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Compatibility list

91 posts in this topic

Happy to see you finally solved your problem, and technically you would be more of a priest... this was a revival, a good one :3 even though technically off-topic...

Yup, honestly I just didn't want a to start a topic strictly for troubleshooting, and I didn't notice the last post's date on this thread. :ph34r:


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Yeah... ok, finally, after months out of business, we get back to the topic :3

Update: -Added the Amputation mod to "Uncompatible".

-Removed an example i made in that post that could 'cause a little confusion...

-Added a note in the end of the OP, as an "EDIT:".

-Changed the colour of "Compatible" mods from bright green to just green, as it was melting my eyes.


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you should organize these by 'last known compatibility date/version' or the reverse of that.

a few versions back, optifine was partially incompatible. Smart moving still is partially incomparable(stone ladders)


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you should organize these by 'last known compatibility date/version' or the reverse of that.

a few versions back, optifine was partially incompatible. Smart moving still is partially incomparable(stone ladders)

Changes done, note added.


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thx. going over the list I might rewrite it for you. MIGHT. probably wont, but theres a chance, eh?


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thx. going over the list I might rewrite it for you. MIGHT. probably wont, but theres a chance, eh?

Always happy with chances :3


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if the install DOES NOT CRASH, then the mod COMPATIBLE. If you can NOT CRAFT items in it, it is PARTIALLY COMPATIBLE.

Just a note, I dont know most of the mods here, or have not used them. therefore, this UPDATED list reflects that and does not contain compatibility or version numbers YET.

also, Last Full Compatibility is filled out as such: [Mod version]/[TFC version]

Mod Name			|Mod Version	|TFC Version	|Last Full Compatibility(Mod/TFC)	|NotesNot Enought Items		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|COMPATIBLERei's Minimap			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|COMPATIBLEBackpack			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Jelly cubes			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|The health pack			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Snow golems without pumpkin	|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Achievement API  		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Mob Spawn Controls		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|GUI painting selection		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Toggle Sneak+Sprint		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Single Player Commands		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|More Stackables			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Sign Tags			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Spawner GUI			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Griefer creepers		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Recipe book			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|HD skins mod			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Technic Pack			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Ropes+				|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Redpower 2			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Trains and zeppelins		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Minecolony			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Mine & Blade			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Slime dungeons			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Mirrors				|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Block Update Detector		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Portal gun			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Animal bikes			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Light Sensor			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Flood Gate			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Shelf				|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Armor Stand			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Note Block Selection GUI	|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Ironchests			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Smart Moving			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Optifine			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Mo' creatures			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Mystcraft			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Better than wolves		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Peacefulpack			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Harder Peaceful			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Magical Experience		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Goblins and Giants		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Hardercraft			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Koi				|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|RCcraft				|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Autojoin			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|More Creeps & Weirdos		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Millénaire			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Elemental arrows		|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Death Chest			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Biosphere			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|Amputation mod			|UNKNOWN	|UNKNOWN	|					|

hopefully, when I submit this the forum does not eff it up. it SHOULD be neat and tidy

Edit: k it worked. make sure you put this inside a code tag, otherwise it comes out ALLL effed up.


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I got amputation to happen, apparently turning every chance to 100 percent in the configs does nothing... still had it in my config and playing on my server and suddenly a zombie falls to pieces after killing it with a zinc sword.


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If you can NOT CRAFT items in it, it is PARTIALLY COMPATIBLE.

That's not completely true... It's partially compatible when you can't use some major feature/s of the mod. If you couldn't climb using SM, it would be partially compatible.

I'm gonna add it regardless, and correct the status of the mods according to the last update.

Inventory Tweaks 1.44 is compatible with TFC b66.

Gonna add it.

I got amputation to happen, apparently turning every chance to 100 percent in the configs does nothing... still had it in my config and playing on my server and suddenly a zombie falls to pieces after killing it with a zinc sword.

Errr... gonna add it to partially compatible, maybe? That's pretty wierd...

EDIT: it looks all effed up regardless -_-


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I forgot to change that part. what I mean was if any functionality is 'damaged', then it is automatically downgraded to 'partially compatible'

EDIT: errm, looked at the OP... its all effed up. clean the list plz?


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I forgot to change that part. what I mean was if any functionality is 'damaged', then it is automatically downgraded to 'partially compatible'

EDIT: errm, looked at the OP... its all effed up. clean the list plz?

Look at the edit in my previous post... now i have to repair it manually =.=

EDIT: you know what? f+ck it, just getting back to what i had before. It occupies far less space.


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Add Asgaurd shields to the partial working mods. It has durability multiplier override (set to 10) and requires you to turn on Vanilla Conversions to work with Iron and Diamonds. Only error is the blocking bug that makes you right click a block to defend (This is due to TFC weapons Configuration)


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Add Asgaurd shields to the partial working mods. It has durability multiplier override (set to 10) and requires you to turn on Vanilla Conversions to work with Iron and Diamonds. Only error is the blocking bug that makes you right click a block to defend (This is due to TFC weapons Configuration)



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Minecraft comes alive is another mod that you could add to the partial list.

it won't fuck your shit up if you try to install it but the villagers are quite useless as they won't recognize the animals and resources in tfc.

unless someone figures out a way to alter MCA so that the villagers knows what is what!


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Minecraft comes alive is another mod that you could add to the partial list.

it won't fuck your shit up if you try to install it but the villagers are quite useless as they won't recognize the animals and resources in tfc.

unless someone figures out a way to alter MCA so that the villagers knows what is what!


It is Asgard Shield, no "U". My mistake


Lol, i knew it sounded familiar :P ok, gonna correct it.


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No idea really; i haven't had enough time to test mods myself lastly. If he's still active, you can ask the user Infinus (Infinus50, maybe? don't remember his full username), he got it full working. I think he even made a guide on that... ._.

About the mod, added.


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Also Custom NPC's too. Awesome mod, able to make bosses that even work in TFC. I made one on a hill with 10000 hearts and 500 Attack.


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Added. Gotta go now, if you find some other compatible mods, just make a single post containing all of them please. Tomorrow i will update the list, unless Dunkleosteous or some other mod feels like doing it himself (in which case, i would like them to say they did so : just so i don't try and write down something that's already there.)


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what about fossil/archeology mod? Everything works well but i dont know if the fossil block can be founding in a tfcraft world


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Any mod that adds something to world generation is outright added to uncompatible, as TFC has it's own world generation, this 'causing incompatibility.

Thanks for the addition, anyways.

List updated.


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Just a bookmark so I can find this thread again.


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I beg you to take a look at the note in the OP before trying any mod on the list... It's been more than a month since i last updated this list, and don't have timne to check all the mods in it are in the correct category.


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