Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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3 posts in this topic

Hey, it's me, TheSnarkyKnight, and I'm back with another unneded and overly complicated suggestion! Yay!

While I did enjoy making alcohol in TFC1, the process always seemed too simple to me, and at times illogical (vodka from fermenting potatoes?), so decided to share my thoughts with the community.

As many of you probably know, drinking alcohol (ethanol) is obtained IRL through fermentation of sugars by yeast.In some cases, that's where the process ends (beer, cider, mead and wine). In some other cases, the alcohol obtained is then concetrated in a much more potent form by means of distillation (spirits such as whiskey, scotch, vodka, rum, tequila...).

Before talking about those, I need to say something:




Like TFC1, alcoholic beverages would have an hidden alcohol value that would sum up for each new alcoholic drink consumed and would slowly decrease over time or be actively decreased (by a tiny bit) by drinking lots of water. To make measuring the various drink's strengths easier, let's assume that the player has an hidden "alcoholic scale" and can tolerate up to 20 "points" of alcohol before experiencing any ill effects. So, at 0 points the player is sober, from 10 to 20 he/she has cosmetic effects every once in a while (blurred chat like in tfc1, audible hiccups). From 20 onwards the player encounters ill effects such as bouts of nausea (5 seconds?) and temporary slowness and/or mining fatigue in randomly occurring periods which last between 2 and 30 seconds. Once the player reaches 30 points, the mining fatigue and slowness become more persistent (30 seconds to a minute in duration) and the player might also suffer from blindness or poison for small periods of time (5 seconds to 10). At 40 points, the player dies of alcohol poisoning. This limit wouldn't be hardcoded but would increase as the player consumed alcohol, because of the player's body building up tolerance to the effects of alcohol


So, my suggestion is to make alcohol-making (or boozesmithing if you will) more life-like by dividing alcoholic beverages in two groups, fermented beverages and distilled spirits, with their different preparation methods and characteristics.

Fermented beverages would be further divided into two categories, beers and wines, the first one including drinks made from grains and the other one including drinks made from fruit. Fermented beverages would act as "filler" for the player: ethanol tricks the human liver into thinking it's glucose, so drinking fermented beverages would give the player some sort of saturation effect, making it so that the various nutrition categories do not go down and the player does not get hungry. The older the drink, the higher the saturation boost. They would also refill some of the player's thirst, but the player couldn't drink too much, otherwise he/she would feel the various ill effects that come from excessive alcohol consumption . The process for making beer is different from the one for making wine, so they would be separate. One must pay attention when the fermenting process has begun, as leaving a fermenting wort/must unsealed for too long would produce vinegar.




The first step to brew a beer would be roasting the grains of your cereal of choice make the malt. You could have them all the way from barely roasted to almost burnt, and this would have an effect on the type of beer produced. After the malt is ready, the player would have to steep the grains in boiling water using either a large vessel or a metal pot put over a campfire. At this point, the player would have to remove the grains to get the wort, the unfermented beer. After that, the player would have the option to boil the wort together with some hops to add some extra thirst recovery, or keep to beer hopless to keep the nutrition effect. When the player is done preparing the wort, he/she would have to put it in a container (either barrel or large vessel) and wait for a few days with the top open for the wild yeast to colonize the wort. When fermentation has started, the player would have to seal the container and wait. Based on the kind and the colour of malt used, as well as the presence or absence of hops and the time waited, the player would get a different beer (please forgive me if I commit some gross error in the following table, i'm not an expert, only an amateur).













2-3 DAYS
























































































EG: the player roasts some barley until it's golden, steeps it in a bucket of hot water, adds 2 hops, seals the thing, and waits exactly a week. The result would be a Golden Barley Wine.

The amount of alcohol in each beer would be slightly randomized and wouldn't be visible to the player, and would depend on the time waited (I know it's not only that, but I dunno how much more complex it could get if we also throw the amount of malt used into the equation). The alcohol content of beer would be something like this:

  • Weak beers would have a really low alcohol content, so a jug would up the the player's alcohol level by 1, 2 or 3 points.
  • Young beers would have a low alcohol content, so a jug would up the player's alcohol level by 3, 4 or 5 points.
  • "Normal" beers would have a moderate alcohol content, with a jug upping the player's alcohol content by 4, 5, 6 or, rarely, 7 points.
  • Aged beers would have a higher alcohol content , and a single jug would up the player's alcohol content by a minimum of 7 up to a maximum of 10.
  • Ancient beers would have the highest alcohol content, with a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 15, but could also rarely have "fizzled out" due to the age and just up it by a measly 2 or 3 points.





As I've said before, I'll make all fruit wines (and mead) fall into this category for ease of reading.

Differently from beer-making, where you have to steep the malt in hot water turn the starch inside the grains in sugar, all fruits have sugar readily available. The procedure is similar for all of these, so here's the general idea.

To make most kinds of wine, the player has to prepare a must, usually just the fruit's juice. Because you need to extract the juice from fruit, you would need a fruit press. This would be easily made with lumber and would work similarly to a quern, producing liquids from solids. Once the player has obtained the fruit juice, he/she has to put it in a large vessel or a barrel and wait a few days with the container unsealed to let the wild yeast colonize the must. Once that's done, the player has to seal the container to prevent vinegarification. After a variable amount of time, which depends on the wine the player's making, the wine will be done.

Not all fruits can be juiced through the use of only a press, as they have no juice (looking at you, banana). In such cases, the player would have to first boil the fruit (either through a large vessel or a metal pot put on a campfire) and then press the boiled fruit (to make releasing juices easier). After that, it's the same process used for other wines.

Mead is also an particular case. To make mead, one would have to dissolve honey in hot water (heated by putting a large vessel or a metal pot on a campfire). When the must is ready, the player would follow the process mentioned above.

Here's a list of possible wines, both from old TFC1 fruits and new ones that I suggest. As with beers, alcohol content varies with age, and the actual, hidden value can vary to both one point more than indicated and one point less than indicated.

  • Red grapes would give red grape juice, whilewhite grapes would give white grape juice and pomace as a side product. When fermented, they would respectively become red wine and white wine. Red wine would be the more alcoholic between the two, upping the player's alcohol level by 5 (weak), 7 (young), 10 (normal), 14 (aged), 18 (ancient).
  • Red and green apples would give apple juice, which would turn into apple cider when fermented. Apple cider would have a low-moderate alcohol level, and would up the player's alcohol content by 1 (weak), 2 (young), 4 (normal), 5 (aged) or 6 (ancient) points.
  • Crab apples (aka wild apples) would give crab apple juice, which would turn into  crab apple cider. Same alcohol content as normal cider, however crab apple cider restores more thirst (crab apples are more bitter than cultivated apples, so maybe this could make beverages made from them "refreshing"?).
  • Plums would give plum juice, which would turn into plum wine. Plum wine would be pretty heavy due to the hefty amount of sugar contained in plums, and would up the player's alcohol level by 4 (weak) , 7 (young), 10 (normal), 15 (aged), 17 (ancient).
  • Peaches would give peach juice, which would turn into peach wine. Despite the high amount of sugars contained in peaches, peach wine wouldn't be as heavy as plum wine; it would up the player's alcohol level by 3 (weak), 4 (young), 6 (normal), 9 (aged), 11 (ancient).
  • Bananas would need to have their juice extracted in the way described above. Banana juice would become banana wine, a really heavy beverage
  • All the berries could be juiced to obtain their respective juices, which could be used to make low-alcohol wines: they would be an-alcoholic when weak and would then up the player's alcohol level by 1 (young), 2 (normal), 3 (aged), and 4 points (ancient). They would so offer a small saturation bonus while giving the player little alcohol.
  • By dissolving honey in hot water, the player would make a mead must. After a while, it would turn into mead, which would up the player's alcohol level by 3 (weak), 7 (young), 10 (normal), 14 (aged) and 18 points (ancient).


Distilled spirits would be made by distilling a fermented (but not fit for consumption) sour mash or a fermented beverage in a still, to concentrate the alcohol. They would have high alcoholic content, and would actually lower the player's thirst level over time. As for benefits... I'm not sure. I'm not really sure if they should even have any. If a body temperature system is ever going to be introduced, then they could make the player ignore the effects of cold weather while actually further lowering the player's temperature (ethanol is a vasolidator, so while one feels warmer at first his/her temperature will slowly fall). Another possible use for them is as a liquid fuel, or at least as a flammable liquid (molotovs and barrel bombs? maybe if a barrel of high-proof alcohol is near a fire or heat source it could actually blow up). Another use would be to further distill a spirit until it's pure alcohol, then using it to produce elixirs or potions. To avoid alcohol poisoning and death, the player would be able to make small glass vials that contain exactly one shot of the distillate, and the old glass bottles would contain 5 (to be drinked singularly, one shot at a time). A jug would be equal to 10 shots. Nothing is stopping the player from drinking a jug of the stuff, however that will probably be enough to actually kill them.


To make a distilled beverage, one would need a still (more about that later). The first step would be preparing the sour mash. Preparing the sour mash would be similar to making wort (for cereal-based distillates) or must (for the other ones). After the sour mash (or the fermented beverage, in case of some spirits) is ready, the player would have to supply the still's boiler with fuel and prepare some charcoal for the filter. After the boiler is ready, the player would then add the mash (or beverage) and any eventual botanicals in the still's tank. After a while, the mash will evaporated and then condensed at the end of the alembic and will have collected in the barrel through the filter. Since there is no way for more than one liquid to be contained in a barrel, I'm not really sure how the player would cut the head and the tail of the distillate. After the first distillation, the player would be able to further distill the spirit a couple more times so that it may become pure alcohol, keeping in mind that a higher-proof spirit is more flammable.

The different distillates would be:

  • Brandy, which would be obtained by distilling wine. A shot would up the player's alcohol level by 15.
  • Grappa, which could be made by distilling pomace (the grape skins and pulp). A shot would up the player's alcohol level by 18.
  • Whisky, which would be made by making a mash with grain. The procedure would be the same as making wort, howevert the player would have to leave the grains in with the wort to make the mash. The kind of grain used would actually show up in the item's name, so making whisky with rye would give you a rye whisky, while usking barley would get you Barley Whisky. A shot would up the player's alcohol level by 15.
  • Vodka would be made by distilling a potato mash, made by smashing potatoes in a press and putting the resulting mash in a barrel to ferment. A shot would up the player's alcohol level by 14.
  • Gin would be made by macerating a neutral spirit (such as whisky or vodka) with juniper berries in a barrel. A shot would up the player's alcohol level by  17.
  • Anisette would be made by macerating a neutral spirit with aniseed in a barrel. By adding sugar into anisette, the player would make Sambuca. A shot of anisette/Sambuca would up the player's alcohol level by 16.
  • Rum would be made by distilling a mash made of sugar cane molasses. These moiasses would be obtained by crushing sugar cane in a quern; doing so would give the player sugar and molasses. A shot of rum would up the player's alcohol level by 14.
  • Absinthe would be made by distilling a neutral spirit with wormwood in a still. A shot of absinthe would increase the player's alcohol level bt 20.
  • Cherry would be made by distilling cherry wine, or by macerating a neutral spirit in a barrel with some cherries. A shot of cherry would up the player's alcohol level by 15.
  • Calvados would be made by distilling cider. A shot would increase the player's alcohol level by 17.
  • Schnapps would be produced by distilling any fruit wines that aren't used in the recipe for another liquor (eg distilling plum wine would give the player plum schnapps). It would up the player's alcohol level by 17.
  • Cordials would be made by macerating fruit togethe with a neutral spirit in a barrel. There would be a cordial for each kind of fruit. By adding sugar to a lemon cordial, the player would make Lemoncello. They would up the player's alcohol level by 16.


These are the new plants and items that would also need to be added.

  • Hops - Hops would be a plant rarely found growing in areas with an average temperature between 4 and 25 degrees. Hops would work more like a fruit tree than like a crop, and would have an harvest season between Late Summer and Fall. The initial seed could just be planted in tilled ground, however to make the plant grow the player would need to create a supporting structure by placing two three-block-high fences and suspending a rope between them, at three blocks of height.
  • Grapes - Both kinds of grapes could be rarely found growing in the same areas where olives can be found. They too would work like a fruit tree despite being planted from seeds. They wouldn't need any supporting structure, instead having their own supporting post (like tomatoes have in TFC1), but would grow onto any vertical walls adjacent to the block where they've been planted. Their harvesting season would be  between Early Fall and Late Fall.
  • Juniper - Juniper trees would spawn rarely in all areas. Their berries could be used to make gin or healing ointments. Their harvest season is year round, but they take a whole year to regenerate their berries.
  • Crab Apple - Crab apples (aka wild apples) is a term used to indicate the species of apple that haven't been domesticated (such as malus sylvetris), and as such don't present all the nice traits of "domesticated" apples, such as big fruits, sweet taste and, more importantly, lack of thorns. They would spawn more commonly than green and red apple trees, in the same areas, and they wouldn't bear as much fruit. Because of the thorns, being in contact with leaf blocks from this tree would hurt the player just like raspberry and blackberry bushes did in TFC1.
  • Aniseed - Aniseed would spawn rarely at high altitudes. It could be planted and would grow pretty quickly. Other than anisette, another use could be medicinal.
  • BEES - I suggest you read here for an excellent suggestion on the matter.
  • Metal Pots - A simple piece of kitchenware, could be made by working a single metal sheet on the anvil. It would allow the player to boil liquids and foods, so they could also be used to make stews and soups.
  • Press - A useful tool, this would be made with lumber and would work like  a quern, being operated through a hand-crank. The crank would also be made of wood, and could sometimes break. It would be used not only for extracting juice from fruits, but could also be used for... other things (such as making paper!). There could also be a later "automatic" version that uses mechanical power
  • Still - Used for concentrating and puryfying substances through distillation. It's a multi-block structure made of a boiler at the bottom (made wih a double sheet of metal), a tank on top of the boiler (made with a sheet of metal), an alembic for condesation on top of the tank (still made with a sheet of metal), and a filter (made with a mesh and filled with charcoal which has to be periodically changed) on top of a barrel at the end of the alembic. The metal parts have to be made of a corrosion and heat resistant metal, such as copper or platinum. It wouldn't be used only for distilling spirits, but could also be used in chemistry/alchemy.
  • Vials - Small glass vials, able to contain exactly one tenth of a jug of a liquid (a shot, let's say).
  • Glass bottles - These bigger bottles would be made of glass and would contain half a jug of liquid (5 shots). The player would be able to drink the liquid in separate moments, and wouldn't gulp the whole thing down in one go, differently from jugs.

As always, let me know what you think and please share your opinions and ideas!

Edited by TheSnarkyKnight

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Not into drinking actually, but I love it! The more realism the better! And I'd definitely enjoy the process anyway :P


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Absolutely love it. Being from Chile, I think it would be interesting to include a native american alcohol as well. So I present to you Chicha, basically a maize/corn beer. And this could exist besides the current (TFC1) corn whiskey.

Here is the wikipedia article to give you an idea of what it looks like. It has been a traditional andean drink since precolumbian times.

"Chicha is a corn beer prepared by germinating maize, extracting the malt sugars, boiling the wort, and fermenting it in large vessels, traditionally huge earthenware vats, for several days" 

It can also be made with cassava/yuca, which is more common in the amazon, but since maize is already in TFC1 I would think it wouldn't be hard to include.


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