Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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ECC, I think it would be a shame to build anything other then the ship, Maby if it was done legit as a group prodject it could stay as part of the RP aspect - "Catacombes of Learning" or something. Other then that It shurly cant be too difficult to find some instructions for the basicsa of the mod on the interwebs?


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Instructions rarely compare to hands on experience. I have looked over videos, and none of them display how to jump from water, or make a 7 block long jump. All the videos I've seen show off that you can climb up a 4 block high pillar, the animations for half a dozen things, climbing broken ladders or vines and crawling/sliding under a small gap. The goal behind my building would be to introduce the player to both basic and advanced uses of the mod. Where I cant show people anything with TFC, I can show people everything about Smart Moving. If plugins were possible, I would have suggested this idea being in a separate area of the map not connected to the actual island.


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6 moar hours, are you ready?


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Was wondering what TFC build will the server be using ? all i see it the openning post regarding mods is this :

Mods: TFC, Smart Moving, Rei's minimap is optional (but encouraged). If you can't install mods, message me and I'll see what I can do.


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We use the newest version.


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How are crimes to be treat? Any more info on the subject? I think a thieves guild could do well on a server as it is now :P


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I wanted to wait till 1 am to join the opening of the server, but I don't know if I can make it :(


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how do we know if we are accepted ?

because i wont be home until late tonight =)


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not even 2 hours left, mc newly installed and everything rdy.


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lol im here evry hr to see whats up! cant wait... sounds like a great experience :D hope my setup is ready for the starting line!


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Good to see everyone is excited :)

Everything with the server is good and stable, I'll be making a couple of small changes before start, but everything is pretty much as it will be :)


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thanks for the link Nozart! hehe count down is sooooo close to eta ;)


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made it earlier then i thought =)


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Aren't I sneaky, getting out of bed at 1:30 to play Minecraft :D


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great... didnt remember to add one more hour cause its its 9pm at me, not 8 as i planned... :(


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Soooooonnnn :P

I am on right now, admiring my tin pick :D:P


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Would love to join you all but i have yet to be accepted :(


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Just realized TFC wasn't up to date. What version we going for? Because if it's the wrong one I have I'm going to FUUUU-


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Would love to join you all but i have yet to be accepted :(

It's open for a fortnight mate :) .. I obviously didn't see your application :S

Just realized TFC wasn't up to date. What version we going for? Because if it's the wrong one I have I'm going to FUUUU-

48g :)


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It's open for a fortnight mate :) .. I obviously didn't see your application :S

48g :)

I keep seeing "report" and thinking it's "reply" >.>

Anyways, awesome, no more installing for me :D


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Could anyone who wants to use the voice server please download mumble:

I am releasing the VOIP server details an hour earlier than the game server. Just because I'm a bastard :P


Password: Terra


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I am on right now, admiring my tin pick :D:P

FFFFFF...... downloading mumble...


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Mah apps on page 22, along with several others. Can't wait for it to open!

Edit: also im downloading mumble but i dont have a mic so ill just be listening in for now.

Anyone mind posting a video showing how to install all the mods. Im usually really good with mods but the past five times ive tried to install these, ive always gotten the same error, where it gets stuck on the Done Loading part that you get when you install a fresh jar.


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For various reasons I cannot use voice chat programs. Would this hinder my... server experience?


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