Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Server Back-story Vote   37 members have voted

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698 posts in this topic

In game name: Raptorstorm

Character Name: Marek topaz Petrus Vidlek

Character Age: 42

Character Sex: Male

Family: Father, Petrus Vidlek. Mother: Victoria Alderrook.(Deceased) Siblings: Karol Vidlek(Younger Brother), Nicholaus Vidlek(Younger Brother).

Proffesions: Coppersmith, Eel philosophizer.

Backround: Marek was the oldest in a family of 3, his mother died from a unknown disease, and he and his brothers, went to work with their father at his local smithy, in the town of Lamac. Marek's brothers did not understand the trade but Marek went on to become a great Redsmith. During this time he ammased a great hoard of copper which is gave to his family before setting off on a ship to other lands. While on this boat he philosphised about eels...But that is not the point of the story.

Please accept my character!


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In game name: Raptorstorm

Character Name: Marek topaz Petrus Vidlek

Character Age: 42

Character Sex: Male

Family: Father, Petrus Vidlek. Mother: Victoria Alderrook.(Deceased) Siblings: Karol Vidlek(Younger Brother), Nicholaus Vidlek(Younger Brother).

Backround: Marek was the oldest in a family of 3, his mother died from a unknown disease, and he and his brothers, went to work with their father at his local smithy, in the town of Lamac. Marek's brothers did not understand the trade but Marek went on to become a great Redsmith. During this time he ammased a great hoard of copper which is gave to his family before setting off on a ship to other lands. While on this boat he philosphised about eels...But that is not the point of the story.

Please accept my character!

Philsophised about eels you say ?

You will forever be known as Marek the Eel Philosophizer. Accepted :)


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If you want dragon mounts then playes would need to install the mod aswell as TFC to play, If you wanted to, you could look into getting permitions for an autoinstaller server modpack. Or an offical list of "Required Mods"


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If you want dragon mounts then playes would need to install the mod aswell as TFC to play, If you wanted to, you could look into getting permitions for an autoinstaller server modpack. Or an offical list of "Required Mods"

There already is a list of required mods :)

Right now, it is TFC and Smart Moving :)

Ps .. Less than a week :o I'd better get the server ordered soon :P


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What server host are you going to use? And dang - I gotta come up with a charicter name fast (Storylines = Easy, Names = Hard) :P


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What server host are you going to use? And dang - I gotta come up with a charicter name fast (Storylines = Easy, Names = Hard) :P

xKillerbee's gaming. Really good servers


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Ok i think i fixed my application the right way i just edited it instead of re-posting the whole thing.

tell me if i missed anything and i'll fix it.


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There already is a list of required mods :)

Right now, it is TFC and Smart Moving :)

Ps .. Less than a week :o I'd better get the server ordered soon :P

I have not been able to find a version of Smart Moving for 1.2.5, can you please send a link to it?

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Wow. Isent KillerBee the one that did the original moded letsplays and modded server before tekkit? Pritty impressive that he owns his own server hoast now 0.0


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I am leaving you guys with this choice. Should we open the server and play as normal until the 1.3 update comes out (which will apparently change world gen a fair bit) or should we wait ?

Personally, I think this is a perfect opportunity to weed out the griefers and get a solid community down before we start playing the game proper.

Thoughts ?


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"Pictures? o.o and, can you make buttons in TFC?

EDIT: and for the water, you can build near a river where you still have vanilla infinite water. It becomes finite water when you take it in a TFC bucket. With the water, you can avoid the need to use more redstone than the initial.

EDIT TO THE EDIT: That is, if my suppositions about how that tnt cannon is are correct :"

Idk about buttons, but i am fairly certain that redstone torches are possible, so altering the design it would work just as well to add 2 cheep blocks, 2 torches(manually placed to fire), and run. Tnt cannons are not good items to put at water level due to terrain generation often getting in the way. No pics, as im not going to give a possible enemy the means to destroy me ;P

that... and i blew it up... several times.

im writing my second character in now, stay tuned ;)


"I am leaving you guys with this choice. Should we open the server and play as normal until the 1.3 update comes out (which will apparently change world gen a fair bit) or should we wait ?

Personally, I think this is a perfect opportunity to weed out the griefers and get a solid community down before we start playing the game proper.

Thoughts ?"

it would give me a chance to familiarize myself with the mechanics of the mod, and give me some even ground to work from. im for it.


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How about more of a Beta test? where the server dosent actualy use any of the charicters people have made but is simply to test the functionality of the server and the RP aspects.

But a big question is. Ruffly what ETA is on the 1.3 version of TFC?


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I agree with you jed, i say the fortnite should be pre-1.3 but that's is just i.


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I think the fort night should be before 1.3, and then waiting for the 1.3(.2, i think they are right now ._.) update.

"Pictures? o.o and, can you make buttons in TFC?

EDIT: and for the water, you can build near a river where you still have vanilla infinite water. It becomes finite water when you take it in a TFC bucket. With the water, you can avoid the need to use more redstone than the initial.

EDIT TO THE EDIT: That is, if my suppositions about how that tnt cannon is are correct :"

Idk about buttons, but i am fairly certain that redstone torches are possible, so altering the design it would work just as well to add 2 cheep blocks, 2 torches(manually placed to fire), and run. Tnt cannons are not good items to put at water level due to terrain generation often getting in the way. No pics, as im not going to give a possible enemy the means to destroy me ;P

that... and i blew it up... several times.

Hey, i wouldn't destroy someone who helped me by giving me that kind of extra useful destructive weapon :3 i swear...

And... XD yeah, that happens a lot when you aren't constantly aware not to place the torches near the TNT.

Hey, you just gave me an idea... *runs to the suggestion subforum*


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no, the design works without water, but is self destructive. so... but default, it blows its self up. thats why it blew up several times and left a rather disturbing crater in my testworld

that put aside, some rules are needed for the server before we make it full RP. any ideas people?


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: well, at least my design doesn't destroys itself after every shot. That is, if you take out the torch before reloading xD it can be extremely dangerous for the user, as well as for the target. Just like ancient guns.


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Character Sheet

In Game Name(IGN): achartran

Character Name: Terrad Ironblade

Character Age: 27

Character Sex: male

Family: Osric Weston (father), Rose Weston (Mother), Thea Weston (sister)

Profession(s):Blacksmith, Soldier, Mercenary

Background: Terrad grew up in a small village by the name of Dolod. His father was the town blacksmith and by the age of 8 Terrad was learning his father's trade. But then, one night, when he was nineteen,Terrad was woken by screams, quickly rushing to the closest window, he looks out. He is met with a sight of great horror, the village of Dolod was replaced by a raging inferno with flames towering high into the air as if they were trying to set the sky itself on fire. Rushing into the families main room he found his father gathering Rose and Thea, who was sixteen, and preparing to make an escape. Just as they were about to leave , the door to the house burst into a fine mist of splinters and in came a giant of a man clad head to toe in blood-stained black and gold armor that was adorned with an inlaid dragon's head just above the visor. Reacting quickly, Osric grabbed his old sword from his adventuring days, that was now hanging above the fire place, he lunged at the intruder whilst ordering his family to run, and run they did, knowing that their father was surely dead. As they reached the edge of the Dolod they heard a whistle and then a sickening thud, Rose then collapsed and went limp as the arrow had pierced her heart. Knowing that there was no hope and if they stayed an instant longer they would suffer the same fate Terrad grabbed Thea by the arm and ran as fast as he could and didn't stop until the first light of dawn shown through the thick trees of the forest. As they rested Terrad retreated into his mind and thought.

He thought about what he had just experienced and how he could get his revenge. He was not willing to let his mother and father die in vain, and then he decided he would learn the art of battle and forsake his artisan training. They made their way to the nearest town, Southbury, so he could buy supplies, armor, and a weapon. He also needed to find a safe place for Thea to settle down and start her own life while he sought out his revenge. After going to market to sell what little they had managed to take with them, including all the family heirlooms that Rose had given to Thea during their escape. His mother's jewelry sold for much more than Terrad had expected and he was able to buy a fine iron two-handed sword and a set of iron plate, barring the helm which was much too expensive. He tried to Convince Thea to find a job but she refused, she wanted to travel with Terrad and learn to sue a bow and avenge their deaths. Grudgingly he agreed and thus their adventures began.

Eight Years later, 2 long years after they killed the man in the black and gold armor, Terrad and Thea were fighting a band of bounty hunters who were on their trail after the local war lord posted a bounty on their heads. The duo were confident, despite the bounty hunters being 9 strong and them being only 2. waiting in the woodline Thea waits while Terrad stands in the road waiting to confront the bounty hunters. The bounty hunters arrive and as Terrad confronts them Thea lets of a deadly volley of three arrows, each one hitting its mark, the heads of three bounty hunters. Quickly realizing the ambush their comrades draw their swords and throw themselves at Terrad who returns their blows with frightening force. Thea, wishing to get in on the action, puts away her bow and draw her two razor sharp knives and runs in to join Terrad. The battle goes on and three more of the bounty hunters have been felled. As Thea turns her attention to a new quarry she feels a hot searing pain in her back and when she looks down she see's a bloody blade coming out of her chest, and she quickly collapses. Seeing this Terrad flies into an uncontrollable rage and qucikly finishes off the remaining three thugs, who go down like flies. After they have been dispatched he rushes to Thea's side but is devastated to see that she is already dead, most likely she died the instant she hit the ground. Terrad in shock leaves the scene of his sister's final battle.

Once he reaches a nearby inn, the Rusty Pig, he rents a room and contemplates his life. After much thought and careful consideration he decides he wants to give up his life as a warrior and become a blacksmith like he was trained as well as to honor his father. He has heard rumors about a ship sailing to a strange land and hopes he can start a new life on its shores...

Terrad Ironblade was trained to be a blacksmith, but could also be a fearsome warrior( as a soldier in an army or as a merc). Both of these professions he excells at, but he has a strong desire to settle down and start a simpler more humble life.


Hey there, this looks like an awesome server and I've been looking for a new tfc server, and this is exactly what I've been looking for. Sorry for the length of the backstory, I got carried away :P. Well anyways, I hope you like Terrad and I look forward to getting the chance to play with you guys!

P.S. - if anyone can tell me how to do a spoiler I'll edit the backstory so it is inside one, so it doesn't take up too much space.

Posted Image

this is the skin I'll be using for Terrad (I'll do a bit of editing when I know what faction Im going to join)


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This is my second charicter. Spent a little more time on this one then the other.


Char generation template V0.2

In Game Name(IGN): EveCommander

Character Name: Mrs Marceline Jene Enderson

Character Age: 23

Character Sex: Female

Family: Father: UNKNOWN | Mother: Mary Blacks | Spouse: Samuel James Enderson | Children: NONE

Profession(s): Engineer, Mercenary, Strategic Adviser


The Wreck:

'Just because you saved my life does not mean I will risk my life on that damned ship of yours!'

I was making a scene. I knew I was acting like a girl half my age. I didn't care. I was not going anywhere near the ocean as long as I lived. And here is this guy, the guy I've known nearly all my life, asking me to not only go onto the docks, but into a ship that wont see dry land for 3 months.

'This is about the attack, Isn't it? Look, I've told you a hundred times now, its perfectly safe, the worst that could happen is a storm that keeps us below decks for a few hours. You wont even touch the water.'

'Of course its because of the damn shark! You want me to go out on a boat to 'see the world' when I'm perfectly fine doing the same thing on land where those damn things cant take my other leg. I would deal with Hissers rather then those soulless fish.'

I'm yelling this at the top on my lungs, some of the people around us have finally stopped gawking and gone back to work, shaking their heads. He has hand fiddling at something around his neck i cant quite see.

'Unless you jump off the boat-'

'Do you think I would be that stupid?' I interrupt.

'Let me finish,'

'Fine, finish, but there is nothing you could say that could get me on the Athena.'

'Unless you jump, there is no way anything in the ocean can get you. The best craftsmen in all of the kingdom have seen to that. Please, come with me.'

'No. I don't care what you say. Getting on that damn ship will be my death sentence.'


'No,' I interrupted again.

'Fine, but I want you to have this,' He said as he unclipped the chain he was fiddling with. He took my hand and placed it in before walking off. I looked at what he had given me and jumped.

'What is this?' I called out, despite me already knowing.

He continued to walk off, either too far to hear me, or ignoring me.

I held in my hand two silver onyx rings strung though a fine gold chain. It was a proposal.

That's my story of how I ended up back in the water, swimming for a far off shoreline I barely could see, the survivor of a freak storm


Marceline(Marcy) started life in the family business, Engineering. She fabricated massive monoliths of power production for the surrounding Providences up until the age of 17 when she was attacked by a shark and lost her left leg from the knee down. During that day, a onlooker named Samuel dove into the waters to kill the beast and bring her to shore. For 6 months she was entirely bedridden and in and out of illness. Finally, ready to just let herself die rather then suffer, the boy who saved her came back. He offered her health and the ability to walk again, something she quickly agreed to. In an unprecedented and daring operation, he delivered by connecting her nervous system directly to a quantum prosthetic, giving both a higher immune system and retuning her mobility. They became inseparable friends for some time after that before finally being ripped apart by the great war, where she became a Mercenary and he became a war time hero. After the wars ended, she found herself under his command as a Strategic Adviser due in part to field experience.

Notable info: Relentless fear of large bodies of salt water, mildly hot headed, believes herself to be the sole survivor of the wreck, Calls Creepers 'Hissers,' likes Endermen(wont kill them unless necessary)


The idea behind her knowledge is that its from an IC2 based land. this new world's metals however do not have the same properties as the metals she is familiar with so her knowledge of it is useless.


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yeah, it doesn't work for me either.


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Jed, we'ed be running b48 until the 1.3 update, right? I like the idea of getting the player base involved before commuting to a "forever" map, ya know?


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