Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Calendar time in single player

8 posts in this topic

As I understand it, the reason that animal gestation, fruit trees, etc "work" in multiplayer is that the calendar advances regardless of whether anyone is logged in.

To allow for a similar experience in single-player, I suggest a config file option that causes the game to check the timestamp on world load vs. when it was last saved, and advances the game calendar by an appropriate number of days. Nothing would grow during this time -- no ticks would pass -- but gestation could finish and fruit trees could come into season the next time those things are checked. (ie, next tick, next midnight/dawn, etc)

As a further enhancement, the parameter could be a multiplier -- for example, set it to 0.125, and time will pass 8x slower when the game is closed than when the world is active.


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I don't really like it, people could just skip winter couldn't they?

Also it would be kinda weird for things not to grow.


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I don't really like it, people could just skip winter couldn't they?

I'm not sure that I'll ever even get to winter, otherwise. That takes something like 96 hours of actively playing the same world without a patch coming out that changes worldgen. (I've never seen anything other than spring.)

Also it would be kinda weird for things not to grow.

While I agree, that's how it already works in minecraft. If a world is loaded, but no one is near some crops or saplings to keep their chunk loaded, they don't grow.

I suppose each individual chunk could have a timestamp of when it was last simulated, and accelerated growth could occur whenever a chunk is loaded, regardless of whether it's caused by the world being loaded, or a player travelling within the world. While I'd appreciate that, it would certainly be more complicated.


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Already suggested in, like 3 threads

Gods, does anyone know how to use the search function?


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Apologies, I did not see the search box.

A lot of people seem to have that problem

That's why we have a big ol' list of threads stickied at the top of the board

Not quite sure if this one's on it tho...


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A lot of people seem to have that problem

That's why we have a big ol' list of threads stickied at the top of the board

Not quite sure if this one's on it tho...

I don't think it is, but the idea of user time configuration has definitely been shot down a few times

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I've found it's possible to force season changes with large set-times on my server (IE set time 6000000). As SSP is going to be based on the SMP code soon enough, just enable cheats and set time to change seasons.


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