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Kingdoms Brainstorming

899 posts in this topic

You wouldn't be "randomly" teleported. You would only be able to arrest people within the confines of, or in very close proximity to, a town, and you would be jailed inside of that town. You could tell someone where you are to come free you.

And creating a town is something that should be very hard for an individual to do by themselves. With the way Ore Generation has changed lately, it would take a single individual a very large amount of time to progress to the point where they could create a town by themselves.

As to the lock picks, the whole point behind them is that they give a reward to players who expend time and energy in making the tool, and they are not 100% effective. There has to be some balance between security and freedom, and the main idea behind the security part is not to stop all Player versus Player interaction, but to deter casual griefing. A locked chest deters casual griefing, but does not deter someone who puts time and energy into griefing in the form of getting the materials required to create a lock pick.


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Your average griefer has a very short attention span, and if they log into a server and find that they can't immediately, and with no effort on their part, just start breaking shit and lighting shit on fire and stealing people's stuff, they leave.


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on currency it would be nice if you could re smelt the coins but have a slight chance to lose metal

on shops ic2 has a trade-o-mat it would be ideal for what has been suggested, so something like this would be good.

if locks and keys are made wood keys would be good for early game protection, made by a knife and a plank for lock and stick and plank for key, stick for pick

about escaped thieves, how about a bounty board on chat, that a players name can be added to by the town owner if they have broken blocks/stole,this would show when you log in and you could view it via command, other players could then notify the town posting the bounty and if the criminal is killed by members of the town they spawn in jail, the criminal gets no buffs so more than one jailer would be needed.


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You wouldn't be "randomly" teleported. You would only be able to arrest people within the confines of, or in very close proximity to, a town, and you would be jailed inside of that town. You could tell someone where you are to come free you.

And creating a town is something that should be very hard for an individual to do by themselves. With the way Ore Generation has changed lately, it would take a single individual a very large amount of time to progress to the point where they could create a town by themselves.

I'm well aware of the times when someone can be arrested we both agreed on this already. However you are teleporting and when you teleport you don't know how you got there and the search party would have to tear apart that general area from skyline to bedrock looking for him or them.

And I agree this won't happen very often with the difficulty but lets say some ruler loses all his subjects and soon becomes angry and bored with the server what might they do? Troll, troll like there is no tomorrow because they can just move to another server. This once more isn't a huge problem but it is a problem none the less and should be somehow addressed.

dat594: wooden locks are really possible but they could be implemented for balance if needed, it is probably just easier to get people to buy locks instead. I am still voting for the "wanted" tag as I doubt many people with the exception of bounty hunters would look at this board it may be a nice addition to it but we need something for the common folk to say "oh no that's the bad guy the king told us about lets get the guards!" I could definitely live this system also though.


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I'm well aware of the times when someone can be arrested we both agreed on this already. However you are teleporting and when you teleport you don't know how you got there and the search party would have to tear apart that general area from skyline to bedrock looking for him or them.

Not dissimilar to the way that, if knocked unconscious and dumped in a prison, you would have no idea where you are or how you got there ? Prison breaks should be difficult and require much planning, so this is a plus, not a minus.

And I agree this won't happen very often with the difficulty but lets say some ruler loses all his subjects and soon becomes angry and bored with the server what might they do? Troll, troll like there is no tomorrow because they can just move to another server. This once more isn't a huge problem but it is a problem none the less and should be somehow addressed.

He would only be able to troll within his sphere of influence (which would be very small if town sizes varied with population). Additionally, if someone is being a dick like that, they'll get banned pretty quick.

dat594: wooden locks are really possible but they could be implemented for balance if needed, it is probably just easier to get people to buy locks instead. I am still voting for the "wanted" tag as I doubt many people with the exception of bounty hunters would look at this board it may be a nice addition to it but we need something for the common folk to say "oh no that's the bad guy the king told us about lets get the guards!" I could definitely live this system also though.

I don't see any problem with wooden locks as a tier 0 lock. I don't like wanted tags. If someone is wanted, just spread their name around, their name tag will do the same job as a wanted tag, without the need for a piece of coding. You could also make wanted posters out of signs, which would be cool as fuck :D


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jesus this has gained 4 pages since I last saw it only hours ago

How do you people keep up with this?


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jesus this has gained 4 pages since I last saw it only hours ago

How do you people keep up with this?

See my signature ? It's really a lie :)

But seriously, with dedication and effort .. and a bit of skim reading :P


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I want to read this all so i can contribute... but its moving so fast! Keep up the good ideas though, I like what I have read so far, especially locks and lock-picks.


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I Really like the idea of a criminal sauntering into town, suddenly a member notices them, he calls the alarm, citizens of the militia rally to the exits blocking his escape, he eventually is hunted down, and bludgeoned unconscious. then a few minutes later (or instantly depending on dragging, or a tp) he finds himself in a prison.


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I think a lot of the functionality and community people seem to want will require huge servers with a lot of people online at once. This isn't an MMO, most servers cap around 50-60 and most of the ones I've been on run about 10-15 people at a time. Quite a bit of discussion here seems like it would work best with multiple towns / cities with 50-60 players in each one.

Sure the thief goes to "jail." Wouldn't it be just as easy to kill that player and have him suffer a death ban?

Edit: Unless the Devs want to host a 2,000 player server where we can all play at once spread out to 4 corners of the map!


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Not dissimilar to the way that, if knocked unconscious and dumped in a prison, you would have no idea where you are or how you got there ? Prison breaks should be difficult and require much planning, so this is a plus, not a minus.

He would only be able to troll within his sphere of influence (which would be very small if town sizes varied with population). Additionally, if someone is being a dick like that, they'll get banned pretty quick.

I don't see any problem with wooden locks as a tier 0 lock. I don't like wanted tags. If someone is wanted, just spread their name around, their name tag will do the same job as a wanted tag, without the need for a piece of coding. You could also make wanted posters out of signs, which would be cool as fuck :D

Agreed baton makes sense but the baton isn't my problem its the handcuffs it goes back to the weak beating the strong for no apparent reason problem. It wouldn't matter if you are in full red steel armor they start slapping handcuffs on people nothing can be done about it cause your all in jail as you tried to free your friend. All it took was a couple noobs with handcuffs. That is unbalanced if I have ever heard it.

True, once more not a large problem probably small but a problem nonetheless.

Have you ever seen the inside of a lock? It can not be made easily with wood and at first this doesn't really bother me, oh its a game its all good. But then I thought about it, making a very complicated process like locksmithing into a simple crafting recipe doesn't quite make sense the shaping and design and tools that go into this are certainly not tier 0. And although this is a game this is also TFC and thus far I haven't seen any new vanilla-like basic recipes, I have only seen old ones replaced. My point is, yes it would be great for a cheap material lock but the process would still be extremely difficult by then I think most noobs will have just bought a cheap metal lock instead.

I see problems with change of skins, plastic surgery didn't exist in medieval times. A poster could be made worthless quite easily and only bounty hunters are going to even attempt to memorize a list of wanted criminals. You are right though tags are to obvious maybe this tag would only be displayed if you have seen their wanted poster and are looking directly at them. When I say seen I mean have been in the general vicinity of. Just a small list would be kept per player of who he knows is wanted and when he is put in jail his wanted name becomes erased from their list. This may be a little weird to code though I'm not exactly sure how tags work or if memory data could be even made. In that way I suppose wanted posters have an advantage unless I'm missing something.

cnumartyr: The Devs are trying to avoid banning ideas as much as possible as they are out of game strengths.


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20K players is more or less physically impossible... I'm not sure if there are even that many users of the mod.

Also if batons were adding, handcuffs could be used only when they were unconscious perhaps?

Edited by Scooterdanny

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I realize that Danny. My point is just you would need a sizeable population on at a given time to have more than one fully supported city (if you need a full time person doing each job to be fully effective).

Also while "banning" isn't a great idea, how much fun is it to sit in jail for X amount of time?


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better than being banned, i'd say.


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I could live with that batons make people unconscious and handcuffs send them to jail. Still don't like tp but his wouldn't bother me as much.


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Maybe someone would have to physically drag them?


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That's what I thought too but nobody seems to like that, if everyone is set on a tp system though that is the one I want.


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Also while "banning" isn't a great idea, how much fun is it to sit in jail for X amount of time?

It's shit, that's the point. It wouldn't be a punishment if it was fun.

Agreed baton makes sense but the baton isn't my problem its the handcuffs it goes back to the weak beating the strong for no apparent reason problem. It wouldn't matter if you are in full red steel armor they start slapping handcuffs on people nothing can be done about it cause your all in jail as you tried to free your friend. All it took was a couple noobs with handcuffs. That is unbalanced if I have ever heard it.

Fair comment indeed.

True, once more not a large problem probably small but a problem nonetheless.

Not large enough to make batons a bad idea though :)

Have you ever seen the inside of a lock? It can not be made easily with wood and at first this doesn't really bother me, oh its a game its all good. But then I thought about it, making a very complicated process like locksmithing into a simple crafting recipe doesn't quite make sense the shaping and design and tools that go into this are certainly not tier 0. And although this is a game this is also TFC and thus far I haven't seen any new vanilla-like basic recipes, I have only seen old ones replaced. My point is, yes it would be great for a cheap material lock but the process would still be extremely difficult by then I think most noobs will have just bought a cheap metal lock instead.

Hmm, yes. I would rather have no T0 lock now I think about it. Locks should be expensive and difficult to make.

I see problems with change of skins, plastic surgery didn't exist in medieval times. A poster could be made worthless quite easily and only bounty hunters are going to even attempt to memorize a list of wanted criminals. You are right though tags are to obvious maybe this tag would only be displayed if you have seen their wanted poster and are looking directly at them. When I say seen I mean have been in the general vicinity of. Just a small list would be kept per player of who he knows is wanted and when he is put in jail his wanted name becomes erased from their list. This may be a little weird to code though I'm not exactly sure how tags work or if memory data could be even made. In that way I suppose wanted posters have an advantage unless I'm missing something.

A wanted poster would simply contain the players name. You can change your skin, not your name :P


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It's shit, that's the point. It wouldn't be a punishment if it was fun.

Fair comment indeed.

Not large enough to make batons a bad idea though :)

Hmm, yes. I would rather have no T0 lock now I think about it. Locks should be expensive and difficult to make.

A wanted poster would simply contain the players name. You can change your skin, not your name :P

I agree with everything there but have a comment on one thing. The problem may not be bad enough to make me not want to use the system but its still a problem. How about like scoot said you kill someone with a baton they go unconcious (any other blunt object has a chance to work also) then we just drag them and put them wherever. Until they wake up then they start moving again. Handcuffs could be used to stop people from using items and tools but can be broken by anyone with a single hit from a metal tool or the designated key. We need a way to change their spawn to be the jail cell though so we can take all of their items.

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I agree with everything there but have a comment on one thing. The problem may not be bad enough to make me not want to use the system but its still a problem. How about like scoot said you kill someone with a baton they go unconcious (any other blunt object has a chance to work also) then we just drag them and put them wherever. Until they wake up then they start moving again. Handcuffs could be used to stop people from using items and tools but can be broken by anyone with a single hit from a metal tool or the designated key. We need a way to change their spawn to be the jail cell though so we can take all of their items.

It is a fair comment, and any flaws are always worth pointing out :)

Hmm .. Dragging could work, but it could be quite difficult and what happens if the player logged out mid drag ? I'm not opposed to dragging in principle, but it sounds quite hard to implement :S


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Obviously jail is shit. So is banning. So you sit someone in "jail" as a punishment and someone sits outside the server unable to play because a slot is being used by someone sitting in "jail?"

The other point is why wouldn't the person just log off and wait their alotted time until they get out? That's basically a temporary ban.

Force the user to sit in jail for X amount of time while online? Doubt they'd bother to come back and would just start on a new server or would just waste server slots.

It's essentially a temporary ban by another name. You can still come on the server, you can just only sit in your jail cell and do nothing.

Do you allow the user to still use chat? They are in jail, shouldn't they have no use of chat functions? And if they do, now jail is a very expensive IRC client.


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Obviously jail is shit. So is banning. So you sit someone in "jail" as a punishment and someone sits outside the server unable to play because a slot is being used by someone sitting in "jail?"

The other point is why wouldn't the person just log off and wait their alotted time until they get out? That's basically a temporary ban.

Force the user to sit in jail for X amount of time while online? Doubt they'd bother to come back and would just start on a new server or would just waste server slots.

It's essentially a temporary ban by another name. You can still come on the server, you can just only sit in your jail cell and do nothing.

I think that's what they were going for, essentially a Temp Ban. If the player wanted to log out, his jail time would still tick away. he'd still be in "Prison", unable to do anything, but logged out. I think everyone's going for the Jail Idea to make the mod more Role Play, and add an element of fun


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I think that's what they were going for, essentially a Temp Ban. If the player wanted to log out, his jail time would still tick away. he'd still be in "Prison", unable to do anything, but logged out. I think everyone's going for the Jail Idea to make the mod more Role Play, and add an element of fun

Yea, but now it just comes down to semantics and being PC.

We can call it jail, prison, or putting them on the moon. It's essentially a temp ban to act as a deterrent to griefers. We just can't call it a temp ban.

It'd be just as practical to actually temp ban them and call it "prison" for X amount of time per offense so other people could login (assuming we're talking about a server with high population).

The ONLY way I could see this being "fun" is City vs City espionage and jailing a member of an opposing faction who can only get out if they are "broken" out by their own faction. But then what do you do with the player when the opposing faction either can't break them out or don't care? Does the player just sit in jail forever or get let out, etc etc.


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Yea, but now it just comes down to semantics and being PC.

We can call it jail, prison, or putting them on the moon. It's essentially a temp ban to act as a deterrent to griefers. We just can't call it a temp ban.

It'd be just as practical to actually temp ban them and call it "prison" for X amount of time per offense so other people could login (assuming we're talking about a server with high population).

The ONLY way I could see this being "fun" is City vs City espionage and jailing a member of an opposing faction who can only get out if they are "broken" out by their own faction. But then what do you do with the player when the opposing faction either can't break them out or don't care? Does the player just sit in jail forever or get let out, etc etc.

I think breakouts would be awesome, but they would have to be hard. Although jail is just a temp ban by another name, it is important to a game which is basically trying to move away from traditional moderation techniques to more active roles. I know that, as a moderator, it's a lot more fun to track someone down and beat them with a stick to send them to jail than it is to listen to someone moan, then type in a sentence to temp ban them and be on my merry way.


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