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World Gen

24 posts in this topic

From your FAQ: " We are keeping the same worldgen. "

Size and ore gen, fine great, equator covered in Acacia, not a problem, travel distances I'm ok with, but all too often the actual terrain generation in 1.7.10 TFC is just old Minecraft. One of the biggest complaints from my friends when I try to get them into TFC isn't that it's outdated, difficult, or any of that, it's that the world is just ugly and boring. Take a look at the old Highlands mod or Realistic Terrain Generation mod for inspiration. If that was the only that that was fixed during the upgrade, I'd be happy.


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I think the main limitation on world gen is how little overground z-levels there are.

TFC has 3 layers of stone, so ocean level is way higher up than in Vanilla Minecraft. This means that many of the elevations are kind of squashed compared to what could be possible in Vanilla or other modded terrain generations.

Personally, I would be happy with one less layer of stone so we can have a greater variation of elevations.


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Honestly, thats not the problem. There are around 100 blocks or more above sea level, wich is enought to put some decent mountains in it. The problem is in the generator that puts most of the terrain near sea level and the only mountains are almost at the maximum height, with a lot of ugly overhangs at the sides.


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I really do think the height of the TFC world has to be squashed down another layer or two, it really is too tall and makes for an unappealing surface, I always found building underground great in TFC because of how much of the world was stone and such but with cave in mechanics its extremely dangerous, also upon creating a world I would be turned off of it because of how bland everything is, when going to biomes like swamps what do you expect to see? probably tall windy trees, some overhanging into murky water pools and ponds and possibly muddy landscapes of tall grass and a foggy ambience but what you get is almost a dulled out vanilla plains biome with occasional ore chunks, maybe a crop or two and an all out flat and boring landscape, decreasing the world height allows more variation to actually physically fit into the world and makes mod compatibility stronger than ever, not to mention its unnecessary to be so tall and building is still restricted to a specific height so your only approach is to flat out excavate the world, which believe me TFC disagrees with quite a lot, its also very time consuming!


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Building on natural structures like mountains is even harder then too with the limited world height and all!


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Personally I'm fine with things as they are.  I know there was discussion on discord of getting rid of/compressing the bottom layer, and maybe even the middle layer.  I think it'd be a mistake to get rid of the middle layer, but the bottom layer I could see going away.  But to me part of the great fun of minecraft and tfc is the mining and exploring underground.  TFC was flawed for a couple reasons:

A) the cave-in mechanic made mining and exploring unattractive, because hidden caves would collapse as you got near them.  So when you finally found them and broke in, it was a terrible landscape of cobble and destroyed ore.  This was very not-fun.   TFC1.12 needs to arrange it such that natural caves and overhangs have the blocks on the bottom set to not be vulnerable to cave-in, EXCEPT if the player is using powder kegs.  Then all bets are off.   That would allow the player to find the cave in it's natural state, and explore it.  I don't know exactly how that gets done.  In my mind, caves are 'hollowed' out of solid rock in world gen, so maybe every cave air block  checks above itself and if there's stone there, then it sets a flag on that stone that it's 'caveroof', hence not subject to digging cave-ins, only blasting.  Btw make blasting more effective.  It was never as powerful as described in the TFC wiki.

B ) The bottom layer offered nothing different from the top layer.  The bottom layer needs to have ores that only occur there or occur there in much greater quantities, or with greater liklihood of the vein being rich.  I would actually love to see lava not occur on the surface anymore, but only at the bottom of the world, in extensive lava caverns with extra-deadly mobs.  This would make sulfur an actual resource of some worth.  Diamonds could start as very sparse vertical 'pipes', similar to hot springs, but not a solid line.   These would lead to the main deposit at the bottom layer.  There needs to be a reason to go to the bottom layer, and there needs to be some more threatening mobs down there to make those resources more dangerous to get.  

Anything more above ground isn't of a lot of interest to me, because any ores up there are easy to get.  Just dig them right from the side of a mountain.  I've always found 100 blocks to be plenty of build height. 

All that said, I would totally support getting rid of the bottom and even the middle stone layer IF a mining 'dimension' is created.   So at the bottom of the regular world, randomly scattered about at bedrock, would be portals that are made to look like tunnel mouths.  These would teleport you to another dimension that story-wise is just deeper stone.  It'd basically be the nether, but with regular stone rather than netherrack and fortresses. and such.  Then you'd have an entire world of mining to do, and it could have even more unique mobs and environments.   Giant mushrooms in the huge underground caves.  The way the nether already generates is already great for an underground world, just replace the blocks.   But get rid of the distance warping, and the tunnels between the regular and mining worlds need to be in the same locations in each world.   And the nether ones need to appear at the very top of the mining world, in the upper bedrock.   And btw, the tunnel from the normal world starts blocked.  The player has to blast it open with a full barrel of gunpowder.   And there you have an actual use for gunpowder in the game.  I'd further suggest that if the mining dimension were a thing, that surface deposits be only poor and normal ore, with normal being much rarer - maybe 20%.  And the mining dimension having the full spectrum of ores.  This would give strong incentive to actually go mining and adventuring underground, which would improve the mod greatly imo.

Edit: and I very much agree on swamps btw.   I hated how they were just large ponds in plains in TFC.   Bioxx was doing them much better in TFC2, where they were full of blocks in the water to make them harder to cross, and lots of reeds and willows.  I really hope TFC1.12 makes swamps actually swampy.

Edited by Darmo

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I couldn't agree more with the whole "Mining Dimension" feature, it would be incredible to see something like this in TFC and would also verify that dimensions work in TFC, somewhat, which even in TFC2 still have the same inventory desync issues and such, the whole portals at bedrock feature is cool too but a safe way of entering the dimension would be problematic, a possible bedrock under-hang or something could be a good solution or if you could somehow visually simulate what would exist at the portals entrance in the dimension (only when the portal opens) would allow the player to see a safe landing place, but that would take a lot of work


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I assume something like this fits the bill, With a little bedrock under-hang, if the whole portal on the roof thing doesn't work, Which is can (As demonstrated here on my Twitter) it could be placed onto the over-hang

Edited by UnlimatedStone9

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An unbreakable block slightly similar to bedrock with a slightly different texture could be used to cover such portals but still be obvious enough and could not be mined at all but have a fair explosion damage so only explosions from TNT, Gunpowder Kegs or other means can take effect, Modded or Vanilla


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Updated MC adds Cave Air. This could designated as a block that prevents cave-ins.


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That's actually a good idea, maybe that'll work if you can tweak how cave air works


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Man, its been a while.

I'd just like to throw in my vote here: I very much agree with the OP, and would love to see a more vertical overworld with a "mining dimension" when you reach world floor. However, something I haven't seen mentioned yet about world gen is mod compatibility. Sure, I'd love to use Realistic World Generation with TFC, but I would ignore that limitation if I didn't need a compatibility addon to use TFC alongside any other mod that adds worldgen.

That said, I'm thrilled this is making a comeback! Thanks to the devs for putting your time on the line for this, I hope it turns out better than ever!


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What exactly would Realistic Terrain Generation even add to TFC, is that not basically what TFC is anyways?! Now granted TFC's world generation sucks anyways but RTG would add nothing to TFC at all, other world generation mods on the other hand that actually add content is another story


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If you are not familiar, I recommend checking it out! It isn't actually updated to 1.12.2 unfortunately, but while you are correct, it mechanically doesn't add anything, I love the way it looks and feel that I would have a better time progressing through the ages in a more realistic and much more interesting environment. I may be a bit strange but I actually prefer world generation mods that don't add a ton of new stuff, it ends up feeling like useless clutter to me.

Regardless, that would be a lot of work to integrate, and it is beside the point. I'm just hoping at least for functional world gen to be allowed to spawn, so we don't have to desperately wait and watch for compatibility addons.


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Oh, I've played the mod before and its definitely not to my taste, I prefer having access to almost as much as possible, when it comes to mods, but it is a nice mod nonetheless


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I like the terrain gen.  It's supposed to be based on actual world geology, not something from a fantasy.   The only things I would add are some sliders for world height, sea level, etc.


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21 minutes ago, WillOfStone said:

I like the terrain gen.  It's supposed to be based on actual world geology, not something from a fantasy.   The only things I would add are some sliders for world height, sea level, etc.

Maybe they could just thin the width of each layer down to maybe half it's initial size? that could help quite a bit too!


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The layers vary in thickness already.  There is no single value.  Again, sliders would be good for that too.  A lot more work for the devs though, making everything variable.



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Most of those type of variables aren't too hard to have set in config. We'll try and offer as much customization as possible.


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On ‎18‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 1:30 AM, Bunsan said:

Most of those type of variables aren't too hard to have set in config. We'll try and offer as much customization as possible.

Thank's Bunsan!


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I'd love it if something like Realistic World Gen mod was added in, along with the nice new tree schematics I think it'd look great. 


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As a fan of original TFC, I find the re-make a very promising project, especially that it can benefit from "experience" of the original and do some things better from the start.

Regarding worldgen and cave-ins. What if cave-ins were not decided randomly everytime you dig (which I'm pretty sure was a bit costly on server side, with all the checking all blocks in range etc.), but instead pre-determined ? There could be regular solid rock and a "fractured" variant (may be hidden or visible, or possibly both ?) that generates similar to caves at world-gen time in flat sheet-like strands, and it is those pre-existing fractures that can result in collapse : if you mine fractured stone or adjacent block, it causes all stone hanging below the fracture (up to certain distance) to fall and also force the same behavior on all adjacent fractures.

Example (vertical cut through): # is solid stone, * is fracture, X is fracture that is mined, o is resulting cobble that has fallen, max. amount of stone below fracture that falls is 3

left shows initial situation, middle shows same but with labeled blocks, right shows end effect of collapse

Why: 1) mined block X is fracture, so it drops as cobble, initiating collapse of adjacent fractures 1 and 2, 2) fracture 1 drops as cobble, fracture 2 drops as cobble and also causes stone a below to drop, initiates collapse of adjacent fracture 3, 3) fracture 3 drops as cobble and initiates collapse of fracture 4, 4) fracture 4 causes 3 blocks (maximum) of stone below itself to drop as cobble and drops itself too, initiates collapse of adjacent fracture 5, 5) fracture 5 has more than 3 blocks of stone blow itself, so it cannot collapse, the cascade ends

##***#     ##45*#     ## **#
#*####     #3b###     #  ###
**#### --> 12b### -->   o###
*#####     Xab###      oo###
   ###        ###     ooo###
     #          #     ooo  #
######     ######     ######



1. No costly checking all blocks in range during mining. Only 6 adjacent blocks must be checked (which must be already checked for raw-stone blocks dropping.

2. Some predictability - if you experience collapse, you know the area is dangerous (because fracture generated around), but at the same time you know that the new ceiling is stable since all fractured stuff already collapsed... well, unless there is a fracture above, which didn't activate due to maximum thickness of stone that can drop (max. distance to check below fracture to see if it collapses)

3. Most probably no notorious collapsed caves. If caves happen to have fractures near ceiling, thy will probably end up with collapsed ceiling (if you happen to dig near the fracture that continues to the cave ceiling), but quite often, it will be stable.

4. Maybe it could be possible to detect fractured rock via propick (if you hit such block directly) if you have enough mining skill, trading propick use for safety. Or simply show fractures (or some of them) with cracked texture straight away ? These are just possibilities that come with basically pre-determined collapses.



Simply scatter "fracture" blocks during worldgen (not rolling for each block, simply scattering some of them, or even some pseudorandom fast pattern to put them), that initiate old-style collapse, without fracture "veins" or cascades. This probably simply saves some server time for checking for collapses everytime, but doesn't have other advantages.


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sorry, double posted due to technical issues

Edited by dantedarkstar

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