rehaul mod. It can barely be called a mod, as it's shaping up to behave like a game built on the minecraft engine. I PERSONALLY don't think compatibility with other content adding mods should even be considered because that's just ridiculous.

Also Optifine works perfectly, it might be an issue with your keyboard or something because zoom works for me.


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Mo creatures not comp.

All animals spawn but then disappears.

No doubt because of the level TFC uses.


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almost nothing in the technik pack works, as the recipes call for vanilla items


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Ropes+ works in everything but the grappling hook but the rope arrow is better anyway. Attempted Mystcraft since it only makes multiple over worlds and adds a few items couldn't get it to work (likely cause I don't know how to fix Item ID issues and because it took me 20+ tries just to get Mystcraft to work at all without throwing anything onto it). The backpack mod also works seen it in a few servers and can confirm it myself. Thats about all I can think of. Minecolony half works but the AI can't figure out what to do and run in circles, builders can't build anything because they try to build deeper than their current location.


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TFC is a complete, game-changing rehaul mod. It can barely be called a mod, as it's shaping up to behave like a game built on the minecraft engine. I PERSONALLY don't think compatibility with other content adding mods should even be considered because that's just ridiculous.

The mods who affects minecraft gameplay still affect Terrafirmacraft gameplay... from this point of view, it's still a mod. And the lists are for those who don't think it is ridiculous... ._.

Okay, after taking a look at the comments, i'm gonna add the mods to the list.

EDIT: List updated.

-Technic pack included in "partially compatible", as i don't know all the mods which are included in the pack, and maybe one of them is compatible.

-Mystcraft included in "uncompatible". However, as i'm not sure if it could have a solution or not, i would ask someone who doesn't mind to test it...


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Now that i remember it, i also use the RedPower mod for my creative maps. Although i only use 3/8 parts of it (Core, Wiring and Logic). I will add it in the partially compatibles mods.


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trains and zepplin mod is mostly compatible with TFCraft

the zepplin can t be used at the spawned height

trains sometimes vanish into thin air while you are riding them

gui in trains may sometimes conflict

around 6/10 parts in trains and zepplin work


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I haven't tested it, but i think it could have the exact same problem as Mo' creatures does. I'm not at my owncomputer, so i'm totally unable to test anything...


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I don't know if someone is having this issue too, but when I upgrade to build42, i got black screen. I had the same mods that I listed as compatible.

I did tried to, of course, remake all the instalations with a fresh 1.2.5 jar file. So I re-installed:

- ModLoader

- Forge

- ChickenCore

- - NEI

- - OptiFine

- - Smart Moving

- - RMM

- - TFC Core

- - TFC Resourses

And got black screen as well.

I will try to install one each time, to see whats going on. :P


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Maybe you should install TFcraft first ._.


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Oh, I did. That wasn't the order of the installation. xD

Just an mode of organize what is a "playable" mod, and what is just a library/loader mod. :P


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Well... then maybe you should install it last. If it doesn't work either, well, that's the point were i just give up and forget about adding the mod to my minecraft xD

EDIT: wait a second... you use the mcpatcher for installing your mods? ._. 'cause if you do, maybe some of the mods need to use the same class file, and mcpatcher selects the file from only one of them... as long as i know.


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Oh, forget what I said. Im just dumb. Forge had updated. xP


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Apparently, no. I though we could make this list sticky in the moment i started the topic, so Bioxx doesn't need to see by himself which mods are compatible with his mod and which of them weren't.

I would add as much as possible, being that i'm constantly looking at new mods in the minecraft forum. However, most of what i would add are incompatible/partially incompatible mods, and the mods people are interested in are those that they can fully use with TFcraft.


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Apparently, no. I though we could make this list sticky in the moment i started the topic, so Bioxx doesn't need to see by himself which mods are compatible with his mod and which of them weren't.

I would add as much as possible, being that i'm constantly looking at new mods in the minecraft forum. However, most of what i would add are incompatible/partially incompatible mods, and the mods people are interested in are those that they can fully use with TFcraft.

Look for mods that do not add any blocks or craftable items, like smart moving. Any mod that does that is almost guaranteed to be compatible.


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Look for mods that do not add any blocks or craftable items, like smart moving. Any mod that does that is almost guaranteed to be compatible.

lol, i never thinked about that xDU ok, so the list will grow much faster than ever then :3


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-Partially compatible: -Better Than Wolves

How is it partially compatible? Isn't BTW's main feature that it's purposely not compatible with Forge?

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How is it partially compatible? Isn't BTW's main feature that it's purposely not compatible with Forge?

dude's a prick anyway

I rather like that fact that one of my atm favorite mods is incompatible with his stuff


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