Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Kingdoms Brainstorming

899 posts in this topic

And here I am with roots going to Germany from my Great grandmother, possible Native American, and the English before they were cool. I'd be much more interested in my history a majority of those people weren't so violent :P


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Posted Image?

i can't see the image, but i presume you put goku (or another sayan ) there :P

anyways, since the topic is this long, maybe we should have a recap? i'd try to do it myself but i have to study :'S

(stalking the TFC forums is what i do during breaks xP)

i mean a lot of good ideas have already been posted (and a few bad ones) so having a recap every now and then would give us a bit more oversight, so we can stop writing walls of text about stuff that has already been suggested before :3


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And here I am with roots going to Germany from my Great grandmother, possible Native American, and the English before they were cool. I'd be much more interested in my history a majority of those people weren't so violent :P

My father's parents are German.


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perhaps we can add posts under the suggestion tap dividing up the main points and discussion types


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And here I am with roots going to Germany from my Great grandmother, possible Native American, and the English before they were cool. I'd be much more interested in my history a majority of those people weren't so violent :P

Unless you have buddhist monks in your family history, odds are your nation of origin has a violent past :P


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Unless you have buddhist monks in your family history, odds are your nation of origin has a violent past :P

Even then, it's still probably gonna be violent.


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Even then, it's still probably gonna be violent.

True that :P

I'd be shocked if there was a single possible heritage which would allow for a non violent set of ancestors .. A violent world requires violent people .. and historically this world has been nothing if not violent :P


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True that :P

I'd be shocked if there was a single possible heritage which would allow for a non violent set of ancestors .. A violent world requires violent people .. and historically this world has been nothing if not violent :P

Violence has solved more problems than anything else in the history of mankind.


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Violence has solved more problems than anything else in the history of mankind.

Couldn't agree more. Sometimes, violence is the answer :P


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Violence has solved more problems than anything else in the history of mankind.

Yeah, only problem is that it solves one problem by causing 2 more


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Yeah, only problem is that it solves one problem by causing 2 more

If violence didn't solve your problem, then you failed to resort to enough of it.


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Yeah, only problem is that it solves one problem by causing 2 more

Tell that to the city fathers of Carthage.


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If violence didn't solve your problem, then you failed to resort to enough of it.

That sounds like a new addition to my sig :P

That sounds like some kind of law of physics:

As additional violence is applied, the chance of resolving your problem approaches 1. In modern times, this variable is tied to the "bacon" variable, which states that the chance of being arrested also approaches 1.


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That sounds like a new addition to my sig :P

That sounds like some kind of law of physics:

As additional violence is applied, the chance of resolving your problem approaches 1. In modern times, this variable is tied to the "bacon" variable, which states that the chance of being arrested also approaches 1.

Lol, "bacon variable"! You made my day!


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Lol, "bacon variable"! You made my day!

It was my pleasure :P


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That sounds like a new addition to my sig :P

That sounds like some kind of law of physics:

As additional violence is applied, the chance of resolving your problem approaches 1. In modern times, this variable is tied to the "bacon" variable, which states that the chance of being arrested also approaches 1.

So if n= violence


x= %sol

and ` is used for spacing


Lim x=⌠``dx




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So if n= violence


x= %sol

and ` is used for spacing


Lim x=⌠``dx



Shouldn't it be an integral from 0 to 1? The other way would make it negative.


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Shouldn't it be an integral from 0 to 1? The other way would make it negative.

Damn it... been too long since I was in calc lol


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Damn it... been too long since I was in calc lol

I also think it should just be "dn", not "dx/dn"

Not sure though... Depends on the factor of integration


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Man .. I can't believe we just made a mathematical equation to calculate the likelihood of a problem being solved by violence, and the likelihood of being arrested due to the aforementioned violence :P


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Man .. I can't believe we just made a mathematical equation to calculate the likelihood of a problem being solved by violence, and the likelihood of being arrested due to the aforementioned violence :P

page 1: kingdoms.

page 29: that.


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She blinded me with...



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I am entirely too sober to be watching Adventure time right now ... I know what I'm doing later though :D

Edit: Is there any way we could get this discussion back on the tracks ?

What is there left to resove ?

The arrest thread has been beaten to death, does everyone agree that the policy should be to give the players utilities to enforce their own rules, rather than forcing rules on every server ? This would allow for much more versatility which should help cater to the very different needs of a creative server and an RPPvP server.


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