Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Submit Questions for FAQ

15 posts in this topic

One of the things we are putting together to keep the community informed is a FAQ for the project to give an idea of where this project is going and what you can expect.

So for that I need to know what you want to know. So please post questions you feel are important and ones you'd like answered. Thing like "Is this a port or are you adding new things?", "How can I contribute?" "Are you allowed to make this port?" etc.

Please post your questions here. The FAQs will be posted here on forum and on subreddit. We won’t be answering them in this thread, 


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(off the top of my head, might add more later)

Will this version be more compatible with other mods (non TFC specific mods) in terms of world generation (water especially)?

I heard you say that you won't port the food system as it was in 1.7.10 TFC. What will be changed?

I'm a mod author for 1.7.10 TFC. When will be a good time for me to start thinking about porting my mod to 1.12.2 TFC?

I know of a bug existing still in 1.7.10 TFC. Should I report it now, so you can correct it while porting?


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The first question, which comes into my mind - Is there and what is an approximate date, when the mod will be playable? Not the full release, but kind of multiplayer playable.

And like an idea of a question about adding new things. There were quite a number of suggestions already for both TFC1 and TFC2.

Also, a question about boats. Starting from 1.8 boats became really nice, so, will there be any increase in usability of boats?


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First off, I would like to thank you for continuing the development of TFC again, I recently got back to playing Minecraft after a taking a break for 3 years and initially I was quite sad to see that the mod was in a standstill. 

As for the actual questions:

Are you planning to add a use for materials such as Platinum, Lead and the other "useless" ores?
A quite concerning matter is if/how 1.7.10 TFC Worlds will work with 1.12.2 TFC.
Also will plans still function the same way they do in 1.7.10 (as a lot of players love decorating with them)?

And probably the most important question - Will 1.12.2 TFC be mostly a port (and of course making use of the new items from the new MC version) or an entire update to TFC (with new items, mechanics and content)?

I do apologize for all the questions I'm simply over the clouds knowing that there will be a TFC update, also please take as much time as you need for the release as this is the first update in a long while (as far as I'm aware)
and it kind of is a make-or-break update for the mod.


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Will you accept multilanguage file in the release ? The previous team decided to stop distributing translation. They had their reason, but for many non-english players, that mean adding additional steps to play the game in their language. If you accept multilanguage, I might do the multilanguage translation file like I did for TFC 1.

Will you think about simplifying the item naming scheme (in the .lang file)? 2728 lines of text is long to translate. One option would be to add the metal/wood/stone/gem/...  types in the tooltip and not in the name of the item. If you have a better idea, please ask "foreign languages" speakers for their opinion. For example, building an item like "Oak Plank" as using "wood type" + "item type" would not work in languages like French, where the pattern is the opposite, it translate as "Planche de chêne"  or "item type" + "wood type", also, there is a word between the two, "de", that mean "of", but it change to "d' " when in front of vowels, for example "planche d'érable", so the item type would be "Planche de" or "planche d' " depending on the cases. So understanding the limitations of different languages can help making a system that work for many different languages

Will you accept that TFC addon authors contribute to add some of their addons content to the main mod ? Playing TFC1, I usually had something like a dozen TFC addons, so some of the most popular options and the one that fit the most the spirit could be integraded if the addon authors can contribute.
I agree that there is many features of TFC 1 that do not need to be ported (chisel) as there is other mods doing similar thing, but would you put a list of such features that will not be implemented and suggestions of available mods to reproduce the mechanic (I am sure that people can help finding alternatives).


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On 2018-05-21 at 4:14 PM, MiaMia said:

(off the top of my head, might add more later)

Will this version be more compatible with other mods (non TFC specific mods) in terms of world generation (water especially)?

I heard you say that you won't port the food system as it was in 1.7.10 TFC. What will be changed?

I'm a mod author for 1.7.10 TFC. When will be a good time for me to start thinking about porting my mod to 1.12.2 TFC?

I know of a bug existing still in 1.7.10 TFC. Should I report it now, so you can correct it while porting?

It won't really be necessary to report 1.7.10 bugs as this isn't so much a port as a rewrite. A lot of the backend stuff will be completely different. But feel free to join the discord and chat about it.

On 2018-05-21 at 4:49 PM, Yurets1257 said:

The first question, which comes into my mind - Is there and what is an approximate date, when the mod will be playable? Not the full release, but kind of multiplayer playable.

And like an idea of a question about adding new things. There were quite a number of suggestions already for both TFC1 and TFC2.

Also, a question about boats. Starting from 1.8 boats became really nice, so, will there be any increase in usability of boats?

I've not answered the boat question directly in the FAQs, so I will only say that we don't have plans to change the boats at all (they will just have TFC wood colours). I can see where it would be nice to have some small storage in boats, but that is something for late alpha.


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A couple questions regarding fixing of TFC1 mechanics, will flux perhaps have several sources, or otherwise be modified so that it's not a feast-or-famine situation?  It really does not benefit the mod to have the player have either 0 flux, or more flux than they will ever need, with nothing in between.

Also, will alloying be fixed in a way such that if you're for example mixing copper and cassiterite, and you add some already-made tin-bronze ingots, you don't ruin that batch?  Incompatibility between a mixture of ingredients and already made ingots of the same material was one of the worst things in TFC1, especially when it happened for colored steels.

Edited by Darmo

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Those things haven’t been decided or discussed yet. In general we do not want to have binary situations especially when decided by RNG. 


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@Darmo I don't know how to fix the flux situation, but it could be looked into. About mixing metals: I agree, this is something we'll need to fix.


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The simple way to fix flux would be to have borax appear anywhere.  You could also have potash (as a very inferior/time consuming flux perhaps, since it'd be relatively easy to get). 



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This is a thread to submit questions for the FAQs. If you’d like to make suggestions or debate features please make a new thread. 

I will leave the off topic posts for a day to allow you to copy them, then I will be cleaning up this thread. 


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I'll move my suggestions and discussions to a new thread.

Some questions for you guys then.

1. How open are you to suggestions?

2. What are some things you may want to improve upon/change in the game after finishing the port?

3. What ideas do you have for using the dual-wield system that is in Vanilla Minecraft now? Hammer and chisel in one hand. Require some tools to be only used with nothing in the offhand (i.e. 2-handed). Etc.


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- Will there be mining collapse?  If so, will it be fixed so that natural caves don't collapse?   This really killed the fun of caving in TFC1.  Also, will the collapse mechanic be simplified so that collapses that start outside the supported area don't propagate into a supported area?  This function frustrated and confused many people, and I know that there are people who specifically dropped the mod because of it.

- Will clay be fixed so that at least some occurs in dry biomes, so that you don't end up with newbs confused why they're not finding clay in their spawn area?

@Bunsan  Hopefully these do not come across as 'suggestive' FAQ questions.  I do think it's very relevant to a great many people, who may have dropped the mod because of some of the very poor design choices in TFC1 (feast/famine resources) but also some who just have preference differences (collapse mechanics).   I do understand if you delete my response to Dries re: flux.


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On 30/05/2018 at 10:04 AM, gcook725 said:


1. Yes. See the FAQs for more complete answer. 

2. There are thoughts, but nothing definitive. I think mechanical energy system is likely idea we’d like to add. 

3. Again nothing definitive. Definitely two tool stuff. Maybe casts poured using mold in one hand vessel in other. The vanilla bow no shield restriction. Don’t know what else. 

On 13/06/2018 at 4:53 PM, Darmo said:


Yes cave in will be included. Yes we want to have more stable caves. Beyond that no firm plans. Generally we want things to be more intuitive and have more in-game info. Not sure how to achieve this yet. 

The flow of progression will be tweaked. There will be some general rebalancing of things. 


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Any plans to implement incomplete systems like body temperature?

I second the food system question. I like cooking experimentally and figuring out how to produce/reproduce flavors using different ingredients irl, so any news on the food prep/cooking system interests me; I'd say it had a larger part in initially getting me interested in TFC than the metal-related systems did.

Last, will this be a 'catch-all' mod like TFC, or will it follow a more open-to-customization approach? IE will it aim to replace base MC entirely or will we be able to play with vanilla/modded content at the same time? Though the base game isn't very interesting, they've added much higher variety in mobs, music and atmospheric elements over time, and it would be a shame to lose that by installing TFC.


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