Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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I dislike how formal the wars will be (having to declare war and make it at a set time), but I suppose this server will still be worth looking into


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I dislike how formal the wars will be (having to declare war and make it at a set time), but I suppose this server will still be worth looking into

I dislike people deciding to burn down my house and steal all my stuff as soon as I log out


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I dislike how formal the wars will be (having to declare war and make it at a set time), but I suppose this server will still be worth looking into

I can see why it bothers you, but unfortunately, Cevkiv is right. If we don't regulate this, people will abuse it as an excuse to grief.

You can still have unplanned battles and such. The only thing you have to plan is sieges to allow block destruction.


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So, Jed, we about ready to decide on the server history? Or we still waiting for Danny?


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So, Jed, we about ready to decide on the server history? Or we still waiting for Danny?

We are ready to decide I think :)

I have opted to take a back seat in this process. I'm probably going to use my flavour text as a wee intoduction to the server (just because it is short and punchy, presuming you guys are ok with that ?), but I won't be submitting any lore, I want to choose between the stuff you guys have made :)


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'I like it, and, being vanilla blocks, their not too useful in TFC recipies.'

I was thing more along the lines of 'do not break this or we place a single redstone torch and 100 endermen holding tnt in your house'

sooo pretty much, a rule against messing with server builds such as the spawn, the ship, the spawn town(?) etc.


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'I like it, and, being vanilla blocks, their not too useful in TFC recipies.'

I was thing more along the lines of 'do not break this or we place a single redstone torch and 100 endermen holding tnt in your house'

sooo pretty much, a rule against messing with server builds such as the spawn, the ship, the spawn town(?) etc.

No spawn town :) I feel that introduces too much rigidity :P

But fucking with the spawn ship will result in immediate doom !


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(you mind if I just do this in advance)

In Game Name(IGN): samzataru

Character Name: Samuel Beryl Hartorn

Character Age: 20 years old

Character Sex: male

Family: Isaac Hartorn (brother)

Background: Samuel was born in Kasree, a small village in the north. Kasree is hell, mostly due to the frozen steppes climate and frequent bandit raids.

Samuel was among the 10 kids and 17 men and women who defended the village ever since they could hold a sword and/or spear, and that worked. But then,

he was to go though the right of of passage: raid a bandit lair. Pfft, he thought, those guys are weak. He was wrong. He was trotting with the other boys and girls

when suddenly, they realized a new weapon: a trebuchet, was being fired at them, Kir, one of their archers, was crushed under a heavy boulder. The bandits leapt out from the snow,

killing everyone! In a confused frenzy of blood and steel, Samuel ended up in a boat, taken prisoner, trailing off to an unknown destination. He still wondered what went on but

he knew he would never return home. He also knows Isaac, his dear brother, was there. He hopes for Isaac's safety.


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Char generation template V0.1

In Game Name(IGN):klay54

Character Name: Dornbliss ruby

Character Age: 28

Character Sex: Male

Family: Unknown

Background: A childhood without parents or siblings, dornbliss often stayed alone watching other children play in the courtyards he often watched as guards patroled the city, Dornbliss was extremely quiet in most things he did. He stole bread for the starving children and never got caught, He also took great interest in weaponry, He could be seen taking gunpowder that remains from a failed attack by a creeper and constructing small bombs and blowing up ant hills, He carved wooden swords for the kids to play. Years later he still sees his swords passed down to there owners children, Dornbliss became a guard protecting civilians and stopping petty crimes. It wasn't enough. Dornbliss quite his job as a guard and left the city to roam the untamed world! Till one day Dornbliss stumbled upon a old house. The chimney was smoking and there was a man bringing hickory inside. Dorn approached the man and ask if he can stay for the night. Hesitantly he let him stay, soon they started to talk, his name was Charim and he said "Iv'e been trying to uncover the secret of the guild." Dornbliss obviously confused he asked what they where, he replied "the largest workforce known in history.. They were master forgers, they know the secret to perfect weapons..sadly they did not let there secret out, I've been working and studying to one day find the secrets of there weapons..I..let my chances of having a family go.. I dedicated my life to this research and there are many people who want me dead for what I know." Dornbliss wanted to help and he wanted to know how to make weapons so he stayed with him hoping to help finish his research. Three years later he learned how to make swords and armor but tried so hard to figure out how to make them perfect. He kept trying, He looks up to Charim as a friend, a teacher and a like a father he never had. Till next morning Charim was missing, he left a note "Dornbliss, if you are reading this then I am most likely gone. I arranged a little something for you. You are to travel down the road and reach the coast. there will be a large ship full of people waiting to be taken to a new land. Go and start your journey to whatever path you take. Find a team and show them the help you showed me. Go now, perhaps we'll meet again.."


I want to help in anyway I can, As a smith,guard or whatever. But! I need a mentor to teach me how to smith better, Lead me on a great journey for one day i'll finish what charim could not!

i..i hope that's correct..

Phew, I hope that's okay! Think of all the spelling errors :(


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Have you read the rules in the op? ALL of them? Other than that, I think it's pretty good.


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Have you read the rules in the op? ALL of them? Other than that, I think it's pretty good.

read them twice! :D


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read them twice! :D

Not well enough ;) .. Read the specific rules again, then you're all good :)

Also, opening applications. Everyone was applying early anyway :P


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Not well enough ;) .. Read the specific rules again, then you're all good :)

DDDDDDDDD: oh nooo!

-reads- nmm


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DDDDDDDDD: oh nooo!

-reads- nmm

nmm ? :P

I am confused :(


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DDDDDDDDD: oh nooo!

-reads- nmm

I read the specific rules again. Um, I pledge! I salute?!

The agents sound interesting, I'm waiting for someone to say "Assassin's creed" :333333333333333333333333333

EDIT: how can i miss that.. XD


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All prior applicants accepted. Cevkiv is also welcome, as I know him to be a decent sort and he's experiencing RP burnout, which I am familiar with :P


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Also, I am going to post this to the MC forums .. I am not telling them about the whitelist open fortnight though .. I don't want the server exposed to that many idiots ¬.¬

We might get a couple of decent applicants :P


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Char generation template V0.1

In Game Name(IGN): Sirbab

Character Name: Tulsa diamond Cirawyn

Character Age: 22

Character Sex: Male

Family: Once he had Parents, but do to a disaster, he lost his family. Mara Giramas, and Sonsa Cirawyn. (mother and father respectively)

Background: Was Destined to be a retainer for his local lord, he trained in leadership, and smithing, but those were his side hobbies until a catastrophe occurred, a massive chasm opened beneath the castle in which he lived, causing the majority of the townsfolk of New haven to die, not much is understood about what occurred, but local legends say that the Deep ones opened the earth, as a sacrifice. Tulsa does not put much stock into these, but he remains wary of witchcraft to this day. after his means of living were decimated, he had to wander through the Barren lands, a massive desert that spanned many leagues, so that he could reach Kalroth, and finish his apprenticeship as a Coordinator, and smith. Naturally by staying with a smith, he managed to pick up a decent amount about mining, and basic economics, and considers himself fairly learned in both. Spending his time as a Smith was cut short yet again, when a cave-in caused the nearby mines to collapse. Forced out of his home, he felt Cursed and wandered the lands in search of ripe new territory, or a city that would accept him.


Maybe this is a bit much, tell me if it needs tweaking, i wrote it in a bit of a rush :(

Edited by Scooterdanny

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'Also, I am going to post this to the MC forums .. I am not telling them about the whitelist open fortnight though .. I don't want the server exposed to that many idiots ¬.¬

We might get a couple of decent applicants :P'

do me a favor, copy applications to this forum so:

1: organization

2: makes it easy for me to keep genealogy together.

3: yeah, i don't have a 3


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'Also, I am going to post this to the MC forums .. I am not telling them about the whitelist open fortnight though .. I don't want the server exposed to that many idiots ¬.¬

We might get a couple of decent applicants :P'

do me a favor, copy applications to this forum so:

1: organization

2: makes it easy for me to keep genealogy together.

3: yeah, i don't have a 3

No, it's...

1. organization

2. makes it easy for me to keep genealogy together

3. ???

4. profit!!!


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Everytime I see ECC's name I say to myself, "Behold the man!"


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Everytime I see ECC's name I say to myself, "Behold the man!"



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ECCe homo -- Behold the man.

It's Latin.

Ah... I've heard that before... Can't remember where...


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We only got one applicant from the MC forums before it dropped off the main page :L Guess not many people are interested over there :L

It was a good one though :D

Char generation template V0.1

In Game Name(IGN): kennysmith1234

Character Name: Maudlin Jade Murian

Character Age: 37

Character Sex: Male

Family: None/Orphaned.

Background: Maudlin was born to a prostitute and a merchant, on the streets of the city he used to live in.

He never knew his father (never cared to meet him), and his mother died on his 2nd birthday. He was taken in by a street thief named Baraias "the Spider" and raised with a certain skill-set.

He never escalated beyond petty pickpocketing and burglary, but that didn't stop folk from wanting to see his head on a platter.

Maudlin grew tired of the city at the age of 34, and decided to leave by ship.

He burgled ferociously in order to obtain the money necessary, and was soon boarding the ship, eager to leave.

A little under a year later, and the ship crashes.

See what came of it.


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