Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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abandoned mines

winches, pules and cams, water wheels and pumps (move your ores)

69 posts in this topic

this thread outlines my ideas for semi automated systems for increasing productivity within terrafirma craft

since the dawn of time, man has tried to find the easiest ways of accomplishing tasks in the least amount of time.

in the ancient and modern world people use the same technologies that have not changed in centuries (except for the construction technics)

lifts and pules

a simple lift could be constructed in game from a log on its side, a pule, a length of rope and a bucket

- the pule could be constructed from a simple wooden wheel and some sticks

- rope can be made from hemp and vines

- a tree truck could be cut down and laid over the mine enteranse

this easy setup could be connected to a flume, which in turn dumps ore into a cart or chest


winches could be attached to logs to form a crane or again another simple lift (this one could lift objects higher and faster than the above pule system)

- winch could be made from a stick and some metal or wood planks

- better rope made from woven vines or hemp


a cam shaft could be used to power a stamp or hammer ore mil. as the cam turns, it lifts heavy metal rods that move up and down in a wooden frame (see below pic) when the rod drops, the heavy metal hammer head smashes ores into a powder, where it flows down a sluice box to retrieve extra ores. an example could be put 5 ores in and gain 10 ore dust

when melted down you gain 10 ingots of metal.

Posted Image

this system could also be constantly powered by a water wheel

your feedback is appreciated :)

good day


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No, we can't have compatibility with BTW it physically isn't possible. A pulley is spelled like that. Besides that these ideas would be awesome, although not very easy to put in... it could be done though.


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No, we can't have compatibility with BTW it physically isn't possible. A pulley is spelled like that. Besides that these ideas would be awesome, although not very easy to put in... it could be done though.

sorry about the misspelling, my computers spell check sucks >.<

i wonder if there could be a simpler way of creating the machines for easier coding?


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And something that doesn't use the, unintuitive mess that is the BTW mechanical system?

You can have only one power source, and it can power everything, all you need is a very large power channeling system, using one of the more ridiculous mediums ever, and after that magic, you can power everything from elevators to a million saw blades, rotary tables, and hoppers.

I'd rather feed gerbils in a hamster wheel taped to the side of anything that looks like a machine, and the comical, and morbid value of such actions would make it more worthwhile, and still make machines mid to late game.


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And something that doesn't use the, unintuitive mess that is the BTW mechanical system?

You can have only one power source, and it can power everything, all you need is a very large power channeling system, using one of the more ridiculous mediums ever, and after that magic, you can power everything from elevators to a million saw blades, rotary tables, and hoppers.

I'd rather feed gerbils in a hamster wheel taped to the side of anything that looks like a machine, and the comical, and morbid value of such actions would make it more worthwhile, and still make machines mid to late game.

Your complaints about the BTW mechanical system are about what make it intuitive.


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One water mill being able to power a million items, a million blocks away is ridiculous, even for Terra Firma.

The only part of it being intuitive is that it can channel power, and is based on something other than one block structures, and wires.


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One water mill being able to power a million items, a million blocks away is ridiculous, even for Terra Firma.

The only part of it being intuitive is that it can channel power, and is based on something other than one block structures, and wires.

It's not believable. But it's intuitive.

What else are you expecting? It's a game where matter is split into enourmous meter cubes. Gearboxes and axles is one of the only ways to do it with those restrictions-and one of the simplest and most common irl.

Just to be clear, though, unlimited power is immersion-breaking, and something that I would not like to see in terrafirma.


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the cam is like the IC2 macerator, and I think double ingot output is a bit too easy


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the cam is like the IC2 macerator, and I think double ingot output is a bit too easy

mills require alot of materials to build and would be built further into your game life.

ore processed could be lost or converted into "tailings"

tailings are toxic and form as tiles on the ground around the mill

when near water, the tailings will poison the local terrain


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the cam is like the IC2 macerator, and I think double ingot output is a bit too easy

You mean a cam-driven pulverizer, and macerater grinds.


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mills require alot of materials to build and would be built further into your game life.

ore processed could be lost or converted into "tailings"

tailings are toxic and form as tiles on the ground around the mill

when near water, the tailings will poison the local terrain

oh ok, sounds like a plan

You mean a cam-driven pulverizer, and macerater grinds.

It has the same output to me

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And something that doesn't use the, unintuitive mess that is the BTW mechanical system?

You can have only one power source, and it can power everything, all you need is a very large power channeling system, using one of the more ridiculous mediums ever, and after that magic, you can power everything from elevators to a million saw blades, rotary tables, and hoppers.

I'd rather feed gerbils in a hamster wheel taped to the side of anything that looks like a machine, and the comical, and morbid value of such actions would make it more worthwhile, and still make machines mid to late game.

It pretty much sounds like vanilla minecraft's redstone torch to me. What's more, i believed that's what you were talking about until i saw the responses ._.

whatever, even when the things you proposed are great, i think they shouldn't be the only ones... How about a windmill in which you could make flour, in order to get some bread and other things like that? if you build it in a windy enaff place -which would be something related to the biome/height the wind mill is in, since i think wind maybe a little hard to code-, it would work faster and better. It could be used for other things beside flour too, you just need to be creative. A watermill would be a nice structure too, the only difference would be that you have to build it near a river, and it wouldn't be affected by the wind.

Please note, i'm not talking about the BTW version of this things -i don't remember if there was a water mill in that mod, in fact...-, but a TFC version, much harder to build, much expensive in resources, and more believable in it's outputs and uses.


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Its a pity BTW is just so spiky when it comes to compatability, no idea what flowerchild is going to do when 1.4 rolls around with a universal mod API.

While a long time ago, some intresting ideas regarding machines larger than just one block in minecraft. http://www.minecraft...tures-machines/


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Its a pity BTW is just so spiky when it comes to compatability, no idea what flowerchild is going to do when 1.4 rolls around with a universal mod API.

While a long time ago, some intresting ideas regarding machines larger than just one block in minecraft. http://www.minecraft...tures-machines/

my machines whould have to be "built" in the same way that the bloomary and forge are. you "make" a component in the crafting bench and than "build" the device as a structure.


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my machines whould have to be "built" in the same way that the bloomary and forge are. you "make" a component in the crafting bench and than "build" the device as a structure.

If it was anything as awesome as this (eg make a wheel place a wheel, make a chain, place a chain, make a hook place a hook etc):

Posted Image

It would be awesome. I'v personaly always liked things like the forge and bloomery, that required multiple blocks to function.

But I'll be the first to admit I have no idea the level of work somthing like that would require.


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Well, there could be the Watermill and the Windmill as Power Source (and maybe Lava later on but more for Forges like in DF?), the actual "Input Devices" like a Saw, a Millstone, Elevators or other Stuff (MINECARTS?!), between this there would be the Components to hook this up (like the Gearboxes and Axles in BTW but maybe a bit more authentic - "realistic" is just wrong), those Components could have a simple CAP on them so the Power Source can only travel its power through X Components until its reaches its Input while X is a Valuable we have to find out and play with to find a good one.


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I cant agree more with this post. It seems like we have the base with all the metals and food items, just nothing to do with them once you get to a certain point. Would love a longer technology tree but still keeping it within the constructs of the mod. This mod as i understand it is made to be realistic and hard. While im not saying that it should take a in game year to build stuff, it cetainly should be a time consuming and expensive endeavor to make something like a water/wind mill. Plus would give us something to do with all this food items that are in the game.


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excellent ideas :) i totally agree


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aghhhh! tooo cpmplicated!!! x(

how so

you make a machine part in the crafting bench

place the component on the area your machine will stand

add the remaining components until you have the working machine


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how so

you make a machine part in the crafting bench

place the component on the area your machine will stand

add the remaining components until you have the working machine

its like working with redstone...its confusing till you do everything in the book


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i ll try and think of a way to make it more simple though these sorts of technologies are more for after you have been set up for awhile and are doing some upgrades


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