Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
      If you used this password anywhere else, change that too! The passwords themselves are stored hashed, but may old accounts still had old, insecure (by today's standards) hashes from back when they where created. This means they can be "cracked" more easily. Other leaked information includes: email, IP, account name.
      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
    • Claycorp

      This forum is now READ ONLY!   01/20/2020

      As of this post and forever into the future this forum has been put into READ ONLY MODE. There will be no new posts! A replacement is coming SoonTM . If you wish to stay up-to-date on whats going on or post your content. Please use the Discord or Sub-Reddit until the new forums are running.

      Any questions or comments can be directed to Claycorp on either platform.

[] Waterhollow (Light Role Play) : Trains : Ships (Now Whitelisted)

42 posts in this topic

Greetings again. I have decided to bring back the Waterhollow server and mod pack I made about a year ago. The server will be public until we have issues with trolls then I will add a whitelist to it if needed. 

Server Rules

  1. Ages 17+ and must have a mic
  2. No Killing on sight or Random Death Match. This is a role play server PVP is enabled but you must have a reason to attack/kill someone. Yelling "I'm going to kill you" before you attack someone is acceptable. As long as you give some type of warning before you attack you should be fine.
  3. No revenge killing or spam killing. Meaning do not go after someone who just killed you or do no keep killing the same person over and over.
  4. No Griefing/Raiding. Griefing will never be allowed. You are not to kill animals. How ever you can kill someone and steal their inventory,  but you must still initiate combat. If the stuff is not on claim it is considered abandon and you may destroy / steal from these buildings only.
  5. If your character dies your character forgets what happen for the pass 10 minutes.
  6. No breaking/stealing train tracks.
  7. Do not break the twitch ToS. This is to protect the server's streamers including myself. Basic stuff no hate speech racism etc.
  8. Do not install any extra mods that are not in the mod pack. You may install journey map and fastcraft to your client side if needed.
  9. In game chat is to be use as a  out of character talk try not to use it much. Use the in game voice chat to RP with people around you. Voice chat has a 64 block range.

Server Mods

  1. Animal crate
  2. bibliocraft
  3. crayfish furniture
  4. dynamic lights
  5. emotes
  6. ftb utilities(land claims)
  7. Glibys voice chat
  8. Hardcore Darkness
  9. Peaceful Surface (monsters mostly will only spawn in caves)
  10. secret rooms
  11. ships
  12. streams
  13. Traincraft (custom recipes/not all trains are craftable)
  14. Leather water Sac
  15. Terrafirmacraft 
  16. Automated Bellows
  17. Cellars

Now using Twitch launcher. Info is in the discord.

Install the newest version of the pack server will auto be listed

Server Ip:



Known bugs:

Do not use a secret room block on a ship it messes up textures on the ship.


How to apply.

  1. What is your minecraft name?
  2. Your Age?
  3. Have you read the rules?
  4. How long have you been using TFC mod?(new players are welcome just wondering mostly)
  5. What do you plan on doing mostly on the server?(farming/mining/blacksmith/etc)
Edited by Rangendio

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Fantastic server with a great community! Mods are almost all compatible with each other and have great features. While the pvp is on, it is kept to a minimum and almost everyone is friendly.


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I didn't play yet (quite busy right now with exams), but every time I check dynmap, it's either empty or almost empty. What are your normal playing hours? I'm normally playing at around 18:00 UTC.


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Its kind of mixed during the day/night and it might seem almost empty because of the low server population still. we have about 8 active players or so. A few that are not to active.  But servers only been up for about a week now.  Cant tell you what time people get on really. Looked at the stats and yesterday someone was online at some point pretty much other than for 4 1 hour periods which were randomly spread threw out the day. 


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Due to griefers getting on server. The server is now whitelisted read first post on how to apply to be whitelisted.


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So, I decided to give it a try.

1. Yurets1257

2. 21

3. No Yes

4. Played it 2 years ago on Strangers Minecraft ( when we had TFC modpack. We stopped after creation of the red steel bucket:D and moved to another modpack. Later I played in SP, but it was kind of boring.

5. Usually I prefer to be above ground surface (but my buildings are usually end up under). Especially in TFC. So I was thinking about trading career. Live in small house near a lake, chop trees, grow fruits and travel from settlement to settlement offering produced things and buying tools.


I'm also not a big fan of voice communication. But I hope it's not a big deal.


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Added you. And mostly just want people to use voice when they are close to people for RP. This way the ones of us streaming can get content recorded. As of now its just me that streams on the server.


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Reason I did not add the merchant mod this time is due to the food bug that corrupts the world data.


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  1. What is your minecraft name? CyanDies
  2. Your Age? 20
  3. Have you read the rules? I have
  4. How long have you been using TFC mod?(new players are welcome just wondering mostly) I used it for a week once but that was about a year back, so I'm not the most well versed.
  5. What do you plan on doing mostly on the server?(farming/mining/blacksmith/etc) Blacksmithing/Mining I'd say.

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  1. What is your minecraft name? Crazed_Fangirl
  2. Your Age? 18
  3. Have you read the rules? of course
  4. How long have you been using TFC mod?(new players are welcome just wondering mostly) a few days!
  5. What do you plan on doing mostly on the server?(farming/mining/blacksmith/etc) farming and blacksmith 

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Both have been added to whitelist. Enjoy the server.


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Minecraft name: Dythanos

Age: 35

Have I read the rules: Yep

Time playing TFC: Off and on for 2-3 years

The same thing I do on every TFC server... Try to take over the world!!!! Mwahahaha!


One more question regarding Merchants? You mentioned that food with this mod corrupts world data? I know about it breaking the world... but it also corrupts the data? I will join Discord soon if you don’t mind elaborating further.


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it makes it so you have to delete the chunks from the map so the shop gets deleted in order to fix it. so its a pain.

also adding you to list now



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We had it happen on another server and they just blew up the block.

But thank you!

Edited by Dythanos

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  1. What is your minecraft name? dawnan
  2. Your Age? 18
  3. Have you read the rules? yep
  4. How long have you been using TFC mod?(new players are welcome just wondering mostly) unknown excactly how long but I did play for quite a while last summer and a while before that. so I have to relearn half of it.
  5. What do you plan on doing mostly on the server?(farming/mining/blacksmith/etc) i've only ventured into farming and animal husbandry so i'll probably focus on those. 

thanks for the opportunity the server looks really fun and i'd love to join.

I hope you have a great day


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  1. What is your minecraft name? Silverflash21
  2. Your Age? 17
  3. Have you read the rules? Yes
  4. How long have you been using TFC mod?(new players are welcome just wondering mostly) 3 Years
  5. What do you plan on doing mostly on the server?(farming/mining/blacksmith/etc) Well, the last time I played on this server, I spent most of my time trailblazing. I created brick roads and railroads between towns. I think I'll be doing the same thing again if I'm accepted.

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Server is being moved to new host with more RAM. Also all of these changes.

===Mods ===

-Added Decorations

-Added TerraFirmaPumpkins

-Added Terrafirmastuf

-Added terraMisc

-Added TFC Pewter

-Added TFC Wells

-Added TFC Crops

-Added TFC Metals

-Added TFC Scales

-Added BetterFoliage

-Added Carpenter's Blocks

-Added CustomNpcs

-Added DynamicSurroundings

-Added Lycanites Mobs (for custom NPC models)

-Added Minecraft Comes Alive

-Added Mouse Tweaks

-Added TFCTweaker

-Added Vender Blocks

-Added Decocraft

-Removed FTB Utilities


-Added ChestShop

-Added DeluxTags

-Essentials(warps/home/spawn removed)






Also adding you to whitelist Silverflash21

be sure to join the discord.


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1. Netherrowiec

2. 20

3. Of course, I accept all of them

4. Don't remember the specific version but I've been using it on and off ever since you could knap a stone pickaxe.

5. I'm really hoping to run a tavern/inn where both new and seasoned players can come to trade stories over a drink and a meal.


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On 3/5/2018 at 3:29 AM, Rangendio said:

Greetings again. I was on old server if you remember me :) 

  1. What is your minecraft name? Mythoplastis
  2. Your Age? 35 ....
  3. Have you read the rules? yes many times so far 
  4. How long have you been using TFC mod? years ... 
  5. What do you plan on doing mostly on the server?(farming/mining/blacksmith/etc) mining :) 



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Both have been whitelisted. Sorry it took so long. Lost internet for the past 4 days.


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  1. What is your minecraft name? Lelem
  2. Your Age? 30
  3. Have you read the rules? Yes
  4. How long have you been using TFC mod? 4 years
  5. What do you plan on doing mostly on the server? mining
Edited by lelem88

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