Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Mechanics that can be sourced from other mods

4 posts in this topic

At some point along the thread, it was stated that they're not going to be implementing the chisel microblock system because Chisels n Bits already does this mechanic, in a far superior manner. Then I started thinking... hey, there's a few other mechanics that are already done by mods out there, so these are things to maybe not focus on, as an adequate solution already exists.

Hydration can already be implemented through the use of Tough As Nails, which has the capability of being configured so that fresh water will grant hydration and salt water will not, because the block ID's will be different.

How saturated your various food types are can be easily handled by the mod Nutrition. Fully customizable with JSON.

The mod Wild Crops permits crops to grow out in the wild. Combine with something like Pams (disable gardens and maybe their fruit trees if you want to use your own) to have random crops spread out during worldgen. Has a fairly good JSON pattern for generating crops. While probably not a 'final cut' solution, it can push crops back on the TODO list to the back, so they can focus on more important aspects.

The mod Heat and Climate does exactly what it says on the tin, although it has some modules that will need to be disabled as it has unwanted additional functionality. Pair with Serene Seasonals to complete the changing seasons and complete the weather of TFC.

By simply using these mods, it permits the team to focus their efforts on other aspects of TFC.


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I know a lot of effort was put into tree schematics, but... Dynamic Trees is a wonderful mod that grows trees/forests dynamically instead of just popping into existence.  As a bonus, it already has a ton of compatibility for other mods built in.


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As for me, TFC was about these small details that managed to fit inside single mod. And I can understand droping those features "`cos i've some crucial bugs to fix, m8. But I'll add it later tho.". But if droping them entirely I would rather continue play 1.7.10 version with it's bugs. And more mods mean more fuckery in my opinion because it may be incompatible and will require some if not lots of tweaking. But that's, of course, my thought and point of view.
 And yes, I did create an account to only write this comment. And I'm sorry for any mistakes english isn't my native language.


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Hi there,
I am new to this forum and Cobra. Interested in this language. I am a hobbyist. I am looking for an IDE which can compile Cobra code in just one button click like "CodeBlocks" for C and CPP. Is there any one ?


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