Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Poker face originally was written as 'diplomatic face' and was intended as a complement saying your keeping an even hand or some other thing like it ;)

and I honesty thought the story written by my comp was rather nice. Hence the badly written joke asking you to take the bribe and run far far away.



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No go. Got an IDE and the dev kit installed, but the program that's recommended to use to decompile minecraft's jar files won't work properly, and I can't find any help on google.

I appreciate the effort mate :)

I can make do with player co-operation. Hopefully by the time the server is whitelisted, there will be a disapproval of players who don't obey the rules :P

Poker face originally was written as 'diplomatic face' and was intended as a complement saying your keeping an even hand or some other thing like it ;)

Oh, sorry for reacting so badly :P

I don't like people twisting my words, and I thought that was what you were doing :L

In that case, thanks :)


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It would also be nice if the PlayerAPI mod had some documentation so I don't have to actually decompile the stupid mod to be able to see what it does.


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Poker face originally was written as 'diplomatic face' and was intended as a complement saying your keeping an even hand or some other thing like it ;)

and I honesty thought the story written by my comp was rather nice. Hence the badly written joke asking you to take the bribe and run far far away.


Ah... I'm tired right now and can't quite understand Internet sarcasm atm. On that note, I'd gladly that the gold, but I won't go anywhere! :P

And don't sell yourself short. You had a good story yourself


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It would also be nice if the PlayerAPI mod had some documentation so I don't have to actually decompile the stupid mod to be able to see what it does.

Really ? That seems ridiculous for a mod intended to be an API :S

Some people *shakes head*


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'Oh, sorry for reacting so badly :P

I don't like people twisting my words, and I thought that was what you were doing :L

In that case, thanks :)'

ain't the first time i've had it happen to me, and not the last. I've always believed in 'be ready to explain your actions.' As much as i like diplomacy, I hate politicians. Bloody buggars always clearly twisting everything into something else. Not all of them do it, but far more then acceptable.

all in all, sorry for the misunderstandings.

'I'm tired right now and can't quite understand Internet sarcasm atm


And don't sell yourself short. You had a good story yourself'

who can EVER understand that? Putting emotion into text is a talent, and even the best fail frequently. thanks for the complement :)

oh and... Old west accent: 'Get the hell out of dodge' ;P


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'I'm tired right now and can't quite understand Internet sarcasm atm


And don't sell yourself short. You had a good story yourself'

who can EVER understand that? Putting emotion into text is a talent, and even the best fail frequently. thanks for the complement :)

oh and... Old west accent: 'Get the hell out of dodge' ;P

(old west accent) We'll settle this at high noon on main street...


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Oh my, you boys have been busy, bah, i need to write my story then don't i? well i'll get right on that..... after breakfast.

Or well... if you guys are satisfied with the current one that is fine, i don't know about my writings being used as flavour text. I write more narrative stories, that rely on drawn out amounts of story before it pieces together, so something like that is out of my Forte.

Edited by Scooterdanny

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"Oh my, you boys have been busy, bah, i need to write my story then don't i? well i'll get right on that..... after breakfast.

Or well... if you guys are satisfied with the current one that is fine, i don't know about my writings being used as flavour text. I write more narrative stories, that rely on drawn out amounts of story before it pieces together, so something like that is out of my Forte."

I usually write more then what I did too. Try out a short and see how it feels. Or go full out and.. see how it feels. lol


to get it out of the way:

Do not copy info in Italics, replace it with your character info. Failure to fill in Mandatory info results in server staff filling it for you or declining your whitelist request at their discretion.


Char generation template V0.1

In Game Name(IGN): In case your forum name is different. Mandatory

Character Name: First and Last are Mandatory, Middle is Optional.

Character Age: Age of your character. Mandatory

Character Sex: Male or Female. Not to be answered 'Yes please.' Mandatory

Family: Parents, Siblings, Spouse, and Children. Not Mandatory, but it makes things interesting. Optional

Background: Story of your character before or during the shipwreck. Used to give factions an idea of your preferred profession. Mandatory


Thought you would like to have this set up :)

for sanity, there is a version number. this allows you to track any changes.

Most servers with whitelist applications have a special thing you must copy or do called an 'Idiot check.' I decided leaving that out, so you can add it per your wish :)

how it looks completed:


Char generation template V0.1

In Game Name(IGN): EveCommander

Character Name: Samuel James Enderson

Character Age: 23

Character Sex: Male

Family: Father: Mark Enders, Mother: Victoria Markers, No Spouse or Children

Background: "Before Arrival:

IronGuard, a socialist and noble nation that often chose diplomacy over war.

Following the Great War of the nations Angmar, Caetus, and Aurora, Ironguard remained as the final remaining nation. In order to find suitable lands beyond the war torn continent, colonial fleets were sent out, following old scriptures telling of a land of riches. The lands were found, the ships dismantled, and the nation reborn. For a time, everything was good. Disaster follows good fortune, and several splinter factions came into existence, soon after the mysterious dissapearance of the king. Quickly, chaos ran supreme, and IronGuard came to a decision. Without a heir, they would need to vote in a new king, something that at the time was political blasphemy. Before the vote was even cast, the kings apprentice took charge, and under his temporary leadership, the nation grew in power. The former glory of unlimited wealth and selfless aid to those in need was brought back. Years later, after much political stalling from the court, the apprentice stepped down and called for a proper vote. In the end, he was elected unanimously back into power. More time passed, the nation flourished, and soon, the Elected King grew board with his life. So, setting out, he traveled the open seas, having left his nation in the hands of his council. Company makes three, and disaster has struck again. the Athena sunk following a storm and Samuel, the King Of IronGuard has found himself tossed ashore a strange world he understands not. the trees are new and bold, the plants strange and tasteful, and the mighty ores he once knew, non existent. From peasantry, to a kings apprentice, then a even a king its self, he finds himself fallen to circumstance. This new land is ripe with the unknown."


its bloody 10:50 at night and I have been struggling to keep on normal person schedule, so this post might be a lil unfinished. the idea behind it was to offer a template and to slyly throw in my own submission ;)


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Nice job !!!

That application form is probably the nicest one I've seen :P

I'll add it to the OP right away (though it will be getting spoilered until the 27th ;))

I will add an idiot check :)

Also, consider your application accepted ;)

Also, I have been considering your flavour texts, and ECC's application gave me a great (I think it is anyway ?) idea. Not only will it give the land an interesting lore, it will also explain new arrivals.

The castaway stipulation stands as before. How about a "lost island" concept though ?

That would be more than adequate to explain away the numerous (and often conflicting) origin stories for peoples characters. I know this might not be desirable from a realism standpoint, but it actually ultimately requires less suspension of disbelief than other possible solutions.


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Question. This may have been discussed before but I haven't had the time to keep up with all the posts in here so I apologize if this has already been dealt with.

Characters should have backstories etc. How does that work? From what I know there is no "lore" after all. No commonly agreed upon history or setting. How can one write a good backstory, create a RP character, without having an agreed upon setting, history etc.?


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Question. This may have been discussed before but I haven't had the time to keep up with all the posts in here so I apologize if this has already been dealt with.

Characters should have backstories etc. How does that work? From what I know there is no "lore" after all. No commonly agreed upon history or setting. How can one write a good backstory, create a RP character, without having an agreed upon setting, history etc.?

That's what Danny, ECC, and I are working on. We are trying to create a backstory for the server that others can base their own characters on. Or, if Danny doesn't want to subbmit one, though, then just ECC's and mine will be decided between.

And ECC, good job on the application!


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'Also, I have been considering your flavour texts, and ECC's application gave me a great (I think it is anyway ?) idea. Not only will it give the land an interesting lore, it will also explain new arrivals.

The castaway stipulation stands as before. How about a "lost island" concept though ?'

thats not lore... that is literally the events on my old server. Names were changed(Caetus was 'Sharkbait') to preserve effect, and i did not mention the details of the long, long battles...

The war lasted for 8 real life months, the first to fall was Aurora, a nation of beauty, lce, and light. I happened to be their unknowing downfall, as I had been out scouting when I came across a mighty keep. I sent coordinates back, then was soon confronted with a creeper, who I used to open a hole into the mighty walls, another accident. They stood no chance and were quickly routed by Angmar warriors. a few survivors however remained, each having previously sent to scout or gather resources. Upon arrival, they met the second assault, this time from Caetus, the strongest and most formidable faction of the age. Only two survivors are recorded to remain from Aurora. They were spotted only once, before disappearing never to be seen again. That, is what truly started the war and the battles mentioned only lasted a week. Then in a failure of diplomacy, or rather, i deliberate action to leave two super powers at odds, a race began. Slowly, minor nations and factions were taken out, one by one. Many, that I happened to have unknowingly scouted out well before Aurora fell. In the end, though all the blood, there was only two left. Angmar, and Caetus. Both understood that eventually, there could only be one. Scouts were sent from both, Angmar was found first. We held and pushed back the siege. They retreated, and skirmishes took place all across the lands. During this time, I succeeded from Angmar along with one of his generals and soon followed by a number of his troops. Avalanche was born, and for a time, we found ourselves happily out of the war. We had moved far away, into a desert oasis. A profitable farm was going, housing was fair, and life was good, our only worry was if the wall we hastily constructed should ever fall. Fall it did, and in a brutal attack, everything was burned and blown to bits. We did not give up, as I had put my scouting to good use and prepared, long before. We quickly moved to the secondary base and began setting up to hold out another day. Soon after, we heard Angmar had fallen, their base empty, and soon destroyed beyond recognition. I knew the leader of Angmar too well to believe he was truly gone. On my orders, we moved into a great fortress of a mountain and constructed a daring floating base equipped to last forever no matter what turn the war took. Time, and more time, we lived, having finally found peace beyond the great war. Caetus and Ironguard both became allies and we were assured aid should our fears be met with reality. Reality soon came knocking, as it always does, and in the most evil of twists, our fortress fell to one of our own. One, who had been turned to his former master. Our livestock dead, our farms torn, and our houses long gone, we were offered an ultimatum: Join or die. In a fury, I waited until the last second to accept, and my plot was born. I would join in, and follow orders, slowly, climb the ranks. I would become his most trusted general. I would scout ahead for resources, hiding places, and outposts. I would stand back and send units to attack. And most of all, I would get him to reveal his great horde. Caetus fell during this time, and Angmar remain supreme. The remains of Caetus did not forgive, and several groups formed from the ashes. One of the lesser ones, chose to remove themselves from the war, and was left alive while the others soon perished. It was this, the Under estimation Angmar has allowed, that proved its downfall. The small faction grew, and became well known. Angmar's leader was never good with diplomacy, and failed yet again some time later. at this time, I found myself his second in command, and I knew everything about the nation. Slowly, I waited, watching the new war drag out, feeling the weakening of Angmar. I made my move, I ran into the portal, and went to the very base i had constructed to hide all of Angmars goods, and flipped the hidden button. Soon, the false panel disappeared, and I found myself facing a single portal to hell, where everything was kept. I grabbed what I could carry, and moved along to hide it elsewhere. However, I found out that Angmar had fallen in battle, and the death stroke was not my own. Angered at them. No, myself for the miscalculation, I decided that I would kill them. I offered to give them the spoils that they could not find if they accepted me as one of their own. Having nothing to fear, they accepted. I gave them everything, for the first day. The second, I gave them warning of what was to happen. They refused to listen, and I attacked, with all my might, killing them all, and destroying their great keep. I had done what I set out to do, destroy the dishonorable combatants once and for all. So marked the end of the age, and I went on with IronGuard to travel the seas in hopes to find a landscape untouched by the war. We found it, and Bear, the leader of Ironguard ordered the ships to be dismantled and rebuilt into homes. Much time passed in peace. Finally, we could live out our days in tranquility. Peace never lasts, and when Bear disappeared, the chaos erupted. I was the apprentice.

Also, Make it 'New world' not lost island.


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Char generation template V0.1

In Game Name(IGN): Nozart

Character Name:Theodore Agate Nozart

Character Age: 24

Character Sex: Male

Family: Wife drowned in the ship wreck. No children, but has parents back home

Background: Grew up in a small village which served as a stop for trade caravans heading to larger cities. Spend most of life working on parents farm growing crops mainly but also doing a fair deal of animal husbandry. After years he made a deal to join a trade caravan to see the world, however the deal went sour and he was abandoned after being robbed. He was unsure where he was but it was weeks away from his home and had no idea how to find home he joined a band of highway men to survive. A few years in the trade and left in the night dealing with his conscience he began overseeing trade via boating routes. A job overseeing supplies in a large transport ship was taken which inevitably lead to him being in the shipwreck.


Bit short but not too shabby


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Just cause i'm gonna HAVE to do it...


Char generation template V0.1

In Game Name(IGN): Arthur_Dent

Character Name: Arthur agate Dent

Character Age: 28

Character Sex: Male

Family: None

Background: Arthur never really had a steady job. He made his living preforming odd jobs and general handyman work. All was well and good in his life.That is, untill he saw the flier for the great new ship, bound for distant and unknown lands. Gripped by an uncharacteristically strong desire to explore, Arthur signed on for the voyage, hoping to see what strange new sights lay in the unknown land, and also to be there if anyone needed odd jobs or handyman work done, as often is the case anywhere in the world. All on the voyage, he spent his time planning how he would build his new house, a place he could call his own.


:P not great, so sue me. It's basically a desription of how I play. I help folks out.


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All aboard to The Heart of Gold!!!


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Pending 1.3 support, and supposing its not craftable in tfc, could the book item be given freely to newly spawned? I recently got into the habit of keeping logs per day and would be nice to collect logs from players to put into a universal town's library. The universal town being a safe zone or permanently neutral town.

actually, thinking, how about a book being the ONLY item spawned with players as it gives zero advantage.


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The book and Quill item -i think that's what you mean- will in fact be easily craftable in TFC, and the devs don't seems to dislike it :

It does gives the advantage of being organized; that can help you in being more efficient. For example, without the book, you could remember the working temperature of a metal, but you may forget it and you would have to melt the ingot back into liquid state, then wait to work it into an ingot again. That's wasted time and materials -as you lose a ceramic mold-. With the book, you can write down that information, and if you ever forget you can easily go for it and look it up.


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'It does gives the advantage of being organized; that can help you in being more efficient. For example, without the book, you could remember the working temperature of a metal, but you may forget it and you would have to melt the ingot back into liquid state, then wait to work it into an ingot again. That's wasted time and materials -as you lose a ceramic mold-. With the book, you can write down that information, and if you ever forget you can easily go for it and look it up.'

you could be like me and write that important stuff to real world paper or a program like notepad. Or just load the wiki(lol) Though I admit not to thinking along those lines, I still dont see how its an advantage when out of game resources prove far more useful and diverse then Vanillas currently bugged book item(you cant hit keys to scroll though text and edit it :( .) The book item would, in my mind be a fun bonus used by characters to keep a log. Along with a proper family tree that i am trying to promote, you could after a while of playing have an entire family's life written down in game for people to enjoy reading while they wait around for day to break.

Yes, It can be abused for writing down info found on the wiki, but that defeats the purpose of the wiki existing.

on another note: Suicide as a RP element? Not sure how this could help, but it is a mechanic that could make things interesting. 'A king, defeated, chose death by his own hand rather then face the unjust trials of war'


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I'd be more than willing to roleplay, but the thought of having to write up a character background, etc, all, for a Minecraft server, is kind of a turn off.

I spend about 6 hours a week playing Pathfinder, and I can only have so many split personalities stored at once.


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'I'd be more than willing to roleplay, but the thought of having to write up a character background, etc, all, for a Minecraft server, is kind of a turn off.

I spend about 6 hours a week playing Pathfinder, and I can only have so many split personalities stored at once.'

I could... write one for you? Something simple, open ended.

Hell, i could make you a stowaway in the rum barrels. :D

great way to start the life of a merc, eh?


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on another note: Suicide as a RP element? Not sure how this could help, but it is a mechanic that could make things interesting. 'A king, defeated, chose death by his own hand rather then face the unjust trials of war'

I was just saying my opinion in the Book and Quill thing : i still think it can be an advantage... so, i'm on for the library and log, but not for the book being spawned with the players. I mean, god, it's not that hard to make.

About suicides, i would love it :P not that i'm gonna use it anyways... except if the lemon scourge strategy doesn't work in a battle and the enemy is close, about to kill my army and me ._. in that case, i would just say: "Thanks, potions of harming!" :P


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'I mean, god, it's not that hard to make.'

I hate logic... lol, alrighty. fair enough.

RP: again, i pose the question, should the ship wreak be made from vanilla blocks? it could massively help any lore with the subtle statement 'this is a strange new world unlike anything previously known'


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I'd be more than willing to roleplay, but the thought of having to write up a character background, etc, all, for a Minecraft server, is kind of a turn off.

I spend about 6 hours a week playing Pathfinder, and I can only have so many split personalities stored at once.

I just wrote up a background that's basically a story of how I play. As long as you don't break the rules, I think it won't really matter how into the RP you are.


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'I mean, god, it's not that hard to make.'

I hate logic... lol, alrighty. fair enough.

RP: again, i pose the question, should the ship wreak be made from vanilla blocks? it could massively help any lore with the subtle statement 'this is a strange new world unlike anything previously known'

I like it, and, being vanilla blocks, their not too useful in TFC recipies.

Also, I take it we "the first wave of migrants" will build the wreck? :P


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