Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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good to hear, but i supose just for spawn building right now, not public? Is that 19:00 GMT on sunday still standing?


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good to hear, but i supose just for spawn building right now, not public? Is that 19:00 GMT on sunday still standing?

Provisionally, yes it is still on for 1900 GMT. It depends on how fast we build spawn though :)

I have confirmed it as working and there is very little latency (even for me living in Scotland)

Also, I recommend this texture pack:



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We now also have a voice server !

Wow things have escalated quickly :P

It is mumble based, because I am a student and mumble is cheap :P


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And I still need a working jar file... :(:P


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And I still need a working jar file... :(:P

I'll get something (not a jar file ¬.¬) sorted for you tonight.

You want Smart Moving and convenient inventory ?

Also, you've been opped :)


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I'll get something (not a jar file ¬.¬) sorted for you tonight.

You want Smart Moving and convenient inventory ?

Also, you've been opped :)

Thanks, man. But what's convenient inventory? Not really familiar with that one...


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Convenient inventory is a cool mod that makes sorting you inventory so much easier. It auto-replaces broken weapons and lets you sort your inv and chests with the push of a button (default is the R key)


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so im on there. Found a great location to build the spawn. Now, after i get done playing with a few things in creative(checking out what all the new armor looks like)

once i get done with doodling around on some random desert isle,(and someone else is online) we can get to business, mmmk? The seed we are using is PERFECT. i think. I have no idea what the ore generation is like.

btw, im playing almost entirely blind. the ONLY thing i know is how to get sticks and make fires... I am pre-stoneage. D:

turns out, I cant turn rock into picks. D: D: :(

even with the knapping menu i discovered.


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Also jed a few questions 1) Do we have to use the VOIP? Because I don't have a mic and i reaaaaaalllly wanna play on this server. 2) Can people start posting character submissions now, to speed that up?


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It is not mandatory to use the Voice chat software, however highly recommended. and, if you check though the history, you'd know we're doing char apps now ;P


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Also jed a few questions 1) Do we have to use the VOIP? Because I don't have a mic and i reaaaaaalllly wanna play on this server. 2) Can people start posting character submissions now, to speed that up?

No, the VOIP is prefered but not mandatory :)

Yes, you can post applications :) They opened some time ago :P


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i think i'm not gonna be able to play in the server the fortnight, guys : i'm going to visit my grandfather... I THINK -they never tell me until it's time to go -__- -


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Got my jar working finally, yay!!! I love jiggery-pokery.


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Ok thanks. Ill prolly get a mic eventually.

Now to think of a character.


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'i think i'm not gonna be able to play in the server the fortnight, guys : i'm going to visit my grandfather... I THINK -they never tell me until it's time to go -__- -'

Your going to be away for two weeks? D:


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We now also have a voice server !

Wow things have escalated quickly :P

It is mumble based, because I am a student and mumble is cheap :P

I did say i could get us a no limit TS channel for free.... lol


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Speaking of stuff for the server... I know its early, but I have a host you can use for a website.


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DigiManiac appears to have disappeared. Yeah. I'll try to get him here for tomorrow :P


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Server is down...?


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Server is down...?

Had to reset, should be back now :)


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When will the "staff" be on so we can work on the spawn.


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In Game Name(IGN):Lotanis

Character Name:Lotanis jade Lancedragon

Character Age: 46

Character Sex: Male

Family:Son of Tomarin and Krystiel Whiteleaf

Background:I grew up in Bramblebush county, a small community of around 250 souls when i was 16 or so. I came from a poor background , for you see my parents where farmers and we lived well but modestly, life back then was enjoyable especialy since Melindra was looking very favorably upon the advances my young heart was bestoing upon her beauty, but that was what got me in trouble for she was the daugther of the Earl of Bramblebush and though we spent time together as friends out in plain view ( there were not many children of the same age in so small a comunity) her father who loved his daugther very much didnt object as to our spending time togheter (as friends) but would never alow things to becomme any more that that. Little did he know of the stolen moments in the garden or the O sooo sweet times spent in the hayloft in his stables where we met after all had gone to rest... we were bieng clever or so we tough for on one of those nights a storm rode in fast and furious, the stable hand came in to look in after the horses and found us out. That was the last i saw of Melindra and the night i told my farewells to my parents and ran into the night... for my head would of been detached from my shoulders had I stayed one more days in Bramblebush. I later settled in the town of Rikton and found an apprenticeship as a mill-hand and from there I worked my way to becomming a cooper, that is when is met my love Astiel to whom I was married at the age of 27 on years end. Twas a beautifull nigth that I shall never forget. We had two children Ceryl the oldest and Abbie. Life was good and we where happy. Until very recently, when the sickness came and took all but a few of us in a black death. I lost everything, my love, my hope and my will to stay and rebuild, I am now 46 and alone and have only my tools as I walk onto this ship leading me to the next part of my life journey...


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