Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Thoughts on B47 ?

117 posts in this topic

I will not transcribe the change log, but will post a link:

So it looks like B47 is going to be a big one.

What is everyone thinking about it ?

I, personally, love the sound of the changes that are coming. Sluices have returned with a vengance, the construction overhaul is evidently looming in the distance and the stone pick is being removed. That last one sounds like it could get controversial, but I think that, given the other changes, it may well balance out.

Those big changes, when taken with smaller but still great changes like the return of surface caves and ravines makes me think this is going to be a good one :)

(Though admittedly it may take some time to balance these massive changes)


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The changes in and of themselves I lean towards a cautious optimism of.

The language of the patch log, however, gives me a feeling of foreboding.


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The changes in and of themselves I lean towards a cautious optimism of.

The language of the patch log, however, gives me a feeling of foreboding.

Hmm .. Elaborate ?

I can see at least one phrase that may cause concern:

"This WILL make the early game more difficult, I am aware. The types of early building options will undoubtedly be limited for a while until more early building materials are added."


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Chest Recipe changed to use the new planks. This is the equivalent of 2 vanilla planks to make a chest instead of 8. Would you like some cheese with that whine?

I'd elaborate more, but I have a sense of self preservation


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If the new version does come out in the next few hours, I might record a Let's Play, or whatever it's called.


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Chest Recipe changed to use the new planks. This is the equivalent of 2 vanilla planks to make a chest instead of 8. Would you like some cheese with that whine?

I'd elaborate more, but I have a sense of self preservation

I see. Yes, perhaps that is best left untouched upon.

One thing aside, I feel this may be a step towards the amicable solution I mentioned earlier. I think the chests make far more sense in this form anyway, something didn't quite sit right with me about 8m^3 of wood becoming a hollow 2m^3 chest. Even with my obscene love for awkward inventory management, that seemed a high cost for so small a storage method :S

I'm also hopeful that the ore changes should calm down the forums a little bit, and perhaps knit together the slight rift there was developing :P

I wish I could watch it, but unfortunately I'm at work ... Being very productive ¬.¬


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Hmm .. Elaborate ?

I can see at least one phrase that may cause concern:

"This WILL make the early game more difficult, I am aware. The types of early building options will undoubtedly be limited for a while until more early building materials are added."

I think this is a massive understatement. I can see Kapok trees and Sequoias being an endangered species and this is going to be the only viable start, and once you've used up the 20 or so loose rocks around the spawn you're a dead man .. no stone picks = no stone mining = no stone tools of any other description..

There's realism, and then there's playability, I think the second one just took a long walk off a glitched hills edge biome..


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I think this is a massive understatement. I can see Kapok trees and Sequoias being an endangered species and this is going to be the only viable start, and once you've used up the 20 or so loose rocks around the spawn you're a dead man .. no stone picks = no stone mining = no stone tools of any other description..

There's realism, and then there's playability, I think the second one just took a long walk off a glitched hills edge biome..

Why would you need such large trees to start ? The demand on wood isn't increased at all.

Loose rocks are in abundance, and will now yield ore, additionally, sluices will be extremely useful now for starting out. Construction will not get that much harder, as you can still use planks to build a minimalist house. I don't see how any of this renders the game unplayable. The only stone tool I went through at any speed was the picks anyway :P


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so... forgive me, but we have to sluice up the first bits of ore for a pick? or did i misread?


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so... forgive me, but we have to sluice up the first bits of ore for a pick? or did i misread?

You misread, you get your first ore the same way you get your first stone, it will even tell you what ore is in that area so you will know if it is a good starting area.

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ah nice, assuming ore generation is actually tolerable this time around this patch sounds like a really good one then!


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Exciting! I'm actually looking forward to everything in there.

Rivers now have mostly gravel bottoms with some sand and dirt.

Not as excited. Rivers was where I got clay, but if the generation of clay hasn't been touched, then clay spawns in healthy enough numbers on the surface for this anyway.

"Chickens, Cows and Pigs have had their amount of drops increased greatly. Remember, the bigger the animal, the more drops, so raise them well! Keep in mind that animals are still a work in progress and there will undoubtedly continue to issues with them until we complete the system."

Eh. I have the patience this build to mess around with animals, but that's only because I'm so disenchanted with finding new ore every week. 47 though, looks like the game will get really interesting.


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Exciting! I'm actually looking forward to everything in there.

Not as excited. Rivers was where I got clay, but if the generation of clay hasn't been touched, then clay spawns in healthy enough numbers on the surface for this anyway.

Eh. I have the patience this build to mess around with animals, but that's only because I'm so disenchanted with finding new ore every week. 47 though, looks like the game will get really interesting.

It's good to see you are more satisfied with this update. (potentially .. It's not been released yet :P) I know you have had a lot of issues with recent changes :S

As I was saying to Cevkiv earlier, I feel like this could be a big step in the right direction as far as satisfying the enough of the whole communities wants goes.


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Not been released? B47 was relased an hour ago.

It's a pain without a pickaxe too, but I've yet to get to gold panning. Tis different...


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Not been released? B47 was relased an hour ago.

It's a pain without a pickaxe too, but I've yet to get to gold panning. Tis different...

Sorry, I am at work :S

I can't wait to try this out when I get home :D :D :D


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I think it's a pain to harvest 7 smooth stone using the flint tool...

Besides that, the newest build is awesome :D .


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I think it's a pain to harvest 7 smooth stone using the flint tool...

Besides that, the newest build is awesome :D .

Just hit a smooth stone with a hammer...


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Just hit a smooth stone with a hammer...

Nevermind that, Flint tool ????

As far as I can tell that hasn't existed for some time :P


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Nevermind that, Flint tool ????

As far as I can tell that hasn't existed for some time :P

Yeah. Totally missed that. [/feedtroll]


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Yeah. Totally missed that. [/feedtroll]

He could be new, a lot has changed and has not really been noted on, still lots of old videos around.

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Very interesting! Going to have to try this. I'm a little nervous about getting enough ore to get by without picks, but we'll see.

Can anyone post details about the sluice and gold panning? The wiki has nothing.


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He could be new, a lot has changed and has not really been noted on, still lots of old videos around.

While it's possible there's some sort of misunderstanding going on, my initial reaction is in line with Jed's: you can't even find flint or make flint tools anymore, so how is he using one?

Regardless, it's not important to the thread, and I'm not ruffled about it. From the shoutbox, it looks like he figured it out, so good on him.


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He could be new, a lot has changed and has not really been noted on, still lots of old videos around.

True. It wasn't a critical observation on my part, I just noticed it :L

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So to make sure I understand, during the stone age, one can *only* obtain ore through surface rocks, gold panning, and sluices. Correct?


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