Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Shield Concept Art and Discussion

31 posts in this topic

On 8/6/2018 at 6:17 PM, Diego il Catanico Jr said:

Couldn't we render all the models from the textures like almost minecraft item does and then add the handle or the leather strips, instead of making a separate model for every shield?

We could have 2 textures for every shield, one for the interior and one for the exterior... the model would be generated by the interior  and the front of the shield will have another texture, or viceversa.

example interior.pngexample exterior.png

By the way, eagle i like your textures but i dont think we need stripes of metal everywhere, an umbo should be enough for most shieds


Here is how the overlay textures would actually look: example interior texture.pngexample exterior texture.png (they will be 16x32 for this shield of course).

I was thinking... we could still put banners in the front face of the shield, covering the wood. Of course the umbo and other metal parts would cover the banner but a lot of decoration options would still be there.


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Wait I have done more accurate designs. I'm not that good with metal textures so you can use these any way you want.

Now, black is metal overlay and white is wood (or banner). Red is invisible overlay.

Wood:   Exterior Wooden Shield Shape.png   Interior Wooden Shield Shape Interior.png   (Yes it is identical)

Copper:   Exterior Copper Shield Shape.png   Interior Copper Shield Shape Interior.png

Bronze:   Exterior Bronze Shield Shape.png   Interior Bronze Shield Shape Interior.png

Bismuth Bronze:   Exterior Bismuth Bronze Shield Shape.png   Interior Bismuth Bronze Shield Shape Interior.png

Black Bronze:   Exterior Black Bronze Shield Shape.png   Interior Black Bronze Shield Shape Interior.png

Wrought Iron:   Exterior Wrought Iron Shield Shape.png   Interior Wrought Iron Shield Shape Interior.png   (We already have it thanks to @eagleyes005)

Steel:   Exterior Steel Shield Shape.png   Interior Steel Shield Shape Interior.png   (Identical too)

Black Steel:   Exterior Black Steel Shield Shape.png   Interior Black Steel Shield Shape Interior.png

Blue Steel:   Exterior Blue Steel Shield Shape.png   Interior Blue Steel Shield Shape Interior.png

Red Steel 1:   Exterior Red Steel Shield Shape.png   Interior Red Steel Shield Shape Interior.png           Still               sure                    red

Red Steel 2:   Exterior Red Steel Shield Shape Alternative.png   Interior Red Steel Shield Shape Alternative Interior.png                    not                 about               steel




Actually i just discovered the spoiler instrument                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ur mom giey













Edited by Diego il Catanico Jr

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I totally agree whit you.

We can usa large shields as you said and make small ones (like bucklers) made entire of metal.

I will be doing more textures for each of these shields.


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My one complaint is that the Blue Steel design looks a slightly more carrot-like amalgamation of the regular Steel and Black Steel designs, while Red Steel looks amazing and unique.
What about something more diamond-shaped and sturdy looking, like the center of the armor?
Could also take functionality into account for design ideas. The original Red Steel armor specializes in blocking slashing damage, and both of the current Red Steel shapes look good for catching/moving a blade slash.
Blue Steel is meant to block Pirecing damage.

Given my aesthetic, Blue Steel tends to be my main armor end-game.


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28 minutes ago, Pyr0mrcow said:

My one complaint is that the Blue Steel design looks a slightly more carrot-like amalgamation of the regular Steel and Black Steel designs, while Red Steel looks amazing and unique.

Well that was the point when i designed them, i think it's intentional...

29 minutes ago, Pyr0mrcow said:

The original Red Steel armor specializes in blocking slashing damage, and both of the current Red Steel shapes look good for catching/moving a blade slash.
Blue Steel is meant to block Pirecing damage.

Well i didn't remember this but, actually i got it luckly right: to me the blue steel looks appropriate for blocking piercing (a large, well defined surface) while the second alternative of red steel looks perfect to block slashing.


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