Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Ret311 live stream and lets play

8 posts in this topic

Hey everyone! I just wanted to let you all know (for those who care) I'm doing a couple things with TerraFirmaCraft. I'm doing a singleplayer lets play with tutorials along the way, and I'm also doing a livestream every night with my buddy Spaniol on a SMP server with TFC. Links below.


Youtube Channel:

Feel free to check it out!!

If I'm not streaming, I have all the past videos up on my twitch page so you can go watch those.

As always, please subscribe (youtube) and follow (twtich) if you like!!!!

Thanks guys,



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Hello can i play with you? if your on a server IGN: AwesomeWolfBoy

Real name: Nick

Skype np16177

Age: 13


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Right now the only server I'm on is my own, with my friend Spaniol. Its a 2 person livestream lets play so unfortunately we arent letting anyone else on. If we do another one after we'll talk about letting more people on!


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I made a playlist on my youtube with the (so far) 4h 58m 21s of game play. Its been fun so far. would really enjoy more feedback though


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Ok, just watched all of it and I have to say, you're my new favorite terra LP'er. However, there is a few things that are bugging me.

#1 this is a issue common among all LP'ers and only the best manage to avoid it. When you concentrate on something (like playing a game) your voice goes monotone. Concentrate on that not happening. Fluctuate your voice, sound interested, sound excited!

#2 pleaseeeee stop clearing your throat! It's almost as annoying as sniffling, and you do it a lot. (no offense, your still awesome, but you said you wanted feedback).


Anyways, enough of the tree hugging rant, I like your let's play. I hope you start a 1.3.2 world and continue your awesome LP. I wouldnt mind other mods, it sounds cool, but I'd much rather you get out another 15 or so episodes before that. You seem to have stalled out on the videos, please start season two and continue the awesome!



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Ok, just watched all of it and I have to say, you're my new favorite terra LP'er. However, there is a few things that are bugging me.

#1 this is a issue common among all LP'ers and only the best manage to avoid it. When you concentrate on something (like playing a game) your voice goes monotone. Concentrate on that not happening. Fluctuate your voice, sound interested, sound excited!

#2 pleaseeeee stop clearing your throat! It's almost as annoying as sniffling, and you do it a lot. (no offense, your still awesome, but you said you wanted feedback).


Anyways, enough of the tree hugging rant, I like your let's play. I hope you start a 1.3.2 world and continue your awesome LP. I wouldnt mind other mods, it sounds cool, but I'd much rather you get out another 15 or so episodes before that. You seem to have stalled out on the videos, please start season two and continue the awesome!


YES thank you for the feedback.

I'm taking all of it into account in my newest season which just started.

The clearing throat thing is something that might continue to bother you though :P it's a result of some after effects of my surgury a couple months ago, but it's gotten a lot better.

thank you SO much for the feedback and I hope you continue watching!!!


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YES thank you for the feedback.

I'm taking all of it into account in my newest season which just started.

The clearing throat thing is something that might continue to bother you though :P it's a result of some after effects of my surgury a couple months ago, but it's gotten a lot better.

thank you SO much for the feedback and I hope you continue watching!!!

Oh, I'm super sorry, didn't realize you had had surgery :/ get well! YES! SEASON TWWOOOOOOO :D.

Haha I've noticed you are much better about keeping your voice animated, keep it up!


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Oh, I'm super sorry, didn't realize you had had surgery :/ get well! YES! SEASON TWWOOOOOOO :D.

Haha I've noticed you are much better about keeping your voice animated, keep it up!

haha no worries :P youre not a mind reader ;) I'm just giving reason behind it


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