Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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[Offline] Terra - [RPPvP] [Factions] [Democratic Rules]

Server Back-story Vote   37 members have voted

  1. 1. Who's Back-story do you prefer ? (can be found here:

    • ECC's
    • Arthur's

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698 posts in this topic

'By the way, are you going to be building one shipwreck per applicant/group of people who want to be together (huhuhu)?'

My plans(i wont speak for the owner) is to make a few ships... 1-3 out of vanilla blocks that are entirely sunken. then, throw a few peices on land and make a very basic shelter out of the washed up wreck parts as a way of making it look like people made moves towards first night survival.

You can feel free to speak for me in matters regarding the wrecks (have you done any work on an SSP prototype so I can take a look at it ? I've never seen anything you have built and it will be the focal point of the server so, no offence menat here, I want to make sure it is good). I will probably let you on a day early to give you time to set up the spawn :)

I really should have set a more rigid storyline for you guys so that we could tie the ships down to two or three, instead of everyone talking about their ship. That is my fault, not you guys :)

Every day is a school day :P


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By the way jed, did you accept mine? you never said anything in regards to it. (unless i am blind)


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You can feel free to speak for me in matters regarding the wrecks (have you done any work on an SSP prototype so I can take a look at it ? I've never seen anything you have built and it will be the focal point of the server so, no offence menat here, I want to make sure it is good). I will probably let you on a day early to give you time to set up the spawn :)

I really should have set a more rigid storyline for you guys so that we could tie the ships down to two or three, instead of everyone talking about their ship. That is my fault, not you guys :)

Every day is a school day :P

Maybe there was a rip in the continuum of space time that caused a rift to open between all the boat. The molecules of these boats were violently torn into pieces, only to merge themselves from 50 boats to like 3 boats :P


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eh.... or that most of them broke up as flotsam, or sank? i would put little 2x4's in the water (hint slab mode on the chisel) i think we are trying to stay withing generic RP confines with the generation.


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eh.... or that most of them broke up as flotsam, or sank? i would put little 2x4's in the water (hint slab mode on the chisel) i think we are trying to stay withing generic RP confines with the generation.

Was a joke. Was supposed to laugh :(


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Ah. sorry i read it out of context.


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Well, i'm gonna try to write my own backstory and all that (i actually forgot it's name :P), but again, i'm not sure if i'm gonna be ablke to enter the server : If i haven't showed up and you need some space in the whitelist, i won't get mad if you delete my name from the whitelist.

Don't expect anything too good, i never tried to do this (in english). I will have it ready soon :P


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You can feel free to speak for me in matters regarding the wrecks (have you done any work on an SSP prototype so I can take a look at it ? I've never seen anything you have built and it will be the focal point of the server so, no offence menat here, I want to make sure it is good). I will probably let you on a day early to give you time to set up the spawn :)

I really should have set a more rigid storyline for you guys so that we could tie the ships down to two or three, instead of everyone talking about their ship. That is my fault, not you guys :)

Every day is a school day :P

I think it should just be a single boat, half on shore, half in water? And if you guys need help building it, I'll always lend a hand.

And Jed, if Danny isn't gonna submit a backstory, should we decide between ECC's and mine soon, so everyone knows how to tie their stories together?


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Danny, I read (and enjoyed) your application. On reflection you should have included the other thing, but I didn't bother to mention it for reasons obvious to you and Arthur.

If you want a comment in particular, I like how you have set your character up to be versatile, yet with a distinct purpose :)

You also didn't go for the classic "I was a king, but now I'm not a king, but I still want to be a king" and instead opted for the much more story friendly option of a retainer :)

So yes, you are accepted :):P

Arthur, yes we should decide between you two's back story for the main line of the server. I will put up a poll and repost them both in the same post for easier comparison :)

Guy, I look forward to reading your backstory :)


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Ok .. Here are the two potential server back-stories.. I will place them both in spoilers for space :)

Please vote on one in the poll at the top of the thread :)


"Water. Everywhere. Thirst. Not safe.

Samuel Enderson was at sea. His mind, broken as the ship below. Dying of dehydration, he floated about on a chest. Already the hallucinations were rampant, as he watched a bird dive into the water and a fish leap in its place. He saw a green man swim about before finally disappearing in a thunderclap. Time passed, days, hours, minutes, He was not sure. A new hallucination took place and he groaned at the cruelty of it. A massive shoreline in the distance abundant with tropical trees and shrubs.

Dim. Fading. Darkness, gone. He passed out.

Pain. Light. Hurt... But alive.

Opening his eyes, he sees a beautiful young woman and an old man standing over him. The woman is kneeling, pouring fresh water into his mouth. The woman stood, as the man knelt next, rubbing something onto his head.

Darkness. He passed out again.

He awoke some time later. Sitting up, he looked around. No one in sight. He touched his head, nothing there. He decided it was a dream, and stood up. Looking to the sky, he saw it was late. He walked from the beach, and into the trees, looking for wood.

Walking back, he noticed movement. a large black beast. Quietly, he stepped back, setting the wood down. Before he can plan, the beast attacks from behind, Sinking its fangs deep. This beast was not the expected meal, a boar, but far more fierce, a dragon in disguise. 'Nay, a spider,' He thought. Already, he felt the poisons running up his arm, removing feeling as they slowly passed. Throwing the spider aside, he grabbed a log, and charged. The spider flipped over, about to attack again, when the log came down. A sickening crunch, and it was over. Grabbing both the dropped wood and the carcass, he moved back to the beach.

He ate. He warmed. He slept.

'Found another!' Sam woke with a start, as an unfocused figure stood above him calling out. 'Lets get you into town newbie,' the man spoke as looking him over, 'looks like you had a fun night. How was the spider? I hear they taste real good, special'y when in season.' Sam looked around entirely confused. 5 men, armed with spears and light armor scored the beach, sifting though bits of the wreak that brought him here. 'Where am I?' the often heard question of the shores rang out. Laughing, the tan skinned man replied 'Terra. Welcome to Terra, land of gods know where.'

So is the story of the many who wash ashore."


The mighty ship, aptly named the Discovery, glides over the water with ease. Passengers enjoy the tranquility of the sea while the deckhands scuttle about like ants. Their destination? A land unknown, a land untamed, a land to call their own. Charged to make a settlement in this new land, everyone on the ship is eager to make landfall, to begin their lives anew.

"Perfect weather for a voyage like this, eh, lads?" the booming voice of the captain calls out from the wheel. "We should be there at least a week a head of schedule!"

A rumble of agreement and shouts of joy is heard from the deckhands and passengers. Everyone on the ship is eager for the voyage to end.

Eyes on the horizon ahead, the captain is also eager to see the new land. So focused is he, that he almost missed the crow's nest's warning. "Captain!!!" the spotter calls. "Captain! Storm of the starboard bow! Coming in fast!"

Snapping out of his revery, springing into action, the captian calls to his crew. "Well? You heard him lads! Get to work! We got a storm coming!" the crew scrambles around, preparing the ship for the storm. Paniced, the passengers hurry below decks to their quarters. About an hour after the warning, the storm begins.

It was a great and mighty thing, that made the heavens weep and the seas boil. It tossed the great ship around as if it were a bath toy, jarring everyone on board. Most could not handle the violent storm, and passed out of a combination of fright and seasickness. Those that remained awake were trying their best to keep the boat from falling apart. However, they couldn't best the storm. With an almighty crack, the main mast fell. The crash threw the brave souls across the deck, knocking them out. The ship was adrift, completely at the mercy of the storm. The storm threw the ship further and further of course, until it met land. The might of the storm dashed the ship against the rocks of the shore, shattering the hull and spilling the passengers out onto the beach. The storm broke a short while later, revealing the dark of midnight.

In the morning, the survivors stirred, waking to find themselves in a strange land. A land far stranger than their original destination. Behind them, their mighty ship lay broken, thier supplies washing out to sea, most already at the horizon. All they knew, all they were sure of, was that they wouldn't, couldn't leave this land. This land they called Terra.

As one of the survivors of the wreck, you must survive, you must prosper in this new land, this strange place, full of marvels and horrors. You must hold out, and hope that others will find you, and help other castaways to survive, should they find your shore.

Welcome to Terra. Now, survive.


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How did i...i thought i read all of that like twice.... holy crap, well it's fixed now


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How did i...i thought i read all of that like twice.... holy crap, well it's fixed now

To be fair, you read it more than twice.. You wrote parts of it :P

Don't worry about it mate :)


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To be fair, you read it more than twice.. You wrote parts of it :P

Don't worry about it mate :)

Lol, Jed, as much as I think it's a dick move to have something like that, it DOES get people to read the rules, so I guess I shouldn't complain :P

And seriously, if you guys need help building the spawn wreck, I'll be happy to lend a hand.


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Lol, Jed, as much as I think it's a dick move to have something like that, it DOES get people to read the rules, so I guess I shouldn't complain :P

And seriously, if you guys need help building the spawn wreck, I'll be happy to lend a hand.

I know it is a dick move :P Unfortunately, sometimes you have to be a dick to get people to pay attention to things :P

I'll be giving you, ECC, Danny and myself a days worth of early access to get everything up to scratch :P


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I know it is a dick move :P Unfortunately, sometimes you have to be a dick to get people to pay attention to things :P

I'll be giving you, ECC, Danny and myself a days worth of early access to get everything up to scratch :P

A sad, sad truth of today's society...

Awesome! I really hope this becomes a really diverse and enjoyable server!


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A sad, sad truth of today's society...

Awesome! I really hope this becomes a really diverse and enjoyable server!

I have a good feeling .. We shall see :)


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'You can feel free to speak for me in matters regarding the wrecks (have you done any work on an SSP prototype so I can take a look at it ? I've never seen anything you have built and it will be the focal point of the server so, no offence menat here, I want to make sure it is good). I will probably let you on a day early to give you time to set up the spawn :)

I really should have set a more rigid storyline for you guys so that we could tie the ships down to two or three, instead of everyone talking about their ship. That is my fault, not you guys :)

Every day is a school day :P'

Sadly, My builds died with my last permanent server. Everything from the Temple of Sol(Mayan Sun God temple) a build that featured everything from Parkor, to advanced redstone padlocks, to my Windwalker ship, a ship that would have fit in this :(

Multiple ships. Other ships may have succumbed to currents, decay, or similar forces. Leave the method of arrival open ended. In fact, encourage some to be 'born on the land.' More depth is given by leaving room for interpretation.


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I've only built two large projects, one was a massive labyrinth, and the other was a life size version of the Globe theater for a build contest, all in Survival mode. I would get a picture, but the domain was removed, i can dig a little for it however.


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Char generation template V0.1

In Game Name(IGN): areano_12

Character Name: Grim opal Hetz

Character Age: 20

Character Sex: Male (yes please =P)

Family: Father and Mother: alive.

Profession(s): Crew member.

Background: ... You might just think my life was pretty nice, 4 years ago. I was the first son of the richest family anyone may imagine, to the point we even had got an enderdragon as a pet. Anything, anything you can imagine, i could have it by simply asking for it. And thinking about it, it could have been a good idea to stay there and just wait until i grew up and no one could tell me what to do. But, however, what's done is done: i fleed from there. Orders, rules, good behaviour, those thing where always imposed to me, against my will. My parents would have loved to have a mute, dumb son, instead of me; so, they tried to make me mute and dumb. I couldn't let them do that. And therefore, the punishment arrived. And how much they must have loved to punish me; the cellar in the kitchen, enclosing me in my room -which doors where metallic, i could add...-, and even physical punishment -slaps, hits, kicks...-.

I couldn't take it anymore. The kitchen door was strangely open that night, as my bedroom's one; i was able to take a knife from there, and i entered my parents's room. You now may be thinking "Dude, you killed your parents?!?!?". And, as much as i would liked to do that, i couldn't. I simply used the knife to rip off one of their blankets, and use it as a rope for getting out of the windows. I was running away, finally, and even when i couldn't stop to look if they where or not watching me while i was doing it, i had the feeling they were watching me as i got away from them, and getting angrier than ever, because they could never harm me again. I smiled, and continued running until i reached a dock. I could hear my parents's dogs around, looking for me. I needed some place to hide in. And the ship looked like the perfect place. That's how i got to travel the world. The captain wasn't exactly happy to see me there, but he allowed me to stay, as long as i worked for him. I just became the weak guy in every sea trips story, which the other members of the crew treated like their mule, giving me those works nobody wanted to do, like cleaning the captain's vomit everytime he drinked too much -damn, it smells bad...-. Everything was better than my home, in that moment, so i just worked without complaining. I soon became just one more of the crew, and the captain felt it was neccesary to start paying me, as he did with the others, whenever we landed.

I sailed with them almost 4 years, but then, that stormed hitted... We where going to Terisa, that city filled up with roses and many flowers; but the little ship nothing could do against the gigantic, and furious storm. Lightings hitted the ship, not once, not twice, but three times in a row. The fire was everywhere, and the rain and sea just weren't enough to turn it off. A giant wave hited a side of the boat, and i simply couldn't remain stading anymore. I fell in the ship's floor, and hitted my head. That's all i can remember of that night...

When i woke up, the headache started too. Or it was there before, but i just couldn't notice? Nevertheless, i was alive. I, slowly and painfully, standed up, and started to look around me. I had never seen this land before, and i had nothing: no map, no compass, no nothing. I was lost in an unknown island. The headache repentinely got much stronger. I couldn't even stay standed. So i just fainted. I was woken up the next morning, by some guys... that's when i realized i was the only one in the crew that survived. Or at least, the only one who was in that island.

So... yeah, that's pretty much my history. What i plan to do with this new, unexplored territory? Well, i think i will kindly ask you to mind your own business. Now let me drink, i need some more beer.


And that's it. I hope it's understandable xD i wrote it in spanish in word, then tried to translate it to english as i posted it here.


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For some reason the Edit button is not working... whatever.

Can i have NEI along with the mods of the server? i mean, since you can't spawn anything with it in multiplayer unless you are an admin, i thought it would be a good idea to have it, so i can check some recipes... :


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I don't know .. Ask the other users :)


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And with this I return.

It's been a scary busy week what with my birthday and then the start of college. I'm amazed to see how far things have come and how much I've missed; those introductory stories were stellar.


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I think it might be alright Guy, as long as you don't have OP lol.

And hey anzoon! long time no see!


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I don't know .. Ask the other users :)

What i CAN ask you is: What do you think about my application? :3


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What i CAN ask you is: What do you think about my application? :3

.... Pet enderdragon? lol that amuses me.

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