Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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    • Dries007

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You wont be able to hear what people are saving. Might eb a problem in situations that require teamwork.



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can any1 connect ?


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You wont be able to hear what people are saving. Might eb a problem in situations that require teamwork. Edit:saying*

Might be, but even if I listen to people I can't talk (for various reasons). Yeah.

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Ah but you do have a keyboard. Just do what I do: listen in VOIP and respond in in game chat.


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I have not yet been PMed any of the IPs (Im guessing you are PMing the IPs?)


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Ok guys, I am releasing the IP EARLYon mumble, so get on there ! ;)

The IP will be released in 2 minutes on mumble :)



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i cant seem to connect to mumble any idea why?


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so yeah, i'm being a derp and can't figure out how to connect to the mumble server... Help will earn you an apple

aww, it already happened :(


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so yeah, i'm being a derp and can't figure out how to connect to the mumble server... Help will earn you an apple

Once you got mumble installed chose connect to server. Enter info as follows

Label: Anthing at all


Port: 7212

Username: Ganjamaster420xxxSephiroth

Then connect. It'll prompt you for a password, it's "Terra" capital T. Then come chat :)


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IP: Removed, check website for info

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mumble causes a prob if you have the bf2 rp version as well installed

btw a creeper blew up the spawn, i am sorry

Edited by GismoT

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Guys, the server will soon have an official forum :)


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great... I crash every time I log in. What do I do

Edit: i have an idea!

Edit2: worked for 10 seconds..damn

edit3: deleted the configs and yay it worked! :)


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You have 1028 posts, don't post on this forum anymore, because 1028 is one of my favorite numbers :D


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News: Spawn has been altered. Now features blast resistance and better lighting.

also, Jed, how about that smart moving course? I would enjoy making it and it would help newbies get aquanted with the mod.


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Yes im decent with tfc but i know nothing about smart moving.


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Yes im decent with tfc but i know nothing about smart moving.

I only use the basics of smart moving because I don't care about other stuff

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any eta until reboot ?


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i hope jed gets on soon. :(


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I think he's in the unique timezone of Scotland. So he may be asleep


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Aye hope so too but last night (night for me) He was still on at 7 am his time... :blink:


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Sorry guys, I was asleep :(:P .. I woke up at 3pm :S

Working on it :)

It should be back up, did it crash soon after I left ?


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Was up all this morning, Crashed around 12:00 I think


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Both you and raisercraft seem to have regular crashes? What's your stack trace?


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