Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Charcoal Stacks

42 posts in this topic

if you have a torch in the wrong spot, arguably you failed at building it. :)

If it's the middle of the night and you're trying to check your charcoal, you don't have much of a choice. You either look past a torch so that there are lit blocks behind the area you're looking for smoke and risk mistaking the torch smoke for charcoal smoke, or you try and make out the charcoal smoke against the nearly pitch black night (and risk zombies and such spawning in).

I suppose option C. is to cheat, put it on peaceful, and turn the brightness all the way up... but if you're doing that you might as well just give yourself the charcoal with NEI.

But hey, thanks for the reply... that snark really contributed to the discussion.

EDIT: Apologies, I'm just being a grump.


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nah, i just always build the charcoal pit within close promixity and line of sight to a window or the front door of the house and keep the torches lining the bottom edge of the charcoal pit, putting them around the top or midsection is an easy way to troll yourself.

also for zombies, build the firepit on a jack o lantern. :)

not trying to be an ass, i guess it's just the way i am, same as eternal, i suppose it's good to finally see it from the opposite side of it as well.


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nah, i just always build the charcoal pit within close promixity and line of sight to a window or the front door of the house and keep the torches lining the bottom edge of the charcoal pit, putting them around the top or midsection is an easy way to troll yourself.

also for zombies, build the firepit on a jack o lantern. :)

not trying to be an ass, i guess it's just the way i am, same as eternal, i suppose it's good to finally see it from the opposite side of it as well.

-_- ...


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The sand won't usually fall when the charcoal is done unless there is a forced update on the surrounding blocks. For now all you can do is either idle at your pit for 17 minutes, or go do something you know won't take long.


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I haven't made a charcoal pit in the newest build yet, since I keep running into horrid disaster before I reach that point, but from what I can tell the charcoal system is a terrible pain right now. Charcoal stacks sound great, especially the idea about the items being ejected when you close the gui.

It also makes more sense when it comes to realism. All the charcoal ending up in a neat little pile, or in the firepit, makes no sense whatsoever. Having the log piles turn into charcoal piles makes about as much sense as stone turning into cobble. ;)


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I haven't made a charcoal pit in the newest build yet, since I keep running into horrid disaster before I reach that point, but from what I can tell the charcoal system is a terrible pain right now. Charcoal stacks sound great, especially the idea about the items being ejected when you close the gui.

It also makes more sense when it comes to realism. All the charcoal ending up in a neat little pile, or in the firepit, makes no sense whatsoever. Having the log piles turn into charcoal piles makes about as much sense as stone turning into cobble. ;)

actually it's not too unrealistic, think about if you made charcoal in a big brick box in real life (yes i know.... suspension of disbelief, this is a video game :P) you'd have to open it up and sift through what was ash and what was only reduced to useable charcoal, if anything possibly the entire interior may be realistic to replace with one large pile of charcoal and ash.


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actually it's not too unrealistic, think about if you made charcoal in a big brick box in real life (yes i know.... suspension of disbelief, this is a video game :P) you'd have to open it up and sift through what was ash and what was only reduced to useable charcoal, if anything possibly the entire interior may be realistic to replace with one large pile of charcoal and ash.

As long as ash blocks use wool sound effects. Ash also ought to be used for crap. It could be used as fertilizer/pest control for plants, or possibly mixed with something to create flux. :U


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The coal block replaces the wood blocks, tada! :P

Both would have the same function so you would have a wary to store your coal too - the only difference should be that it is affected by gravity like gravel and dirt.


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As long as ash blocks use wool sound effects. Ash also ought to be used for crap. It could be used as fertilizer/pest control for plants, or possibly mixed with something to create flux. :U

i can definitely support this idea. :)


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i am an ambassador of chuck noris and i approve this idea +1


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Why not just make it so that even after the burning finishes, the logs (And firepit) stay there, but once you break one of the cover blocks, all of the blocks disapear, and THEN the charcoal falls to the ground. Or He could just make it so that dropped items never despawn, But I doubt that would work. He might even decide to troll us, and leave it as it is.


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how about using the indirect method of making charcoal they discuss here:

reinstate the vanilla furnace with a different gui that allows wood to be fed into it and charcoal to be collected from it. the furnace attaches to a masonry retort. like here: http://hines.blogspo...m-bio-char.html it would, of course, have to be built from cobblestone, though.

here's how it might look in tfc:



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how about using the indirect method of making charcoal they discuss here:

reinstate the vanilla furnace with a different gui that allows wood to be fed into it and charcoal to be collected from it. the furnace attaches to a masonry retort. like here: http://hines.blogspo...m-bio-char.html it would, of course, have to be built from cobblestone, though.

here's how it might look in tfc:


...surprisingly well-thought out.

Hardly how it's done irl, but this could be fun

+1 to you sir


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how about using the indirect method of making charcoal they discuss here:

reinstate the vanilla furnace with a different gui that allows wood to be fed into it and charcoal to be collected from it. the furnace attaches to a masonry retort. like here: http://hines.blogspo...m-bio-char.html it would, of course, have to be built from cobblestone, though.

here's how it might look in tfc:


I like better the manually placed log piles, it's more involving than the furnace/slot machine

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You would still place log piles inside the retort. The logs you feed into the furnace are for fuel. The furnace also then collecs the charcoal instead of ejecting it into the world as a drop.


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