Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Thoughts on B47 ?

117 posts in this topic

Well my search for coal has finally succeeded ... however I think the ore gen is still somewhat screwed.

Apart from the previous posts about surface nuggets not being representative of what's below the surface and often in places where a pro-pick says nothing of value, the main deposits still seem bugged.

My first find was an undersea ravine curtosy of Rei's minimap..In itself it's not that deep roof at 130 floor at 110.

At one end of it from 112 down to 87 is a chunk of bismuth..chunk thats about right 12 blocks wide and 12 blocks long (approx) and 30 blocks deep..

Now as ore doesn't collapse, I decided to make a staircase down .. and at y42 I hit coal .. not in the least what I was expecting .. es[ecially as it was in a mix of chert and (I think) schist.


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I've noticed that the majority of the surface bits of ore I've found have come from rocks that (according to the wiki) can't actually contain that type of ore. In fact, I think the only surface ore I've found that that did come from a legal rock was bismuthinite. Is the list on the wiki out-of-date? Are these rocks pulling ore samples from the second stone layer?


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I've noticed that the majority of the surface bits of ore I've found have come from rocks that (according to the wiki) can't actually contain that type of ore. In fact, I think the only surface ore I've found that that did come from a legal rock was bismuthinite. Is the list on the wiki out-of-date? Are these rocks pulling ore samples from the second stone layer?

Rocks seem to just have a flat certain chance of dropping ore if they're in range of the ore, regardless of the rock types. The depth it can pull from seems to be pretty deep- I just found the ore vein that was hooked up to some rocks and it was like 30 blocks underground.


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Theory: For a given location, a sluice box can only ever find one type of ore, no matter how many ores are in range. This is based on my results with 9 sluice boxes.

Does anyone have any contradictory experience?

(My 9 sluices were clustered in groups of 3/1/4/1, due to rock and water levels. Within a cluster, all sluices found the same type of ore, but I don't feel I have enough data points to make any claims about that.)


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I think it's playing out very well.

My only concern is the current stone anvil mechanism makes it VERY challenging to get starter metals worked before they cool below working temp - bismuthinite more than zinc/cassiterite. The reason is the inability to keep the hammer/plan inside the anvil GUI so each time you have to replace both the hammer and plan before trying to bang out whatever the plan calls for.

With regard to metals in general - I found lots of surface bismuthinite near where I dropped my first casa and went on a long walkabout to try and find some Cu. About 700m away I found a Cu nugget and proceeded to locate the vein. It took almost my entire bismuth pick to triangulate it and I'm in the process of lugging a bunch of stacks back to get a Cu anvil going.


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I think it's playing out very well.

My only concern is the current stone anvil mechanism makes it VERY challenging to get starter metals worked before they cool below working temp - bismuthinite more than zinc/cassiterite. The reason is the inability to keep the hammer/plan inside the anvil GUI so each time you have to replace both the hammer and plan before trying to bang out whatever the plan calls for.

With regard to metals in general - I found lots of surface bismuthinite near where I dropped my first casa and went on a long walkabout to try and find some Cu. About 700m away I found a Cu nugget and proceeded to locate the vein. It took almost my entire bismuth pick to triangulate it and I'm in the process of lugging a bunch of stacks back to get a Cu anvil going.

Bismuth appears, at least on my world, to be the most abundant metal ore.. I've hit 3 massive deposits so far, one around the y 130 level, and the other 2 arround y 100.

It is a challenge to work it.. I found that having a second hammer, and the fire 3 blocks from the stne blocks works as long as you get the bismuth ingot to very_hot* and a bit. keep your hammer in your hand an use this to right click both the fire and the anvil, then shift click the ingot, plan , and second hammer into the anvil.. but a slightly slower cooling rate would definately help.

I've now managed to find a very large sphalerite deposit and under it another very large coal deposite.. both of these were at Y 60 below the bismuthite at Y 90.. it appears that ores are co-located in a chunk so if you hit one deposit digging down to y 40 below that deposit is likely to yield others.

When I get to my suspected copper deposit I'll have more data to validate this..


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I have a question. is it still possible to get normal stone... i mean cobblestone? I know that i can get smoothstone by the old technic. But for what i need a chisel? or how i can make a bloomery or is that impossible?


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if you place a rock, it places as cobble stone.

to get normal stone you have to mine the blocks around it so it has air is on all 6 sides then it will detach on its own. (this is what normal minecraft people call smooth stone)

to get to get TFCraft's 'smooth' stone, you need a chisel and hammer to smooth it, this is mainly a decoration thing.

to make stone bricks, you have to place the rock and chisel in your craft window.

The bloomery is made from stone bricks.


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Theory: For a given location, a sluice box can only ever find one type of ore, no matter how many ores are in range. This is based on my results with 9 sluice boxes.

I've developed the same theory, on the basis of many more sluices than 9. In a given location, they all seem to spit out the same ore.

Pyrocantaes: I haven't seen even a single scrap of bismuthinite. On my current world, there's sphalerite everywhere instead.

And I can't find any stones suitable for flux! I've got tons and tons of sedimentary rocks around, just the wrong ones.


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I've developed the same theory, on the basis of many more sluices than 9. In a given location, they all seem to spit out the same ore.

Me too, I tested it in creative and found that they only get one type of ore, regardless of distance and vein size. I put a Large cooper vein closer to the sluices but they were all dropping gold nuggets from a smaller gold vein, wichwas further away. Also they don't prospect upwards, but that's not a bug.

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I have 5 sleuces with all 3 starter ores in range and they are all pulling the 3 ores. The one thing I've noticed is way more gems than ore, even though I'm feeding them gravel.


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I've developed the same theory, on the basis of many more sluices than 9. In a given location, they all seem to spit out the same ore.

Pyrocantaes: I haven't seen even a single scrap of bismuthinite. On my current world, there's sphalerite everywhere instead.

And I can't find any stones suitable for flux! I've got tons and tons of sedimentary rocks around, just the wrong ones.

Interesting .. I've found limestone rocks on the surface, and a limestone canyon, and masses of it underground .. also got a quantiy of chalk stone blocks curtosy of creepers blowiing up stalgamites (those that grow up from the floor).

I've yet to find any traces of iron/tin/gold though..


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Bismuth appears, at least on my world, to be the most abundant metal ore.. I've hit 3 massive deposits so far, one around the y 130 level, and the other 2 arround y 100.

It is a challenge to work it.. I found that having a second hammer, and the fire 3 blocks from the stne blocks works as long as you get the bismuth ingot to very_hot* and a bit. keep your hammer in your hand an use this to right click both the fire and the anvil, then shift click the ingot, plan , and second hammer into the anvil.. but a slightly slower cooling rate would definately help.

I've now managed to find a very large sphalerite deposit and under it another very large coal deposite.. both of these were at Y 60 below the bismuthite at Y 90.. it appears that ores are co-located in a chunk so if you hit one deposit digging down to y 40 below that deposit is likely to yield others.

When I get to my suspected copper deposit I'll have more data to validate this..

Yes, same for me. Bismuth - to this point - is clearly the most abundant ore.

I also agree on the shift-clicking. I already, as a habit, have shift-clicked everything long before I knew about TFC and the anvil is good about knowing where shift-clicked parts should go intrinsically (metal/hammer/plans/flux).

I've spent a fair bit of time working the starter metals post-b39 and it feels that Bismuth seems to me that it cools faster and that's the issue. The delta between workable temp and melting points are very close between all the metals. I've no idea if there's any real variability setup in the ore code for this but, with Zinc particularly, it sure seems that it holds heat better I have a great deal longer to work the metal.


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I've spent a fair bit of time working the starter metals post-b39 and it feels that Bismuth seems to me that it cools faster and that's the issue. The delta between workable temp and melting points are very close between all the metals. I've no idea if there's any real variability setup in the ore code for this but, with Zinc particularly, it sure seems that it holds heat better I have a great deal longer to work the metal.

I concurr.. Zinc is much easier to work because of the slower cooling rate .. in fact if you take an unshaped zinc ingot to very hot** then it retains heat for a sufficient time both to create a shaped ingot and then turn it into either a pick or chisel (only metal tools I'm currently making).

On the ore front I had a epic session last night. The supposed copper deposit, found by picking up 8 copper nodules in a smallish area - about an 8 block radius, tunrd out to be a bit of a bust. Although I found the first "medium" deposit indicated by the pro-pick, this turned out to be a grand total of 15 nuggets.

There is more copper in the area but the pro-pick is now unable to find it .. for example take a 3x2 (width x height) wall in front of you and hit the .middle lower block.. the pro-pick reports traces/small/medium. Hit the 5 surroundint blocks and it reports "nothing of value".. as it does if you hit the block you're standing on.

The pro-pick definately needs a short range setting otherwise finding 2/3/4/8 scattered block deposits is not possible..

Whilst hunting for copper I managed to locate 3 6 block deposits (medium) of casserterite, and then the same of sphalerite - all pretty much at the conjunction of 4 chunks (curtosy of NEI's chow chunk grid feature). I also found the first of 2 ravines. After wasting another hour or so trying to track down more "medium" sphalerite deposts (no more than 8 nuggets per deposit). I decided to dig down to bed rock. Note my main link tunnel is at y88, and most of the copper and casserterite I'd found by this point had been between y 140 and y 125.

At Y60 I got the standard minecraft "large open space" warning sound but managed to avoid the ravine (I'll come back to this in a minute) and carried on digging until I hit a cinabar block at y45. Digging around this I found 3 more and a quite stab with the pro-pick indicated "very large saltpeter" on one block and "very large sphalerite" on its neighbour. Aftetr half an hour digging tunnels at y45 and sill not locating either, and having also got a "vary large casserterite" read as well i decided to dig down, eventually hitting the sphalertite at Y 30. Another hour digging in the other direction and again down eventaully I managed to locate the casserterite at y 25 with this being the TOP of the deposite. Digging back through this I eventually hit the sphalerite, so so far it definately holds that locating one very large ore depsit at this level means there will be a second adjacent to it and possibly a scattering of others around it. I haven't wasted time tracking down the salt peter as it currently has no use.

One of the things that I did do when trying to locate the deposits was to back track up to Y 60, which is when I hit the second ravine. Now this one is really interesting. Its roof is at Y70 and its floor at approx Y 48, The ceiling is covered with stalactites but it is filled to a depth of at least 8 blocks with water...

So far I haven't explored a great deal of it, but it must be over 100 blocks (diagonally) in length..

Returning to my base by the expediant of digging a new intersection tunnel (much longer than I intended) I managed to hit a very scattered limonite deposit at y88. By scattered I mean the limonite occurs on clumps of 2/3/4 nuggets but over a 20 block length - I don't know it's full spread as I had no inventory space by this point so wasn't going to waste any more than I had to.

I hope to be able to explore this tonight, but I need to make a whole stack of new zinc tools first. This just means I need to locate a significant copper deposit, and then I can make serious progress - as I've got both stacks of bismuth and tin I'll probably go the bismuth bronze route, but without the copper for a copper anvil I'm stuffed.


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I've developed the same theory, on the basis of many more sluices than 9. In a given location, they all seem to spit out the same ore.

I have to take this back. I have now seen a set of sluices that pump out both native copper and magnetite, and both cassiterite and bismuthinite.


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...I managed to hit a very scattered limonite deposit at y88. By scattered I mean the limonite occurs on clumps of 2/3/4 nuggets but over a 20 block length - I don't know it's full spread as I had no inventory space by this point so wasn't going to waste any more than I had to.

All my ore looks like this in 47. I had a copper vein that was spread out like this instead of one big lump like all the pics I have seen. I filled up almost 14 chests with copper by the time I could no longer see any on the surface. I took a check with my propick and it still says very large copper vein :(. I gave up and went across the hall to the very large gold vein and it seems to be spread out the same way. I equate it to trying to pull out only the black jelly beans from the jar without disturbing the others. It is quite a pain extracting it all.


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All my ore looks like this in 47. I had a copper vein that was spread out like this instead of one big lump like all the pics I have seen. I filled up almost 14 chests with copper by the time I could no longer see any on the surface. I took a check with my propick and it still says very large copper vein :(. I gave up and went across the hall to the very large gold vein and it seems to be spread out the same way. I equate it to trying to pull out only the black jelly beans from the jar without disturbing the others. It is quite a pain extracting it all.

If it still says "very large" you might not have found the "real" vein. I've noticed that all the veins I tend to find seem to be one big glob in the middle with little satellite bits and pieces around it, and how far out they got tends to depend on the size of the glob.

EDIT: This is nice because little ore veins seem like htey throw off my propick less on account of them being evenly distributed around the big vein.


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